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Pieter de (der Ältere) Bailliu Sold at Auction Prices

copperplate engraver

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  • Bailliu, Pieter de
    Nov. 29, 2024

    Bailliu, Pieter de

    Est: €160 - €250

    (Antwerpen 1613-nach 1660 ebda.), Rinaldo und Armida. Kupferstich nach A. van Dyck. In der Platte sign., bei F. van den Wyngaerde (in Antwerpen), nicht dat. (um 1650). 58,2 x 41,6 cm (Blattgr.: 66 x 46 cm). - Auf Trägerkarton mont. Hollstein I, 89, II (von III).

    Zisska & Lacher
  • Bailliu, Pieter de (1613-1660). The Holy Family with St. John the Baptist as child and two angels.
    Nov. 24, 2023

    Bailliu, Pieter de (1613-1660). The Holy Family with St. John the Baptist as child and two angels.

    Est: €150 - €250

    Bailliu, Pieter de (1613-1660). The Holy Family with St. John the Baptist as child and two angels. Engraving after Peter VAN LINT, 27x36 cm. (platemark). - Fine. = Rare. Possibly Hollstein 25. With the manuscript collector's mark of Franz Baumgartner (Lugt 223) and the collector's mark of Hillinger (Lugt 4334). AND 6 other engravings, i.a. by Lucas VORSTERMAN, Nicolaas RYCKEMANS and Pieter SOUTMAN, all after Peter Paul RUBENS, and "Gratitudine" by Gerard VALCK.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Pieter I DE BAILLIU (1613-1660)
    Jun. 25, 2022

    Pieter I DE BAILLIU (1613-1660)

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Pieter I DE BAILLIU (1613-1660) Allemode School after Breugel, Pieter Published by Michel Bunel 1613-1660, Antwerp, 1613 Original copper engraving engraved by Pieter de Ballieu after Pieter Breugel. Allemode School naar Breugel, Pieter Uitgegeven door Michel Bunel 1613-1660, Antwerpen, 1613 Originele kopergravure gegraveerd door Pieter de Ballieu naar Pieter Breugel.

    Maison Jules Veilinghuis
  • Pieter de Bailliu, (Flemish 1613-1660), 'St. Helena discovering the real Cross', after painting by Peter van Lint, (1609-1690), engraving, 37 x 28 cm. (14.57 x 11.02 in.), Frame: 48 x 38.5 cm. (18.9 x 15.16 in.)
    Jan. 24, 2022

    Pieter de Bailliu, (Flemish 1613-1660), 'St. Helena discovering the real Cross', after painting by Peter van Lint, (1609-1690), engraving, 37 x 28 cm. (14.57 x 11.02 in.), Frame: 48 x 38.5 cm. (18.9 x 15.16 in.)

    Est: -

    Pieter de Bailliu (Flemish, 1613-1660), 'St. Helena discovering the real Cross', after painting by Peter van Lint, (1609-1690) engraving, St. Helena, the mother of Constantine, discovering the real Cross. After a fresco in Santa Maria del Popolo in Rome by Peter van Lint. On the bottom inscription in Latin concerning the miraculous powers of the Cross:'Nobile CRUX. Mer. D.D. Pet. van Lint.'

    Bargain Hunt Auctions
    Oct. 15, 2020


    Est: €1,000 - €1,200

    Pieter DE BAILLIU.1613-1660 S. Christina.1630-60 Acquaforte miniata in coloritura coeva impressa su pergamena. 252x140 mm. In basso a sinistra la scritta “Pet de Baillue excudit”. Sotto a caratteri maiuscoli il titolo. Buono stato di conservazione. Rarissima e magnifica prova dell’eminente artista fiammingo. Incisione impressa su pergamena e miniata con oro e vivaci colori. È raffigurato il crudele martirio di S. Cristina, che indossa una veste d’oro. Oro anche nell’aureola raggiata e nelle ali dell’angelo. Pieter de Bailliu, Antwerp 1613 – 1660 circa, cominciò gli studi ad Anversa e poi li perfezionò a Roma. Tornato ad Anversa nel 1637 esercitò l’arte incidendo anche alcune delle opere dei più celebri maestri fiamminghi, in particolare Rubens e Van Dyck. La Biblioteca Nacional de Espana possiede un esemplare di questa stampa che data ‘fra il 1630 e il 1660’. Hollstein. Dutch and flemish v. 1, p. 73, 60. Biblioteca Nacional de Espana, [Colección de Imágenes de Santos]. ER/1537 (número 85).

    Bado e Mart
    Oct. 15, 2020


    Est: €400 - €500

    Pieter DE BAILLIU1613-1660 S. Anastasius. XVII secolo. Acquaforte di 235x295 mm. In basso a sx: Rembrandt Van Rhijn invent; in basso a dx: Petrus de Bailliu sculpsit. Applicata agli angoli su cartoncino. Bell’esemplare. Incisione di Pieter De Bailliu su disegno del Rembrandt. Sant’Anastasio è raffigurato seduto a un tavolo in una stanza con soffitto a volta mentre legge un libro vicino a una finestra, con i piedi appoggiati su una stufetta portatile.

    Bado e Mart
  • P. De Ballieu-Rembrandt van Rijn, St, Anastasius
    Oct. 01, 2019

    P. De Ballieu-Rembrandt van Rijn, St, Anastasius

    Est: €275 - €375

    Pieter De Baillieu (1613-1660), Rembrandt van Rijn(1606-1669) after, Saint Anastasius, 1623-1660. Hollstein Dutch 34 second state of two. Etching made in the lifetime of Rembrandt. Pieter de Baillieu made also several engravings after Pieter Paul Rubens.

    Old Master Print
  • Bailliu I, P. de (1613-1660). The cobbler and his wife as teacher ("Allemode school"). Engr. after P. BRUEGHEL, 34,8x45,2 cm. w. title and 2-line engr. caption in 4 columns in French and Dutch below image and (partly visible) "P. Breugel inv." and
    Nov. 24, 2017

    Bailliu I, P. de (1613-1660). The cobbler and his wife as teacher ("Allemode school"). Engr. after P. BRUEGHEL, 34,8x45,2 cm. w. title and 2-line engr. caption in 4 columns in French and Dutch below image and (partly visible) "P. Breugel inv." and

    Est: €500 - €700

    Bailliu I, P. de (1613-1660). The cobbler and his wife as teacher ("Allemode school"). Engr. after P. BRUEGHEL, 34,8x45,2 cm. w. title and 2-line engr. caption in 4 columns in French and Dutch below image and (partly visible) "P. Breugel inv." and "Michiel Bunel excudit Antwerpiae". - Poor copy: doubled; worn along extremities; soiled; closed tears. Sold w.a.f. = New Hollstein A65, 1st state of 2; Hollstein (De Bailliu) 91a, 2nd state (with the address, not listed in Hollstein). Very rare.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • PIETER DE BAILLIU (1613 - 1660) naar Pieter
    Jun. 13, 2013

    PIETER DE BAILLIU (1613 - 1660) naar Pieter

    Est: €500 - €600

    PIETER DE BAILLIU (1613 - 1660) naar Pieter Brueghel 'Allemode School'. Kopergravure. Getekend in de plaat 'P.Breugel invent./ P.De Bailleu sculp.' en met het adres van de uitgever Frans Van den Wyngaert. Sterke, contrastrijke druk met kleine marges. Onder passe-partout. Dimensions : 355 x 470 mm

    Bernaerts Auctioneers
  • After Pieter Bruegel The Elder (1525-1569), by Pieter de Bailliu (1613-after 1660)
    Dec. 07, 2011

    After Pieter Bruegel The Elder (1525-1569), by Pieter de Bailliu (1613-after 1660)

    Est: £700 - £1,000

    After Pieter Bruegel The Elder (1525-1569), by Pieter de Bailliu (1613-after 1660) The Cobbler and his Wife as Teacher (Allemode School) (Bartsch 91; New Hollstein A65) engraving, 1559, on laid paper, without watermark, first state (of two), trimmed to the platemark at top and left, trimmed into the platemark at right and partially below, a short tear at the upper sheet edge, another, shorther tear at lower right, a few vertical central folds, pale foxing, the sheet backed, framed S. 360 x 474 mm.

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