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Gabriel Bucelin Sold at Auction Prices


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  • BUCELINUS, Gabriel (1599-1681) - Nucleus.. Historiae cum sacrae tum prophanae cognitione compendiosissima. Ulm: vedova di Johann Görlin, 1672 [INSIEME A, dello stesso autore:] - Nuclei historiae universalis. Francoforte: Johann Görlin, 166...
    Feb. 26, 2025

    BUCELINUS, Gabriel (1599-1681) - Nucleus.. Historiae cum sacrae tum prophanae cognitione compendiosissima. Ulm: vedova di Johann Görlin, 1672 [INSIEME A, dello stesso autore:] - Nuclei historiae universalis. Francoforte: Johann Görlin, 166...

    Est: €200 - €300

    BUCELINUS, Gabriel (1599-1681) - Nucleus.. Historiae cum sacrae tum prophanae cognitione compendiosissima. Ulm: vedova di Johann Görlin, 1672 [INSIEME A, dello stesso autore:] - Nuclei historiae universalis. Francoforte: Johann Görlin, 1664. Genuine copies in beautiful contemporary pigskin of these historiographical works adorned with lovely woodcut maps. The 1664 volume deals with Germany, Italy, Spain, England and France, while the 1672 volume contains calendars, lists of popes and secular rulers with their respective coats of arms and numerous maps including Germany, Upper Bavaria, Franconia, Bohemia, Lake Constance, Switzerland, Hungary, Great Britain, Italy and Spain. 2 volumes 8vo (135 x 73mm). Engraved frontispieces, woodcut devices on titles, 8 leaves of plates engraved on recto and verso in first volume, many woodcut illustrations including many maps in both volumes (lacking gathering )(8 containing the dedication and +E12 blank in second volume, browning). Contemporary pigskin, rich blindstamped phytomorphic borders and central lozenge on covers, manuscript title on the spines, blue edges, metal clasps for closure (light rubbing). For the 1664 volume SBN also calls for a part containing "Notitia s. r. i. Principium. Genealogica & stemmatographica.. Vlmae apud Iohannem Görlinum" and "Praecipuarum uniuersi terrarum orbis.. Vlmae apud Görlinum", not present in this volume. Provenance: contemporary annotations on titles - armorial bookplate on endpapers - Ex bibliotheca venerab. Convenuts Viennensis in Rossaugia Ord. Servorum BMV (bookplate on endpapers) - Doctoris Karl Josef Streger (bookplate on endpapers). (2) IT BUCELINUS, Gabriel (1599-1681) - Nucleus.. Historiae cum sacrae tum prophanae cognitione compendiosissima. Ulm: vedova di Johann Görlin, 1672 [INSIEME A, dello stesso autore:] - Nuclei historiae universalis. Francoforte: Johann Görlin, 1664. Copie genuine in bella legatura coeva in pelle di scrofa coeva, di queste opere storiografiche ornate da graziose mappe xilografiche. Il volume del 1664 tratta di Germania, Italia, Spagna, Inghilterra e Francia, mentre il volume del 1672 riporta calendari, elenchi di papi e governanti secolari con i rispettivi stemmi e numerose mappe tra cui Germania, Alta Baviera, Franconia, Boemia, Lago di Costanza, Svizzera, Ungheria, Gran Bretagna, Italia e Spagna. 2 volumi, 8vo (135 x 73mm). Antiporte calcografiche, fregi xilografici ai frontespizi, 8 carte di tavole incise sia al recto che al verso nel primo volume, numerose illustrazioni xilografiche tra cui molte mappe in entrambi i volumi (senza il fascicolo )(8 contenente la dedica e +E12 bianca nel secondo volume, bruniture). Pelle di scrofa coeva, ricca cornice fitomorfa e losanga centrale impresse a secco ai piatti, titolo manoscritto ai dorsi, tagli blu, fermagli metallici per la chiusura (lievi difetti). Per il volume del 1664 SBN cita anche una parte contenente "Notitia s. r. i. principium. Genealogica & stemmatographica.. Vlmae apud Iohannem Görlinum" e "Praecipuarum uniuersi terrarum orbis.. Vlmae apud Görlinum", non presente in questo volume. Provenienza: annotazioni coeve alla prima antiporta e ai frontespizi - ex libris araldico alla sguardia - Ex bibliotheca venerab. Convenuts Viennensis in Rossaugia Ord. Servorum BMV (ex libris alla sguardia) - Doctoris Karl Josef Streger (ex libris alle sguardie). (2)

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • (Map - China) Chinae Compendiosa Descriptio
    Oct. 13, 2022

    (Map - China) Chinae Compendiosa Descriptio

    Est: $325 - $400

    China. Gabriel Bucelin, Chinae Compendiosa Descriptio, from Praecipuarum Universi Terrarum Orbis, 1658 (published). Hand Color. This tiny map is a scarce derivative of the miniature version of Ortelius' important map focusing on China. The map is oriented with north to the right and extends to include parts of Indo-China and the northern part of the Philippines. The Great Wall is prominently delineated and several huge lakes and rivers dominate the interior. The title cartouche appears at the bottom next to part of Japan. Bucelin's maps in his Praecipuarum Universi were copperplate engravings based on the Ortelius miniature maps. His atlas contained 30 maps and was published by Johann Praetorius and Johann Gorlinus in 1658 and 1664. Bucelin's maps are very scarce. Latin text on verso.

    Old World Auctions
  • (Map - Northern Asia) Tartaria sive Magni Chami Imperium
    Mar. 15, 2022

    (Map - Northern Asia) Tartaria sive Magni Chami Imperium

    Est: $110 - $140

    Northern Asia. Gabriel Bucelin, Tartaria sive Magni Chami Imperium, from Praecipuarum Universi Terrarum Orbis, 1658 (published). Hand Color. This tiny map is very scarce. It covers the region from the Caspian Sea through China where the Great Wall is distinctly rendered. In the first edition of King's book on miniature maps, he attributed Bucelin's maps to Johann Praetorius who was the publisher of Historiae Universalis Auctarium. Latin text on verso.

    Old World Auctions
  • Bucelinus Gabriel, "Graecia olim Hellas nunc Romechi, Turcis Romechi", 1662-1672. Rare copper engraved map of Greece from... - Greece - MAPS OF GREAT RARITY
    Nov. 02, 2021

    Bucelinus Gabriel, "Graecia olim Hellas nunc Romechi, Turcis Romechi", 1662-1672. Rare copper engraved map of Greece from... - Greece - MAPS OF GREAT RARITY

    Est: -

    Bucelinus Gabriel, "Graecia olim Hellas nunc Romechi, Turcis Romechi", 1662-1672. Rare copper engraved map of Greece from the "Historiae Universalis". Gabriel Bucelin was a Benedictine polymath, Humanist, historical writer and cartographer. The current map is comming from his rare work "Historiae Universalis" in which he had included a set of 30 rare miniature maps. Map dim. 11 x 6.5 cm with text in Latin on verso. Rare. Zacharakis 758.

  • Bucelinus Gabriel, "Candia olim Creta", 1662-1672. Rare copper engraved map of Crete - Κρήτη from the "Historiae... - Greece - MAPS OF GREAT RARITY
    Nov. 02, 2021

    Bucelinus Gabriel, "Candia olim Creta", 1662-1672. Rare copper engraved map of Crete - Κρήτη from the "Historiae... - Greece - MAPS OF GREAT RARITY

    Est: -

    Bucelinus Gabriel, "Candia olim Creta", 1662-1672. Rare copper engraved map of Crete - Κρήτη from the "Historiae Universalis". Gabriel Bucelin was a Benedictine polymath, Humanist, historical writer and cartographer. The current map is comming from his rare work "Historiae Universalis" in which he had included a set of 30 rare miniature maps. Map dim. 11 x 6.5 cm with text in Latin on verso. Rare. Zacharakis 759.

  • Bucelinus, Gabriel.
    Mar. 24, 2021

    Bucelinus, Gabriel.

    Est: CHF300 - CHF500

    Bucelinus, Gabriel. Der gantzen Universal Historiae Nußkern/ Darinnen selbige auff das kürtzeste und annemblichste/ nicht allein auff die Jahr/ sondern auch Tag gebracht/ die gantze Heilige Geschrifft/ ja auch beynebens alle Heidnische/ Assyrische/ Medische/ Persische/ Griechische/ Römische und anderer Landen Geschichten ... einverleibt worden ... / auß den berühmtesten Scriptorn zusammen getragen. Mit gest. Titel, Wappenholzschnitt verso typogr. Titel, 16 gest. Tabellen, 15 Holzschnitt-Karten, einigen Zwischentiteln mit Holzschnitt-Bordüre u. zahlr. kl. Wappen-Holzschnitten im Text. Augsburg, Schultes, 1657. Kl.-8°. 297 nn. Bl., XXVI Bll., 17 nn. Bl., 1 w. Bl., 4 nn. Bl. VD17 23:290710L - Houzeau/L. I, 5230 - ADB III, 462 (zur Person) - Mit Karten von Bayern, der Pfalz, Sachsen, Franken, Böhmen, Österreich, Schwaben, dem Bodensee, der Schweiz, Ungarn, den Niederlanden, Frankreich, England, Italien und Spanien. -

    Koller Auctions
  • BUCELINUS Gabriel, Augsburg 1664. "NATOLIA", map of Turkey, Cyprus, part of Syria & Aegean
    Apr. 05, 2014

    BUCELINUS Gabriel, Augsburg 1664. "NATOLIA", map of Turkey, Cyprus, part of Syria & Aegean

    Est: -

    BUCELINUS Gabriel, Augsburg 1664. "NATOLIA" miniature map from "Historiae Universalis". The cartographic frame includes modern Turkey, Cyprus, part of Syria & Aegean (Crete, Metelin, Rhodes, Lango & Scarpanto islands depicted). Dim.11x7cm. Very small tear on lower part & few small holes. Zach.760.

  • Germania Topo-Chrono-Stemmato-Graphica Sacra Et Profana ... Pars altera. 3 Teile in 1 Bd. Mit zahlr. Textholzschnitten, Kupfertitel u. 39 Kupfertafeln. Augsburg, Praetorius, 1662. 6 Bll., 155 Bll., 347 S., 17 Bll., 423 S. Folio. Ldr. d. Zt.
    May. 17, 2013

    Germania Topo-Chrono-Stemmato-Graphica Sacra Et Profana ... Pars altera. 3 Teile in 1 Bd. Mit zahlr. Textholzschnitten, Kupfertitel u. 39 Kupfertafeln. Augsburg, Praetorius, 1662. 6 Bll., 155 Bll., 347 S., 17 Bll., 423 S. Folio. Ldr. d. Zt.

    Est: €200 - €300

    VD17 3:311593 E (unser Exemplar Teile in anderer Reihenfolge gebd., mit etwas abweich. Koll.) - Graesse I, 561 - Brunet I, 1366 - ADB III, 462 - Zweiter Band des über einen langen Zeitraum erschienenen umfangreichen genealogisch-historischen Nachschlagewerks. - Teils gebräunt u. etwas fleckig, wenige Bll. mit kleinen Randausbesserungen.

    Jeschke Jádi Auctions Berlin GmbH
    Nov. 13, 2003


    Est: £800 - £1,000

    DETAILED DESCRIPTION Historiae universalis. Ulm, 1659 8vo (140 x 80mm.), engraved additional title, 15 small woodcut maps, contemporary vellum, some light browning, spine worn

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