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Christian Awe Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1978 -

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  • Christian Awe: Dreamour
    Nov. 28, 2024

    Christian Awe: Dreamour

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    AWE, CHRISTIAN 1978 Berlin Title: "Dreamour". Date: 2014. Technique: Acrylic and spray paint on canvas. Measurement: 210 x 260cm. Notation: Signed, inscribed, titled and dated verso upper left: Christian Awe 316 (circled): "dreamour" 2014. Here also provided with directional arrows and work details. Provenance: - Private Collection Germany. Explanations to the Catalogue Christian Awe Germany Contemporary Art 2010s Colour Painting Mixed media Shapes Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Arrangement after the auction.

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Christian Awe: Colour Breeze
    Nov. 28, 2024

    Christian Awe: Colour Breeze

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    AWE, CHRISTIAN 1978 Berlin Title: "Colour Breeze". Date: 2013. Technique: Acrylic and spray paint on canvas. Measurement: 250 x 190cm. Notation: Signed and titled verso upper left: ChristianAwe "color breeze". Here with work details as well. Here also provided with directional arrows and title. Provenance: - Private collection Germany. Explanations to the Catalogue Christian Awe Germany Contemporary Art 2010s Colour Painting Mixed media Shapes Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Arrangement after the auction.

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Christian Awe: Farbenmeer
    Nov. 28, 2024

    Christian Awe: Farbenmeer

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    AWE, CHRISTIAN 1978 Berlin Title: "Farbenmeer". Date: 2021. Technique: Acrylic and spray paint on canvas. Measurement: 240 x 240cm. Notation: Signed, titled, dated and inscribed verso upper left: Christian Awe Farbenmeer 2021 #1219. Here with measurements as well. Provenance: - Private collection Germany. Explanations to the Catalogue Christian Awe Germany Contemporary Art 2020s Colour Painting Acrylic Abstract Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Arrangement after the auction.

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Christian Awe - Off The Wall, 2013
    Oct. 12, 2024

    Christian Awe - Off The Wall, 2013

    Est: -

    CHRISTIAN AWE (geb. 1978 in Berlin, tätig ebenda) Off The Wall, 2013 Mischtechnik auf Leinwand, 180 x 180 cm, rückseitig signiert, datiert, betitelt und bezeichnet. Der gebürtige Berliner Christian Awe studierte an der Universität der Künste bei Georg Baselitz und absolvierte ein Meisterschülerstudium bei Daniel Richter. Seitdem feiert er deutschlandweit und international große Erfolge. Awes vielschichtige Werke bestehen nicht nur aus diversen Malschichten, sondern sind auch aus verschiedenen Medien wie Graffiti oder klassisch aufgetragener Malfarbe komponiert, die dann wiederum häufig mit einer Kratztechnik reduziert werden, sodass unterschiedliche Ebenen sichtbar werden (Kirsch, Janina: Christian Awe ist ein Bild von einem Graffiti-Sprayer in: Hamburger Abendblatt 29.05.2013). Im Mittelpunkt seiner farbintensiven und komplexen Werke steht die Auseinandersetzung mit den Grundlagen der Malerei wie Farbe, Kontrast und Komposition. Das Urbane, das pulsierende Leben und die Menschen in Metropolen weltweit bieten ihm Inspirationsquellen. "Christan Awes Werke bestechen durch ihre gestische und organische Formensprache, die sich aus einem spannungsreichen Dialog zwischen Spontaneität, Experiment und künstlerischem Kalkül ergibt" (Homepage des Künstlers).

    Kunstauktionshaus Leipzig
  • Christian Awe: Spiral
    Jun. 06, 2024

    Christian Awe: Spiral

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    AWE, CHRISTIAN 1978 Berlin Title: "Spiral". Date: 2015. Technique: Acrylic on canvas. Measurement: 130 x 200cm. Notation: Signed, titled, dated and inscribed verso upper left: Christian Awe "Spiral" 2015 130 x 200cm. On the inside of the stretcher frame with various numberings. Provenance: - Private collection Germany. Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Arrangement after the auction. Explanations to the Catalogue Christian Awe Germany Contemporary Art 2010s Abstract Painting Acrylic

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Christian Awe: Joie de vivre
    Jun. 06, 2024

    Christian Awe: Joie de vivre

    Est: €7,000 - €9,000

    AWE, CHRISTIAN 1978 Berlin Title: "Joie de vivre". Date: 2012. Technique: Acrylic and spray paint on canvas. Measurement: 180 x 160cm. Notation: Signed, titled and dated verso upper left: Christian Awe "joie de vivre" 2012. Here additionally equipped with directional arrow. Provenance: - Private collection Germany. Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Arrangement after the auction. Explanations to the Catalogue Christian Awe Germany Contemporary Art 2010s Colour Painting Mixed media Abstract

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Christian Awe: Keine Angst, ich springe neben Dir
    Jun. 06, 2024

    Christian Awe: Keine Angst, ich springe neben Dir

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    AWE, CHRISTIAN 1978 Berlin Title: "Keine Angst, ich springe neben Dir". Date: 2005. Technique: Oil, acrylic, India ink and spray paint on canvas. Measurement: 200 x 150cm. Notation: Signed, titled and dated verso upper left: Christian Awe "Keine Angst, ich springe neben Dir" VI 2005. Here additionally equipped with work details. Once more on the upper stretcher signed, titled, dated and inscribed.. Provenance: - Private collection Germany. Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Arrangement after the auction. Explanations to the Catalogue Christian Awe Germany Contemporary Art 2000s Abstract Painting Mixed media

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Christian Awe: Verschwende Deine Zeit
    Jun. 06, 2024

    Christian Awe: Verschwende Deine Zeit

    Est: €7,000 - €10,000

    AWE, CHRISTIAN 1978 Berlin Title: "Verschwende Deine Zeit". Subtitle: Diptychon. Date: 2005. Technique: Oil, India ink and acrylic on canvas. Measurement: Each: 145 x 125cm; Total: 145 x 250cm. Notation: Signed, titled and dated on both panels verso upper left: Christian Awe "Verschwende Deine Zeit" 2005. Here additionally equipped with work details. Once more on the centre stretcher signed, titled, dated and inscribed. Provenance: - Private collection Germany. Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Arrangement after the auction. Explanations to the Catalogue Christian Awe Germany Contemporary Art 2000s Abstract Painting Mixed media

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Peppi Bottrop: Untitled
    Jun. 06, 2024

    Peppi Bottrop: Untitled

    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    BOTTROP, PEPPI 1986 Bottrop/Germany Title: Untitled. Date: 2015. Technique: Graphite on canvas. Measurement: 180 x 150cm. Notation: Signed and dated verso upper left: Peppi Bottrop '15. Here additionally equipped with directional arrow. Frame/Pedestal: Framed. Provenance: - Private collection North Rhine-Westphalia. Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Arrangement after the auction. Explanations to the Catalogue Peppi Bottrop Germany Contemporary Art 2010s Framed Abstract Painting Graphite Shapes

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Christian Awe (1978 Berlin – lebt in Berlin)
    Dec. 09, 2023

    Christian Awe (1978 Berlin – lebt in Berlin)

    Est: €200 - €300

    Aufsteigender Adler. 2006. Übermalter Offset in Mischtechnik. Am unteren Blattrand mit Bleistift signiert, betitelt und datiert: Christian Awe, Aufsteigender Adler, 2006. Blattmaß: 60 x 60 cm. Im Passepartout freigestellt und unter Glas gerahmt: 81 x 78 cm.

    AaG Auktionshaus am Grunewald
  • Christian Awe - viva la vida, 2023
    Dec. 03, 2023

    Christian Awe - viva la vida, 2023

    Est: -

    Christian Awe viva la vida, 2023 Handübermalter Pigmentdruck, signiert 36 x 36 cm

    Zentrum Überleben Charity
  • Christian Awe: "Honey, Girls In Da World R Nothing But Trouble"
    Nov. 30, 2023

    Christian Awe: "Honey, Girls In Da World R Nothing But Trouble"

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    AWE, CHRISTIAN 1978 Berlin Title: "Honey, Girls In Da World R Nothing But Trouble". Date: 2011. Technique: Acrylic and spray paint on canvas. Measurement: 145 x 145cm. Notation: Signed, titled and dated verso upper left: Christian Awe "Honey, girls in da world r nothing but trouble" 2011. Here additionally work details. Provenance: - Private collection North Germany Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Arrangement after the auction. Explanations to the Catalogue

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Christian Awe: "Dream Machine"
    Nov. 30, 2023

    Christian Awe: "Dream Machine"

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    AWE, CHRISTIAN 1978 Berlin Title: "Dream Machine". Date: 2013. Technique: Acrylic and spray paint on canvas. Measurement: 121.5 x 120cm. Notation: Signed, titled and dated verso upper left: Christian Awe "dream machine" 2013. Here additionally work details. Provenance: - Private collection North Germany Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Arrangement after the auction. Explanations to the Catalogue

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Christian Awe (1978 Berlin – lebt in Berlin)
    Sep. 16, 2023

    Christian Awe (1978 Berlin – lebt in Berlin)

    Est: €100 - €200

    Begegnungen. 2016. Pigmentdruck auf leichtem Karton. Am unteren Bildrand mit Bleistift signiert, betitelt, datiert und nummeriert: Christian Awe, Begegnungen, 2016, 131/300. Blattmaß: 27,5 x 62 cm. Im Objektrahmen unter Glas gerahmt: 37,5 x 72 cm.

    AaG Auktionshaus am Grunewald
  • Christian Awe: "Jeunesse dorée"
    Jun. 06, 2023

    Christian Awe: "Jeunesse dorée"

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    AWE, CHRISTIAN 1978 Berlin Title: "Jeunesse dorée". Date: 2014. Technique: Acrylic and spray lacquer on canvas. Measurement: 180 x 180cm. Notation: Signed, titled and dated verso: Christian Awe "Jeunesse dorée" 2014. Provenance: - Private collection North Rhine-Westphalia. Explanations to the Catalogue

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Christian Awe: "Malstrom"
    Jun. 06, 2023

    Christian Awe: "Malstrom"

    Est: €7,000 - €9,000

    AWE, CHRISTIAN 1978 Berlin Title: "Malstrom". Date: 2012. Technique: Acrylic and spray lacquer on canvas. Measurement: 120 x 100cm. Notation: Signed, titled, dated and inscribed verso upper left: Christian Awe "Malstrom" 2012 additionally equipped with work details. Provenance: - Private collection North Rhine-Westphalia. Explanations to the Catalogue

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Christian Awe: "Vitamin sea"
    Jun. 06, 2023

    Christian Awe: "Vitamin sea"

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    AWE, CHRISTIAN 1978 Berlin Title: "Vitamin sea". Date: 2015. Technique: Acrylic and spray lacquer on canvas. Measurement: 120 x 100cm. Notation: Signed, titled and dated verso upper left: Christian Awe "Vitamin sea" 2015. Provenance: - Private collection North Rhine-Westphalia. Explanations to the Catalogue

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Christian Awe (1978 Berlin) – „focus“
    Mar. 22, 2023

    Christian Awe (1978 Berlin) – „focus“

    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    Acryl und Sprühlack auf Leinwand. 2013. Ca. 180 x 180 cm. Verso auf der Leinwand signiert, datiert „29.10.2013“, betitelt und bezeichnet mit Technikangaben sowie auf der Rahmenleiste mit Richtungspfeil. Minimaler Kantenabrieb, stellenweise schwach berieben, sonst in sehr gutem, farbfrischem Zustand. Taxation: differenzbesteuert (VAT: Margin Scheme)

    Karl & Faber - Timed
  • Christian Awe – „focus“ („focus“)
    Dec. 08, 2022

    Christian Awe – „focus“ („focus“)

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    Acrylic and spray lacquer on canvas. 2013. Ca. 180 x 180 cm. Signed, dated “29.10.2013”, titled and inscribed with the technique on the reverse of the canvas and with an arrow to show hanging direction on the frame edge.

    Karl & Faber
  • Christian Awe – „Lichtstrom“ („Lichtstrom“)
    Dec. 08, 2022

    Christian Awe – „Lichtstrom“ („Lichtstrom“)

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    Acrylic and spray lacquer on canvas. 2013. Ca. 180 x 180 cm. Signed, dated “29.10.2013”, titled and inscribed with the technique on the reverse of the canvas and with an arrow to show hanging direction on the frame edge.

    Karl & Faber
  • Christian Awe - Edition free spirit, 2016
    Nov. 27, 2022

    Christian Awe - Edition free spirit, 2016

    Est: -

    Christian Awe Edition free spirit, 2016 Handübermalter Pigmentdruck, signiert 40 x 30 cm

    Zentrum Überleben Charity
  • Christian Awe: "focus"
    Dec. 02, 2020

    Christian Awe: "focus"

    Est: €12,000 - €18,000

    AWE, CHRISTIAN 1978 Berlin Title: "focus". Date: 2013. Technique: Acrylic and spray paint on canvas. Measurement: 180 x 180cm. Notation: Signed, titled and dated verso upper left: Christian Awe "focus" 29.10.2013. Beneath information about the work. Provenance: - Private collection Hessen. Estimated Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Arrangement after the auction.

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
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