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al-Hasimi Azza Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Sculptor

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  • Hachmi Azza, Mappe mit sechs Mezzotinten
    Feb. 22, 2025

    Hachmi Azza, Mappe mit sechs Mezzotinten

    Est: -

    Hachmi Azza, Mappe mit sechs Mezzotinten figurative Szenen aus dem Mappenwerk "Hommage an das schreckliche Kind, das ich bin“, dabei skurrile Portraits und Stillleben, hierzu bemerkt AKL "... Vertreter eines veristischen Surrealismus (Anregungen unter anderem von Magritte), der seit den 70er Jahren vor allem durch seine technisch virtuosen, mehrfarbigen Mezzotintoarbeiten, zum Teil in Mappen publiziert, auch mit eigenen Gedichten (z.B. »Hommage à l'enfant terrible que je suis [dt.: Hommage an das schreckliche Kind, das ich bin]«, um 1980) internationale Anerkennung errang; daneben Radierungen und Farbstiftzeichnungen. Typisch sind schwarze Gründe mit formpräzis herausgearbeiteter Motivik, oft Stillleben, auch Figuren und Grotesken, die sowohl kunsthistorische Vorbilder (Cranach, Goya) als auch Fotografien zum Ausgangspunkt haben. ...", feinste Mezzotintoradierungen auf Bütten, je links unter der Platte in Blei nummeriert "I", mittig handsigniert und rechts datiert "1980", Blätter meist gut erhalten, originale Leinenkassette mit Erhaltungsmängeln, Blattmaße je ca. 32 x 25 cm. Künstlerinfo: eigentlich al-Hãšimí Azza auch Hachemi Azza, marokkanisch-belgischer Graphiker, Zeichner, Illustrator, Exlibriskünstler, Dichter und Plastiker (geboren 1950 in Larache/Marokko), studierte 1965–69 Malerei an der École des Beaux Arts in Tétouan in Marokko, weitergebildet 1969–72 Studium der Malerei, Zeichenkunst und Bildhauerei an der Academie Royale des Beaux Art [Königlichen Akademie der Schönen Künste] in Brüssel und 1972–76 Studium der Graphik und Buchillustration an der L'Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Architecture et d'Art Visuel in Brüssel, beschickte ab 1967 Einzelausstellungen unter anderem in Tetouan, Tanger, Brüssel, Belgrad, München, Solingen, Düsseldorf, Köln, Offenbach, Amsterdam und Tunis sowie Gruppenausstellungen in Deutschland, Polen, Jugoslawien, Norwegen, der Schweiz, Belgien, dem Irak, Tunesien, Großbritannien und den USA, erhielt zahlreiche Ehrungen, lebte lange in Belgien und erhielt die belgische Staatsbürgerschaft, ab 1978 in München und heute in Solingen tätig, Quelle: AKL, Saur "Bio-Bibliographisches Künstlerlexikon", Deutscher Sparkassenverlag "Edition S. 1974–1991 Die Künstler und ihre Arbeiten" und Internet. Hachmi Azza, portfolio with six mezzotints figurative scenes from the portfolio "Hommage to the terrible child that I am", including whimsical portraits and still lifes, AKL notes "... Representative of a veristic surrealism (inspired by Magritte, among others), who has achieved international recognition since the 1970s primarily through his technically virtuoso, multicoloured mezzotint works, some published in portfolios, also with his own poems (e.g. "Hommage à l'enfant terrible que je suis [Homage to the terrible child that I am]", around 1980); also etchings and coloured pencil drawings. Typical are black grounds with precisely worked out motifs, often still lifes, also figures and grotesques, which are based on art historical models (Cranach, Goya) as well as photographs. ...", fine mezzotint etchings on laid paper, each numbered "I" in lead below the plate on the left, signed by hand in the centre and dated "1980" on the right, sheets mostly in good condition, original linen box with conservation defects, sheet dimensions each approx. 32 x 25 cm. Artist info: actually al-Hãšimí Azza also Hachemi Azza, Moroccan-Belgian graphic artist, draughtsman, illustrator, ex-libris artist, poet and sculptor (born 1950 in Larache/Morocco), studied painting at the École des Beaux Arts in Tétouan in Morocco from 1965-69, 1969-72 studied painting, drawing and sculpture at the Academie Royale des Beaux Art [Royal Academy of Fine Arts] in Brussels and 1972-76 studied graphic art and book illustration at the L'Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Architecture et d'Art Visuel in Brussels, from 1967, held solo exhibitions in Tetouan, Tangier, Brussels, Belgrade, Munich, Solingen, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Offenbach, Amsterdam

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • HACHMI AZZA (B. 1950)
    Dec. 05, 2021

    HACHMI AZZA (B. 1950)

    Est: $2,400 - $4,800

    HACHMI AZZA (B. 1950) Le Pot Magique I, Les Deux Roses (set of two) Signed in Arabic ‘Azza’ (lower center - i, ii), signed ‘Azza’ (lower center - i, ii), numbered ’12/30’ (lower left - i), dated ‘1985’ (lower right - i), numbered ’72/100’ (lower left - ii), dated ‘1983’ (lower right - ii) 65 x 50cm (each) Printed in 1985 (i) Printed in 1983 (ii) This work is number twelve from an edition of thirty (i), and seventy-two from an edition of one hundred (ii).

    Albahie Auction House
  • HACHMI AZZA (B. 1950)
    Dec. 05, 2021

    HACHMI AZZA (B. 1950)

    Est: $1,200 - $2,800

    HACHMI AZZA (B. 1950) La Vision Signed in Arabic ‘Azza’ (lower center), signed ‘Azza’ (lower center), numbered ’21/25’ (lower left), dated ‘1996’ (lower right), stamped ‘Hachmi Azza, D-42697 Solingen, Germany’ (on the reverse) Mezzotint 65 x 50cm Printed in 1996 This work is number twenty-one from an edition of twenty-five.

    Albahie Auction House
  • HACHMI AZZA (B. 1950)
    Dec. 05, 2021

    HACHMI AZZA (B. 1950)

    Est: $1,600 - $3,000

    HACHMI AZZA (B. 1950) Mouvement, Le Nid (set of two) Signed in Arabic ‘Azza’ (lower center - i, ii), signed ‘Azza’ (lower center - i, ii), dated ‘2018’ (lower right - i, ii), numbered ’24/25’ (lower left - i), numbered ’25/25’ (lower left - ii) Mezzotint 65 x 50cm (each) Printed in 2018 (i and ii) This work is number twenty-four from an edition of twenty-five (i), and number twenty-five from an edition of twenty-five.

    Albahie Auction House
  • Hachmi Azza Etching
    Aug. 30, 2018

    Hachmi Azza Etching

    Est: $50 - $100

    Hachmi Azza original signed etching. Signed in pencil lower center. Dated in pencil "1986" lower right. Numbered in pencil "1/60" lower left. Measures 19.5" x 15.5" sheet size. Ex+/NrMt condition. Unframed, loose and not mounted or glued down. Provenance: Amity Art Foundation, Inc. collection. We ship all items in this auction in-house with the most fair shipping charges possible.

    Grant Zahajko Auctions, LLC
  • Hachmi Azza Etching
    Aug. 30, 2018

    Hachmi Azza Etching

    Est: $50 - $100

    Hachmi Azza original signed etching. Signed in pencil lower center. Dated in pencil "1986" lower right. Numbered in pencil "115/120" lower left. Measures 15.5" x 19.5" sheet size. Ex+/NrMt condition. Unframed, loose and not mounted or glued down. Provenance: Amity Art Foundation, Inc. collection. We ship all items in this auction in-house with the most fair shipping charges possible.

    Grant Zahajko Auctions, LLC
  • Hachmi Azza Original Print
    Jan. 28, 2017

    Hachmi Azza Original Print

    Est: -

    Hachmi Azza Original signed Print. Dated 1982 - Marked "E. A." - Depicting a Snail and Planets - Framed under glass - Remains in very nice condition -Not examined out of frame. Sight size is 2 inches by 2 3/4 inches

    Terri Peters & Associates
  • Al-Hasimi Azza, b.1950- Still life of a bust and
    May. 04, 2013

    Al-Hasimi Azza, b.1950- Still life of a bust and

    Est: £100 - £150

    Al-Hasimi Azza, b.1950- Still life of a bust and fruit; mezzotint printed in colours, signed, numbered 66/100 and dated 1983 in pencil, 35.5x29cm: G Clark Sealy, American b.1955- "Lady Amhurst Pheasant"; screenprint in colours, signed, titled and numbered 132/150 in pencil, 56x39cm: Elaine Marshall, British, mid-late 20th century- "Greenwich Waterfront II"; aquatint printed in colours, the plate of irregular shape, signed, titled, numbered 2/50 and dated 1976 in pencil, 35x32cm: Monica Poole, British 1921-2003- "Ripening Corn"; etching, signed, titled and numbered 5/50 in pencil, 24.5x15cm: Diana Rattray, British b.1947- Trees; etching, on arched plate, signed, inscribed and dated 80 in pencil, 28x20cm: King, mid-late 20th century- Two figures; etching printed in colours, signed, inscribed and dated 1981 in pencil, 43.5x38cm: Martin Renton Ware RCA, British b.1949- "The Nineteenth Century", publ by the Irish Univeristy Press, 1972; etching with aquatint, signed in pencil, in folio, 27x20.5cm (7) Please Note this lot may be subject to Droit de Suite.

  • Al-Hasimi Azza, b.1950- Still life of a bust and
    Apr. 13, 2013

    Al-Hasimi Azza, b.1950- Still life of a bust and

    Est: £150 - £200

    Al-Hasimi Azza, b.1950- Still life of a bust and fruit; mezzotint printed in colours, signed, numbered 66/100 and dated 1983 in pencil, 35.5x29cm: G Clark Sealy, American b.1955- "Lady Amhurst Pheasant"; screenprint in colours, signed, titled and numbered 132/150 in pencil, 56x39cm: Elaine Marshall, British, mid-late 20th century- "Greenwich Waterfront II"; aquatint printed in colours, the plate of irregular shape, signed, titled, numbered 2/50 and dated 1976 in pencil, 35x32cm: Monica Poole, British 1921-2003- "Ripening Corn"; etching, signed, titled and numbered 5/50 in pencil, 24.5x15cm: Diana Rattray, British b.1947- Trees; etching, on arched plate, signed, inscribed and dated 80 in pencil, 28x20cm: King, mid-late 20th century- Two figures; etching printed in colours, signed, inscribed and dated 1981 in pencil, 43.5x38cm: Martin Renton Ware RCA, British b.1949- "The Nineteenth Century", publ by the Irish Univeristy Press, 1972; etching with aquatint, signed in pencil, in folio, 27x20.5cm (7) (may be subject to Droit de Suite)

  • Azza Moroccan/Belgian mezzotint pear
    Dec. 07, 2008

    Azza Moroccan/Belgian mezzotint pear

    Est: $200 - $300

    Azza, Moroccan/Belgian mezzotint pear Untitled - Pear in Broken Jar HACHMI AZZA ( Moroccan/Belgian 1950 - ) Signed lower centre, dated 1982 & numbered 68/100 (unframed) Mezzotint

    Westbridge Fine Art Auction House
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