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Alfredo Biagini Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Alfredo Biagini (Attributed) Glazed ceramic elephant sculpture with polychrome dripping on blue base. Manufacture of romana, 1920s. (19x20 cm.)...
    Dec. 20, 2024

    Alfredo Biagini (Attributed) Glazed ceramic elephant sculpture with polychrome dripping on blue base. Manufacture of romana, 1920s. (19x20 cm.)...

    Est: €180 - €200

    (Roma 1886 - Roma 1952) (Attributed) Glazed ceramic elephant sculpture with polychrome dripping on blue base. Manufacture of romana, 1920s. (19x20 cm.) IT (Attribuito) Scultura di elefante in ceramica smaltata a colature policrome su base blu. Manifattura romana, anni '20. (cm 19x20)

    Il Ponte Auction House
    Dec. 05, 2024


    Est: €800 - €1,000

    ALFREDO BIAGINI (Roma 1886-1952) The falcon Bronze 18,5 x 9 cm Engraved signature: A. Biagini Excellent conditions

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952) Italiaanse albasten sculptuur met voorstelling
    Oct. 01, 2024

    Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952) Italiaanse albasten sculptuur met voorstelling

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952) Italiaanse albasten sculptuur met voorstelling van Salomé zittend op gedrapeerd leeuwenvel, op albasten sokkel voorzien van verlichting, Art Nouveau / Arte Liberty, begin 20e eeuw, 43 x 45 x 20 cm. -chips en gerestaureerde breuk-

    Veilinghuis Van Spengen
  • Alfredo Biagini Terracotta head of a young boy. Rome, 1930s/1940s. (h 27.5 cm.) (minor defects and small restorations)...
    Jul. 05, 2024

    Alfredo Biagini Terracotta head of a young boy. Rome, 1930s/1940s. (h 27.5 cm.) (minor defects and small restorations)...

    Est: €320 - €350

    (Roma 1886 - Roma 1952) Terracotta head of a young boy. Rome, 1930s/1940s. (h 27.5 cm.) (minor defects and small restorations) IT Testa di fanciullo in terracotta. Roma, anni '30/'40. (h cm 27,5) (lievi difetti e piccoli restauri)

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Afredo Biagini 1886-1952 Elefanti
    Mar. 28, 2024

    Afredo Biagini 1886-1952 Elefanti

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Firma alla base

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • BIAGINI ALFREDO (1886 - 1952) - A standing female nude figure
    Dec. 14, 2023

    BIAGINI ALFREDO (1886 - 1952) - A standing female nude figure

    Est: €700 - €1,000

    BIAGINI ALFREDO (1886 - 1952). A standing female nude figure. Signed on the base.. 13,00 x 44,00 x 10,10 cm.

    Capitolium Art
  • Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952) Deux singes
    Dec. 08, 2023

    Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952) Deux singes

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952) Deux singes Bronze à patine brun vert Signé “ ABIAGINI ” Porte la marque du fondeur “ SASPORTAS FONDEUR EPREUVE” et numéroté “ 1/6 ” H. 33,5 x L. 36 x P. 18,2 cm Après une formation à l’Académie des Beaux-Arts de Rome, Alfredo Biagini s’installe à Paris où il se passionne pour la sculpture animalière en fréquentant la ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes. Son style, proche du mouvement sécessionniste, souligne les anatomies de manière synthétique.

  • Alfredo Biagini (Italian, 1886-1952). A bronze model of a reclining panther, 63cm long, 24cm deep, 24cm high
    Jun. 27, 2023

    Alfredo Biagini (Italian, 1886-1952). A bronze model of a reclining panther, 63cm long, 24cm deep, 24cm high

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    Alfredo Biagini (Italian, 1886-1952). A bronze model of a reclining panther, on integral signed plinth,

    Jun. 01, 2023


    Est: €500 - €700

    ALFREDO BIAGINI (1886-1952) Pappagallo, 1921/1923 Terracotta dipinta e invetriata, cm. 29,5 x 16 x 18 Difetti di cottura e minime cadute di colore

    Casa d'Aste Babuino
  • Alfredo Biagini Study for three male figures. Rome, 1930s/1940s. India ink on paper. Signed "A. BIAGINI" in the lower right corner. (20.5x12.5 cm). In frame....
    Jun. 24, 2022

    Alfredo Biagini Study for three male figures. Rome, 1930s/1940s. India ink on paper. Signed "A. BIAGINI" in the lower right corner. (20.5x12.5 cm). In frame....

    Est: €180 - €200

    (Roma 1886 - Roma 1952) Study for three male figures. Rome, 1930s/1940s. India ink on paper. Signed "A. BIAGINI" in the lower right corner. (20.5x12.5 cm). In frame. IT Studio per tre figure maschili. Roma, anni '30/'40. Inchiostro di china su carta. Firmato "A. BIAGINI" in basso a destra. (cm 20.5x12,5). In cornice.

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Alfredo Biagini "Adamo ed Eva" Study for a sculptural group. Rome, 1943. Pencil and charcoal on paper. Signed, dated and located in the lower left corner (26x20 cm). In frame....
    Jun. 24, 2022

    Alfredo Biagini "Adamo ed Eva" Study for a sculptural group. Rome, 1943. Pencil and charcoal on paper. Signed, dated and located in the lower left corner (26x20 cm). In frame....

    Est: €180 - €200

    (Roma 1886 - Roma 1952) "Adamo ed Eva" Study for a sculptural group. Rome, 1943. Pencil and charcoal on paper. Signed, dated and located in the lower left corner (26x20 cm). In frame. IT "Adamo ed Eva" Studio per gruppo scultoreo. Roma, 1943. Matita e carboncino su carta. Firmato, datato e locato in basso a sinistra (cm 26x20). In cornice.

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Alfredo Biagini Study for the figure of Christ and two female figures. Rome, 1930s/1940s. Watercolor ink on paper. Signed "A. BIAGINI" in the lower left corner. (20.5x12.5 cm). In frame....
    Jun. 24, 2022

    Alfredo Biagini Study for the figure of Christ and two female figures. Rome, 1930s/1940s. Watercolor ink on paper. Signed "A. BIAGINI" in the lower left corner. (20.5x12.5 cm). In frame....

    Est: €180 - €200

    (Roma 1886 - Roma 1952) Study for the figure of Christ and two female figures. Rome, 1930s/1940s. Watercolor ink on paper. Signed "A. BIAGINI" in the lower left corner. (20.5x12.5 cm). In frame. IT Studio per figura di Cristo e due figure femminili. Roma, anni '30/'40. Inchiostro di china acquarellata su carta. Firmato "A. BIAGINI" in basso a sinistra. (cm 20,5x12,5). In cornice.

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Alfredo Biagini "Adamo ed Eva" Study for a sculptural group. Rome, 1943. Pencil and charcoal on paper. Signed, dated and located in the lower left corner (26x20 cm). In frame....
    Jun. 24, 2022

    Alfredo Biagini "Adamo ed Eva" Study for a sculptural group. Rome, 1943. Pencil and charcoal on paper. Signed, dated and located in the lower left corner (26x20 cm). In frame....

    Est: €180 - €200

    (Roma 1886 - Roma 1952) "Adamo ed Eva" Study for a sculptural group. Rome, 1943. Pencil and charcoal on paper. Signed, dated and located in the lower left corner (26x20 cm). In frame. IT "Adamo ed Eva" Studio per gruppo scultoreo. Roma, 1943. Matita e carboncino su carta. Firmato, datato e locato in basso a sinistra (cm 26x20). In cornice.

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Alfredo Biagini Study for a sculptural group. Rome, 1930s/1940s. Watercolor ink on paper. Signed "A. BIAGINI" in the lower left corner. (20.5x12.5 cm). In frame....
    Jun. 24, 2022

    Alfredo Biagini Study for a sculptural group. Rome, 1930s/1940s. Watercolor ink on paper. Signed "A. BIAGINI" in the lower left corner. (20.5x12.5 cm). In frame....

    Est: €180 - €200

    (Roma 1886 - Roma 1952) Study for a sculptural group. Rome, 1930s/1940s. Watercolor ink on paper. Signed "A. BIAGINI" in the lower left corner. (20.5x12.5 cm). In frame. IT Studio per gruppo scultoreo. Roma, anni '30/'40. Inchiostro di china acquarellata su carta. Firmato "A. BIAGINI" in basso a sinistra. (cm 20.5x12,5). In cornice.

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Alfredo Biagini "Deposizione" Study for a sculptural group. Rome, 1930s/1940s. Pencil and charcoal on paper. Signed "A. BIAGINI" in the lower left corner. (cm 31x21). In frame....
    Jun. 24, 2022

    Alfredo Biagini "Deposizione" Study for a sculptural group. Rome, 1930s/1940s. Pencil and charcoal on paper. Signed "A. BIAGINI" in the lower left corner. (cm 31x21). In frame....

    Est: €180 - €200

    (Roma 1886 - Roma 1952) "Deposizione" Study for a sculptural group. Rome, 1930s/1940s. Pencil and charcoal on paper. Signed "A. BIAGINI" in the lower left corner. (cm 31x21). In frame. IT "Deposizione" Studio per gruppo scultoreo. Roma, anni '30/'40. Matita e carboncino su carta. Firmato "A. BIAGINI" in basso a sinistra. (cm 31x21). In cornice.

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Alfredo Biagini "San Paolo" Terracotta sculpture. Rome, 1930s/1940s. (h 47 cm.) (slight defects)...
    Jun. 24, 2022

    Alfredo Biagini "San Paolo" Terracotta sculpture. Rome, 1930s/1940s. (h 47 cm.) (slight defects)...

    Est: €850 - €900

    (Roma 1886 - Roma 1952) "San Paolo" Terracotta sculpture. Rome, 1930s/1940s. (h 47 cm.) (slight defects) IT "San Paolo" Scultura in terracotta. Roma, anni '30/'40. (h cm 47) (lievi difetti)

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • BIAGINI ALFREDO (1886 - 1952) Pappagallo.
    Feb. 18, 2022

    BIAGINI ALFREDO (1886 - 1952) Pappagallo.

    Est: €1,200 - €1,600

    BIAGINI ALFREDO (1886 - 1952). Pappagallo.. Cm 16,00 x 29,50.

    Capitolium Art
  • BIAGINI ALFREDO (1886 - 1952) Pappagallo.
    Dec. 07, 2021

    BIAGINI ALFREDO (1886 - 1952) Pappagallo.

    Est: €1,200 - €1,600

    BIAGINI ALFREDO (1886 - 1952). Pappagallo.. Cm 16,00 x 29,50.

    Capitolium Art
  • DOE
    Feb. 26, 2021


    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    ALFREDO BIAGINI Rome, 1886 - 1952 Doe Waxed and patinated plaster sculpture, 36 x 20 x 9,5 cm BIOGRAPHY: Son of a goldsmith, he studied sculpture and architecture in Rome since 1905, and four years later he went to Paris to complete his training, among other things following courses in comparative anatomy. During the war years he has his studio in Villa Strohl-fern, where he is in contact with Drei and Selva. He made his debut in the context of the Secessions and in 1918 - the only sculptor, with Attilio Selva - he participated in the important review of the Casina del Pincio, in which, among others, Ferrazzi, Spadini, Socrate, Oppo are present. He is part of the commissions for the first two Roman Biennials, to which he exhibits. He subsequently participated in major exhibitions in Italy and abroad: Geneva (1920-21), Berlin (1921), Dusseldorf (1922), and, in the same year, at the spring Fiorentina. His participation in the I Mostra del Novecento italiano in Milan (1926), where one of his works was purchased by the Permanente, was very successful. His success as a sculptor throughout the 1930s is testified by his personal exhibitions at the 1936 Venice Biennale and at the III Quadriennale in Rome, where he exhibited 26 sculptures. At the beginning specializing in a vast and successful production of animal rights, towards the 1920s he implemented a recovery of Roman and Renaissance classicism, alternating the studies of female figures with those of animals. In this phase the conception of a rigorous architectural construction of the form matures and the taste for an impeccable formal politeness that brings him closer to the "return to the twentieth century" order and to the plastic of Maillol. Frequent are his contacts with Paris, where he goes with his wife Wanda. A very good friend of de Chirico, he exhibited with him at the Galleria S. Silvestro (1945), and de Chirico himself curated the retrospective exhibition of Biagini set up at the International Artistic Association of Rome (1954). BIBLIOGRAPHY: G. de Chirico, text in cat. retrospective at the International Artistic Association, Rome 1954; F. Benzi, card in cat. The artists of Villa Strohl-fern, Rome 1983; Catalog of the exhibition Italian sculpture of the early twentieth century, edited by V.Sgarbi, Rome 1993. Very good condition

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
    Jun. 17, 2020


    Est: €600 - €800

    ALFREDO BIAGINI (Roma 1886 - 1952) Idolo, 1921 Placca in rame sbalzato, cm. 19 x 14 Firma e data incise in basso a destra PROVENIENZA Illustre Collezione Privata romana PUBBLICAZIONI L. Stefanelli Torossi, Gli artisti di Villa Strohl-Fern. Tra Simbolismo e Novecento, catalogo mostra, Galleria Arco Farnese, Roma, De Luca Editore, Roma 1983, p. 98, ill. 71 ESPOSIZIONI Fiorentina Primaverile, 1922 Gli artisti di Villa Strohl-Fern. Tra Simbolismo e Novecento, Galleria Arco Farnese, Roma 28 aprile/10 giugno 1983

    Casa d'Aste Babuino
    Jan. 17, 2020


    Est: £600 - £800

    ALFREDO BIAGINI (1886-1952) A BRONZE SCULPTURE OF A HUNTING DOG set on a naturalistic white marble base. 31cm across, 21cm high - Signed.

    Hutchinson Scott Limited
    Dec. 20, 2019


    Est: €1,800 - €3,000

    Tigre in maiolica a gran fuoco nel colore giallo verde acido (difetti di cottura) Sindacato Industrie Artistiche Italiane, Roma

    Casa d'aste ARCADIA
    Dec. 04, 2019


    Est: €1,800 - €3,000

    Tigre in maiolica a gran fuoco nel colore giallo verde acido (difetti di cottura) Sindacato Industrie Artistiche Italiane, Roma

    Casa d'aste ARCADIA
  • Alfredo Biagini
    Jun. 25, 2019

    Alfredo Biagini

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    Alfredo Biagini, Chimeras a pair of gilt and glazed bronze resting on rectangular bases signed on the base, Roma 1886 - 1952

    Colasanti Casa d'Aste
    Jun. 06, 2019


    Est: €18,000 - €22,000

    Roma 1886 - 1952 Leonessa Bronzo, cm 60 x 160 x 33 Firmata in basso a sinistra Provenienza: Collezione Pignatelli, Roma Collezione privata, Roma Esposizioni: Prima Mostra Nazionale dell'Animale nell'Arte, Palazzo delle Esposizioni Giardino Zoologico di Roma, Roma 1930, cat. p.87 Bibliografia: I.de Guttry, M.P.Maino, Alfredo Biagini. Sculture e ceramiche deco, Roma 2013, ill. p.17 La mostra del 1930, che si rivolge ad un pubblico popolare, data l'inedita sede espositiva, ottiene un notevole successo e i quotidiani romani ne scrivono diffusamente- una rassegna di opere di arte antica, egiziana e romana, selezionata da Biagini (all'epoca Segretario Nazionale del Sindacato Fascista degli Artisti) e Antonio Munoz nei grandi musei della capitale, precede l'esposizione degli artisti contemporanei, consistente in 440 opere dispiegate in ventidue sale e una galleria. Si tratta per lo più di pitture e, nelle sezioni in Bianco e Nero, di disegni e xilografie, la cui qualità media è piuttosto convenzionale, ma alcuni fuoriclasse hanno delle sale personali: Giulio Aristide Sartorio, Renato Brozzi, Arturo Dazzi- una sala riunisce i futuristi presentati in catalogo da un testo di Marinetti. Alfredo Biagini animalista famoso, forse anche per una signorile discrezione di padrone di casa espone solo qualche scultura- la critica tributa a lui e a Dazzi i massimi elogi. Tra le circa ottanta sculture esposte, vicino al mirabile cavallino di porfido rosso di Dazzi le quattro opere di Biagini offrono un saggio della sua bravura: sono Amatriade, in marmo grigio, Serval in marmo giallo e rosa, un Canguro non identificato e la superlativa Leonessa in bronzo più volte pubblicata nei giornali dell'epoca.

    Wannenes Art Auctions
    May. 29, 2019


    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    ALFREDO BIAGINI Rome, 1886 - 1952 Lioness Bronze sculpture with marble base, 21 x 52 x 13,5 cm Signed on the base: Biagini CONDITION REPORT: Some chippings on the base

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Alfredo Biagini (Roma 1886 - Roma 1952). (Attributed). . "Pantera". Sculpture in glazed cera
    Dec. 21, 2018

    Alfredo Biagini (Roma 1886 - Roma 1952). (Attributed). . "Pantera". Sculpture in glazed cera

    Est: €200 - €400

    Alfredo Biagini (Roma 1886 - Roma 1952) (Attributed) "Pantera" Sculpture in glazed ceramic with polychrome drips in shades of blue, green and amethyst. Manufacture of "Laboratorio Nuova Ceramica Roma", 1919-1922. Marked under the base with the manufacture monogram. (19x9 cm.) (slight defects) IT (Attribuito) "Pantera" Scultura in ceramica smaltata a colature policrome nei toni del blu, del verde e dell'ametista. Manifattura "Laboratorio Nuova Ceramica Roma", 1919-1922. Marcato sotto la base con il monogramma della manifattura. (cm 19x9) (lievi difetti)

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Alfredo Biagini (Roma 1886 - Roma 1952). (Attributed). . "Fauno". Glazed terracotta sculptur
    Dec. 21, 2018

    Alfredo Biagini (Roma 1886 - Roma 1952). (Attributed). . "Fauno". Glazed terracotta sculptur

    Est: €200 - €300

    Alfredo Biagini (Roma 1886 - Roma 1952) (Attributed) "Fauno" Glazed terracotta sculpture in cobalt blue, green and yellow. Rome, 1930s. (h 24 cm.) (slight defects) IT (Attribuito) "Fauno" Scultura in terracotta smaltata a colature blu cobalto, verde e giallo. Roma, anni '30. (h cm 24) (lievi difetti)

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Putto with pumpkin, 1918-21
    Nov. 30, 2018

    Putto with pumpkin, 1918-21

    Est: €2,600 - €4,500

    ALFREDO BIAGINI Rome, 1886 - 1952 Putto with pumpkin, 1918-21 Painted majolica, 27,5 x 20 cm Italian Applied Arts Archives of the 20th century, Rome LITERATURE I. de Guttry, M. P. Maino, G. Tarquini, “Alfredo Biagini (Roma 1886-1952). Sculture e ceramico déco”, IUNO Edizioni, Rome, 2013, p. 27/82 EXHIBITED “Alfredo Biagini (Roma 1886-1952). Sculture e ceramico déco” a cura di I. de Guttry, M. P. Maino, Musei di Villa Torlonia, Casino dei Principi, May 8 - September 15, 2013, Rome, 2013; "Maria Monaci Gallenga. Art and fashion tra le due guerre" curated by M. P. Maino and I. De Guttry, 17 April - 3 June 2018, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Rome

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Tiger, 1920-23
    Nov. 30, 2018

    Tiger, 1920-23

    Est: €2,000 - €4,000

    ALFREDO BIAGINI Rome, 1886 - 1952 Tiger, 1920-23 Majolica at great fire, 21,5 x 70,5 x 19,5 cm A version of the Tiger was exhibited at the Prima Biennale Romana in 1921 LITERATURE I. de Guttry, M. P. Maino, G. Tarquini, “Alfredo Biagini (Roma 1886-1952). Sculture e ceramico déco”, IUNO Edizioni, Rome, 2013, p. 83

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Alfredo Biagini (Roma 1886 - 1952) [4091] - Nudo di giovane donna
    Nov. 27, 2018

    Alfredo Biagini (Roma 1886 - 1952) [4091] - Nudo di giovane donna

    Est: €1,200 - €1,400

    Nude of a young woman bronze sculpture, cm 37,5 x 7 x 9,5, on marble base signed on the base

    Finarte Roma
  • Afredo Biagini (1886-1952), Giovane satiro
    Jun. 26, 2018

    Afredo Biagini (1886-1952), Giovane satiro

    Est: €700 - €800

    Bronzo, altezza cm 23. Firmato sulla base

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • COUPLE DE PERRUCHES Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952)
    Feb. 11, 2017

    COUPLE DE PERRUCHES Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952)

    Est: €700 - €900

    COUPLE DE PERRUCHES Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952) Bronze argenté, signé, édition Sasportas, numéroté épreuve 9/10, monté sur un bouchon à barrettes H : 15 cm. (6 in.) Silver plated bronze, signed, numbered 9/10, mounted on a cap

  • COQ STYLISÉ ART DÉCO Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952)
    Feb. 11, 2017

    COQ STYLISÉ ART DÉCO Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952)

    Est: €700 - €900

    COQ STYLISÉ ART DÉCO Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952) Bronze argenté, signé, édition Sasportas, numéroté épreuve 15/100, monté sur un bouchon H : 15 cm. (6 in.) Silver plated bronze, signed, numbered 15/100, mounted on a cap

  • FAUNE Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952)
    Feb. 11, 2017

    FAUNE Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952)

    Est: €500 - €700

    FAUNE Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952) Bronze argenté, signé, édition Sasportas, numéroté épreuve 8/100, socle en marbre H : 12 cm. (4 3/4 in.) Silver plated bronze, signed, numbered 8/100, marble base

  • TAUREAU Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952)
    Feb. 11, 2017

    TAUREAU Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952)

    Est: €700 - €900

    TAUREAU Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952) Bronze argenté, signé, édition Sasportas, monté sur un bouchon H : 12,5 cm. (5 in.) Silver plated bronze, signed, mounted on a cap

  • SINGE Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952)
    Feb. 11, 2017

    SINGE Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952)

    Est: €900 - €1,100

    SINGE Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952) Bronze, signé, monté sur un bouchon H : 15 cm. (6 in.) Bronze, signed, mounted on a cap

  • HIBOU ART DÉCO Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952)
    Feb. 11, 2017

    HIBOU ART DÉCO Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952)

    Est: €700 - €900

    HIBOU ART DÉCO Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952) Bronze argenté, signé Biagini et Sasportas, marqué épreuve 13/100, monté sur un bouchon H : 14.5 cm. (5 3/4 in.) Silver plated bronze, signed, mounted on a cap

  • ALFREDO BIAGINI - Penguin, 30’s
    Jun. 08, 2016

    ALFREDO BIAGINI - Penguin, 30’s

    Est: €600 - €800

    ALFREDO BIAGINI Rome 1886-1952 Penguin, 30’s Polychrome glazed ceramic, h 21 cm ALFREDO BIAGINI Roma 1886-1952 Pinguino, Anni ‘30 Ceramica smaltata policroma, h 21 cm

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • ALFREDO BIAGINI - Penguin, 1934
    Jun. 08, 2016

    ALFREDO BIAGINI - Penguin, 1934

    Est: €400 - €600

    ALFREDO BIAGINI Rome 1886 - 1952 Penguin, 1934 Painted ceramic sculpture, h 16 cm Similar sculpure published in: “O Modernismo na Ceramica em Roma 1910-1925” edited by Maria Paola Maino and Irene De Guttry, Lisboa, Museu Nacional do Azulejo, November 20th 2007 - February 3rd 2008, Deluca Editori D’arte Roma 2007, p.52, fig.62 ALFREDO BIAGINI Roma 1886 - 1952 Pinguino, 1924 Scultura in terracotta dipinta e invetriata verde, blu e rosso, h 16 cm Un esemplare simile è pubblicato in “O Modernismo na Ceramica em Roma 1910-1925”, a cura di Maria Paola Maino e Irene De Guttry, Lisboa, Museu Nacional do Azulejo, 20 novembre 2007 - 3 febbraio 2008, Deluca Editori D’Arte Roma 2007, p. 52, fig. 62

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • ALFREDO BIAGINI - Project for scenography, 1918 - 20
    Jun. 08, 2016

    ALFREDO BIAGINI - Project for scenography, 1918 - 20

    Est: €400 - €500

    ALFREDO BIAGINI Rome, 1886 - 1952 Project for scenography, 1918 - 20 Pencil on brown paper, 32 x 25 cm Signed and inscribed lower right Provenance Stefanelli Torossi Collection ALFREDO BIAGINI Roma, 1886 - 1952 Progetto per scenografia, 1918 - 20 Matita su carta marroncina, 32 x 25 cm Firma e dedica in basso a destra Provenienza Collezione Stefanelli Torossi

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • APTE Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952), édition Sasportas
    Feb. 07, 2016

    APTE Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952), édition Sasportas

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    APTE Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952), édition Sasportas En bronze argenté, signé, marqué Sasportas, épreuve numérotée 23/100, monté sur un bouchon, tirage limité à 100 exemplaires. (MP, p.155, fig. 402) Haut. : 12 cm. (4 3/4 in.) Silver plated bronze, signed, numbered 23/100, limited edition 100 copies, mounted on a cap

  • ELEPHANT Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952)
    Feb. 07, 2016

    ELEPHANT Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952)

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    ELEPHANT Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952) En bronze argenté, signé sur le pied arrière, monté sur un bouchon et un socle en bois Haut. : 14 cm. (5 1/2 in.) Silver plated bronze, signed, mounted on a cap and on a wooden base

  • HIBOU ART DECO Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952)
    Feb. 07, 2016

    HIBOU ART DECO Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952)

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    HIBOU ART DECO Par Alfredo Biagini (1886-1952) En bronze à patine dorée, signé Biagini et Sasportas sur la base,et marqué épreuve 18/100, monté sur un socle en marbre Haut. : 14 cm. (5 1/2 in) Patianted bronze, signed Biagini and Sasportas on base, numbered 18/100, mounted on a marble base

  • ALFREDO BIAGINI Roma 1886 - Roma 1952 La
    Dec. 18, 2015

    ALFREDO BIAGINI Roma 1886 - Roma 1952 La

    Est: €12,000 - €15,000

    ALFREDO BIAGINI Roma 1886 - Roma 1952 La bagnante, 30s about Bronze sculpture h. cm. 68.5 circa Signed on the bottom back side: A BIAGINI The work was placed in a Quirinetta cinema niche, in Rome, built in 1927 by Marcello Piacentini and decorated with Alfredo Biagini’s bronze sculptures and reliefs

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Taureau, Signé A. Biagini (Alfredo Biagini 1886 - 1952) Gra
    Jun. 14, 2015

    Taureau, Signé A. Biagini (Alfredo Biagini 1886 - 1952) Gra

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    Taureau, Signé A. Biagini (Alfredo Biagini 1886 - 1952) Gravé: éditions, Sasportas, épreuve no 22/100. Bronze argenté. H: 12 c

  • Alfredo Biagini (Roma 1886 - 1952) Volto di
    Jun. 19, 2013

    Alfredo Biagini (Roma 1886 - 1952) Volto di

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    Alfredo Biagini (Roma 1886 - 1952) Volto di fanciulla bronzo dorato, cm 23 x 20 x 16,5 Firmato in basso a destra: A. Biagini BIBLIOGRAFIA: M. Agnellini / L. Caramel, Novecento, catalogo dell'Arte Italiana dal Futurismo a Corrente, vol. III, Giorgio Mondadori editore, Milano, 1993

    Finarte Roma
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