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Louis Marie Autissier Sold at Auction Prices

Miniature painter

Louis-Marie Autissier (8 February 1772 – 21 September 1830), was a French-born Belgian portrait miniature painter. Born at Vannes, in Brittany, Autissier studied art under Vautrin at the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts.[2] He joined the French Revolutionary army at Rennes in 1791. Serving as secretary to the local commander, his skill as a draftsman was quickly recognised. On leaving the army in 1795, Autissier went to Paris and furthered his training by studying paintings at the Louvre.[1] In 1796 he settled in Brussels, there he devoted himself to miniature painting, and became famous for his portraits.[3]

The following years of his life were divided between Belgium, the Netherlands, and France. He exhibited works regularly at Salons in Brussels, Ghent, Antwerp, Amsterdam, and Paris; and was much employed in painting miniature portraits of the sovereigns, nobility, and celebrities of Belgium and the Netherlands. In 1806, after the Revolution, and the forming of the First French Empire he was named court painter to Louis Bonaparte, French King of the Netherlands from 1806 to 1810; and in 1815, court painter to Willem I, king of the Netherlands.[1] At the same time, the artist assumed the first names of his father; from 1801 to 1820 he exhibited under the name Jean François.[2] Returning to Brussels in 1809, Autisier painted a portrait of the duke of Wellington in 1817 and, later in Paris, King Louis XVIII and members of the royal family. Apart from portraits, Autissier occasionally executed historical scenes in miniature - a rare subject matter in this genre.[2]

Autissier exhibited two sorts of miniatures at the annual Salons: portraits of his most prestigious clients and, from 1811, "fancy pictures," or idealized genre subjects, generally made for sale on the open market rather than on commission[4] These attractive studies of young women are described in the Salon catalogues as "portraits idéal," "études de fantaisie," or "figures de fantaisie," and generally priced between 400 and 600 francs, a considerable sum for the period. Many of the models in these miniatures wear the regional costume of Belgium and the Netherlands; others are more exotically clad in Circassian, Portuguese, or English dress.[5] Altogether his paintings include more than 250 miniatures. Autissier died penniless in Brussels on 4 September 1830

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  • Louis-Marie AUTISSIER
    Nov. 27, 2024

    Louis-Marie AUTISSIER

    Est: €1,200 - €1,800

    Louis-Marie AUTISSIER (Vannes, 1772 - Bruxelles, 1830) Portrait de jeune femme en robe blanche au collier de corail et cachemire rouge brodé Aquarelle et gomme arabique sur ivoire, de forme ovale Signé et daté 'Autissier pt / 1815' au milieu à gauche CIC n° 2024/BE02080/CE Monture en cuivre doré sur un panneau octogonal recouvert de velours ocre  Portrait of a young woman wearing a white dress, watercolour and gum arabic on ivory, signed and dated, by L.-M. Autissier 3.11 x 2.48 in. 7.9 x 6.3 cm Provenance : Collection Pierre Jourdan-Barry (1926-2016) ; Puis par descendance ; Collection particulière, Belgique (Cheveu à gauche, traces de champignons) Louis-Marie AUTISSIER (Vannes, 1772 - Bruxelles, 1830) 7.9 x 6.3 cm

  • Louis-Marie AUTISSIER
    Nov. 27, 2024

    Louis-Marie AUTISSIER

    Est: €700 - €900

    Louis-Marie AUTISSIER (Vannes, 1772 - Bruxelles, 1830) Portrait de jeune femme en robe rouge, au châle de cachemire blanc brodé Aquarelle et gomme arabique sur ivoire, de forme ovale Signé 'Autissier p t' à droite CIC n° 2024/BE02120/CE Monture en bronze doré à décor de palmettes, dans un rectangle en bois bruni  Portrait of a young lady wearing a red dress, watercolour and gum arabic on ivory, signed, by L.-M. Autissier 3.03 x 2.48 in. 7.7 x 6.3 cm Provenance : Galerie Jaegy-Theoleyre, Paris ; Collection Pierre Jourdan-Barry (1926-2016) ; Puis par descendance ; Collection particulière, Belgique Oeuvre en rapport : Une autre version –comme le réalisait souvent l'artiste - signée et datée de 1826, ancienne collection Madame Bléhaut, Genève, Sotheby’s, 6 mai 1981, n° 147 (adj. 6 000 CHF), ensuite Londres, Sotheby’s, 4 juillet 1989, n° 340. Louis-Marie AUTISSIER (Vannes, 1772 - Bruxelles, 1830) 7.7 x 6.3 cm Provenance : Galerie Jaegy-Theoleyre, Paris  Oeuvre en rapport : Une autre version –comme le réalisait souvent l'artiste - signée et datée de 1826, ancienne collection Madame Bléhaut, Genève, Sotheby’s, 6 mai 1981, n° 147 (adj. 6 000 CHF), ensuite Londres, Sotheby’s, 4 juillet 1989, n° 340.

  • Louis-Marie AUTISSER
    Nov. 27, 2024

    Louis-Marie AUTISSER

    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    Louis-Marie AUTISSER (Vannes, 1772 - Bruxelles, 1830) Portrait d’Eléonore La Plaigne, dite Mademoiselle Georges, ancienne maîtresse de l’empereur Napoléon (1787-1868), en robe de velours violette à cachemire jaune et triple rang de perles, devant un fond de colonnes et draperies vertes Aquarelle et gomme arabique sur ivoire, de forme ovale Signé et daté 'Autissier p.t / Paris 1823.' en bas à gauche CIC n°2024/BE01772/CE Monture en bronze doré sur un cadre rectangulaire en bois noirci à écoinçons en bronze doré  Portrait of Eléonore La Plaigne, called Mademoiselle Georges, watercolour and gum arabic on ivory, signed and dated, by L. – M. Autissier 5.20 x 4.13 in.  13.2 x 10.5 cm Provenance : Probablement vente anonyme ; Paris, Hôtel Drouot, 15 avril 2011, n° 159 (avec l'inscription "La miniature originale d'Autissier se trouve chez les Dlles Galles, 15 août 1912") selon une ancienne inscription au dos ; Collection Pierre Jourdan-Barry (1926-2016) ; Puis par descendance ; Collection particulière, Belgique   Bibliographie : Probablement Lucien Lemaire, Autissier miniaturiste, Lille, 1913 (2e édition), n° 55, p. 224, illustr. p. 107, pl. XXVII, fig. 32. (Agrandissement d’origine à la bordure supérieure) Autrefois, le dos était inscrit : La miniature originale d’Autissier se trouve chez les Dlles Galles, 15 août 1912 (Drouot, Paris 15 avril 2011, n° 159) Œuvre en rapport : Une version ronde a été vendue chez Tajan, Paris, Hôtel Drouot, 13 mai 1996, n° 106 et ensuite par Sotheby’s, Paris, 22 septembre 2021, n° 92. Louis-Marie AUTISSER (Vannes, 1772 - Bruxelles, 1830) 13.2 x 10.5 cm Autrefois, le dos était inscrit : La miniature originale d’Autissier se trouve chez les Dlles Galles, 15 août 1912 (Drouot, Paris 15 avril 2011, n° 159) Œuvre en rapport : Une version ronde a été vendue chez Tajan, Paris, Hôtel Drouot, 13 mai 1996, n° 106 et ensuite par Sotheby’s, Paris, 22 septembre 2021, n° 92.

  • Louis-Marie AUTISSIER
    Nov. 27, 2024

    Louis-Marie AUTISSIER

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    Louis-Marie AUTISSIER (Vannes, 1772 - Bruxelles, 1830) Portrait de jeune femme en robe de satin blanc et châle orangé accordant sa harpe, devant un fond de draperie olive Aquarelle et gomme arabique sur ivoire Signée ‘Autissier p.’ en bas à droite CIC n° 2024/BE01787/CE Monture en bronze doré avec emboitage postérieur Inscriptions anciennes ‘Cette miniature / appartient à Mr autissier / peintre domicilié a Bruxelles / rue de Schaerbeeck / N°. 982 / en face de Pachéco.’ & ‘ Peint par L. M. Autissier / Membre de la Société des / beaux arts, mort 1830’ au dos Portrait of a young lady in a white satin dress and orange shawl tuning her harp, watercolour and gum arabic on ivory, signed, by L.-M. Autissier 6.22 x 4.6 in. 15.8 x 11.7 cm Provenance : Collection Etienne Delaunoy, Amsterdam ; Galerie Kugel, Paris ; Collection Pierre Jourdan-Barry (1926-2016) ; Puis par descendance ; Collection particulière, Belgique Expositions : Probablement Salon de 1810, Gand, n° 238 (comme ‘Portrait de femme accordant sa harpe, peint en miniature. H. 6 ; L. 4 ½ pouces’) ; Probablement Salon de 1811, Bruxelles, n° 13 (comme ‘Une jeune dame accordant sa harpe’) ; Autissier et le portrait miniature romantique en Belgique, Bruxelles, galerie de la Kredietbank, 1998, n° 17 Bibliographie : Probablement Lucien Lemaire, Autissier miniaturiste, Lille, 1913 (2e édition), pp. 53, 136 et 137 (Fêle restauré traversant à droite et petit manque de matière en haut à gauche) Le revers de la miniature est inscrit, probablement de la main de l’artiste : « Cette miniature / appartient à Mr autissier / peintre domicilié a Bruxelles / rue de Schaerbeeck / N°. 982 / en face de Pachéco. » Cette adresse est mentionnée pour la première fois dans le livret du Salon de Bruxelles de 1811.  La taille indiquée en pouces dans le livret du Salon de 1810 correspond approximativement à celle du présent portrait, de même que le sujet de la jeune femme qui tient dans la main droite une clé pour accorder sa harpe ; il est donc très probable qu’il s’agisse de la miniature exposée à Gand en 1810 et au premier Salon de Bruxelles en 1811. Œuvre en rapport : Autre version, signée, sans fond de draperie, vente anonyme ; Genève, Christie’s, 12 novembre 1975, n° 103, puis vente anonyme ; Londres, Christie’s, 27 novembre 2012, n° 346 (adjugé 2 800 £). Louis-Marie AUTISSIER (Vannes, 1772 - Bruxelles, 1830) 15.8 x 11.7 cm Le revers de la miniature est inscrit, probablement de la main de l’artiste : « Cette miniature / appartient à Mr autissier / peintre domicilié a Bruxelles / rue de Schaerbeeck / N°. 982 / en face de Pachéco. » Cette adresse est mentionnée pour la première fois dans le livret du Salon de Bruxelles de 1811.  La taille indiquée en pouces dans le livret du Salon de 1810 correspond approximativement à celle du présent portrait, de même que le sujet de la jeune femme qui tient dans la main droite une clé pour accorder sa harpe ; il est donc très probable qu’il s’agisse de la miniature exposée à Gand en 1810 et au premier Salon de Bruxelles en 1811. Œuvre en rapport : Autre version, signée, sans fond de draperie, vente anonyme ; Genève, Christie’s, 12 novembre 1975, n° 103, puis vente anonyme ; Londres, Christie’s, 27 novembre 2012, n° 346 (adjugé 2 800 £).

  • Louis-Marie AUTISSIER
    Nov. 27, 2024

    Louis-Marie AUTISSIER

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    Louis-Marie AUTISSIER (Vannes, 1772 - Bruxelles, 1830) Deux jeunes filles s’enlaçant, l’une en robe verte et l’autre en robe rose Aquarelle et gomme arabique sur ivoire, de forme ovale Signé et daté 'Autissier Pt 1812' à gauche sur le dossier du fauteuil  CIC n° 2024/BE01900/CE Cadre en métal doré, le dos inscrit avec le prix de 200 francs. Two young girls embracing, one in a green dress and the other in a pink dress, watercolour and gum arabic on ivory, signed and dated, by L.-M. Autissier 4.17 x 3.46 in. 10.6 x 8.8 cm Provenance : Peut-être les Demoiselles Galles, imprimeurs à Vannes, en 1912/1913 ; Vente anonyme ; Vannes, Me Ruellan, 27 novembre 2010, n° 12 (vendu 6 320 €) ; Acquis lors de cette vente ; Collection Pierre Jourdan-Barry (1926-2016) ; Puis par descendance ; Collection particulière, Belgique Bibliographie : Probablement Lucien Lemaire, Autissier miniaturiste, Lille, 1913 (2e édition), n° 53, p. 221 ("Derrière, est écrit à l’encre : 200 francs, le prix que le peintre en demandait“, illustr. p. 64 pl. XIII fig. 14. (Petites restaurations sur le pourtour en bas à gauche) Œuvre en rapport : Une copie tardive, vente Bonhams, Londres, 24 novembre 2010, n° 159. Louis-Marie AUTISSIER (Vannes, 1772 - Bruxelles, 1830) 10.6 x 8.8 cm Œuvre en rapport : Une copie tardive, vente Bonhams, Londres, 24 novembre 2010, n° 159.

  • AUTISSIER Louis (1772-1830). Portrait d’une jeune femme portant un voile de dentelle sur la tête, avec une rose dans les cheveux.
    Jul. 01, 2024

    AUTISSIER Louis (1772-1830). Portrait d’une jeune femme portant un voile de dentelle sur la tête, avec une rose dans les cheveux.

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    AUTISSIER Louis (1772-1830). Portrait d’une jeune femme portant un voile de dentelle sur la tête, avec une rose dans les cheveux. Miniature sur ivoire de forme ovale, signée en bas à droite par l’artiste : « Autissier, Paris, 1818 », conservée sous verre dans un encadrement ancien en bois doré.Bon état. À vue : H. : 9,5 cm – L. : 7,5 cm. Cadre : H. : 12 cm – L. : 10,4 cm.

  • Louis Marie Autissier (Vannes 1772 - Brussels 1830) Miniature on ivory, depicting officer in uniform, signed on the right "L.M. Autissier P.T." In frame in ebonized wood (18x18 cm) (defects) This lot is accompanied by documentation CITES ...
    Oct. 20, 2023

    Louis Marie Autissier (Vannes 1772 - Brussels 1830) Miniature on ivory, depicting officer in uniform, signed on the right "L.M. Autissier P.T." In frame in ebonized wood (18x18 cm) (defects) This lot is accompanied by documentation CITES ...

    Est: €650 - €700

    Louis Marie Autissier (Vannes 1772 - Brussels 1830) Miniature on ivory, depicting officer in uniform, signed on the right "L.M. Autissier P.T." In frame in ebonized wood (18x18 cm) (defects) This lot is accompanied by documentation CITES IT/EC/2023/MI/00738 IT Louis Marie Autissier (Vannes 1772 - Bruxelles 1830) Miniatura tonda su avorio, raffigurante ufficiale in uniforme, firmata a destra "L.M. Autissier P.T." In cornice in legno ebanizzato (cm tot. 18x18) (difetti) Il presente lotto è accompagnato da documentazione CITES IT/CE/2023/MI/00738

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Louis-Marie AUTISSIER Vannes, 1772 - Bruxelles, 1830 Femme au châle de cachemire coiffée de fleurs Miniature sur ivoire, de forme ov...
    Sep. 27, 2023

    Louis-Marie AUTISSIER Vannes, 1772 - Bruxelles, 1830 Femme au châle de cachemire coiffée de fleurs Miniature sur ivoire, de forme ov...

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    Louis-Marie AUTISSIER Vannes, 1772 - Bruxelles, 1830 Femme au châle de cachemire coiffée de fleurs Miniature sur ivoire, de forme ovale Signé, localisé et daté 'Autissier p t / Gand 1824' à droite (Restauration le long du bord supérieur) Cadre en placage de ronce et décor de rinceaux en applique A lady wearing a cashmere shawl and a flowery headdress, miniature on ivory, signed and dated, by L. M. Autissier h: 14,50 w: 11,80 cm Provenance : Vente anonyme ; Paris, Hôtel Drouot, Baron-Ribeyre et Ass., 28 mars 2007, n° 201 (adjugé 3 600) Commentaire : Ce lot, conformément à la réglementation en vigueur, dispose d'un CIC et est en libre circulation au sein de l'Union européenne. La sortie de l'Union européenne est interdite. This lot, in accordance to current regulations, has an intra-community certificate and is in free circulation within the European Union. The export outside European Union is prohibited. Estimation 2 000 - 3 000 €

  • Louis-Marie AUTISSIER Vannes, 1772 - Bruxelles, 1830 Portrait de l'épouse de l'artiste en robe noire, la coiffe ornée d'un ruban ble
    Jun. 14, 2023

    Louis-Marie AUTISSIER Vannes, 1772 - Bruxelles, 1830 Portrait de l'épouse de l'artiste en robe noire, la coiffe ornée d'un ruban ble

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    Louis-Marie AUTISSIER Vannes, 1772 - Bruxelles, 1830 Portrait de l'épouse de l'artiste en robe noire, la coiffe ornée d'un ruban bleu Miniature sur ivoire Signé 'Autissier' à droite (Retouches) Bordure en métal doré Portrait of the artist's wife wearing a black dress and a blue ribbon, miniature on ivory, signed, L. M. Autissier h: 8 w: 7,20 cm Provenance : Collection Léon Lallement, Vannes, en 1913 Bibliographie : Lucien Lemaire, 'Autissier, Miniaturiste, 1772-1830', Lille, 1913 (2e édition), p. 44 et p. 218-219, cat. n° 51, repr. pl. XLVII, fig. 52 Commentaire : Notre miniature est vantée par Lemaire comme une " œuvre de toute beauté, pleine d'expression, l'une des pages les plus importantes et les plus parfaites du peintre, où le prestige de la main d'œuvre et le charme du coloris se marient à la tradition idéalement fidèle d'un caractère. Autissier n'a mis dans aucun de ses ouvrages plus d'émotion et d'art pur ". Anne-Marie, fille de Jean-Jacques Draps et de Cornélie Vanderplas, née à Bruxelles, décéda à Vannes le 8 septembre 1837 à l'âge de 64 ans. L'envoi d'Autissier au Salon de Paris en 1801 contenait sous le n° 9 du livret une miniature représentant sa femme. Autissier, joueur invétéré, peignit régulièrement deux originaux de ses portraits afin de constituer à son épouse un capital décès qui échapperait à son vice (Ph. Plantade dans le cat. exp. 'Autissier et le portrait miniature romantique en Belgique', Bruxelles, 1998, p. 21). Ce lot, conformément à la réglementation en vigueur, dispose d'un CIC et est en libre circulation au sein de l'Union européenne. La sortie de l'Union européenne est interdite. This lot, in accordance to current regulations, has an intra-community certificate and is in free circulation within the European Union. The export outside European Union is prohibited. Estimation 3 000 - 5 000 €

    Jan. 26, 2022


    Est: £300 - £500

    ATTRIBUTED TO LOUIS MARIE AUTISSIER (FRENCH 1772-1830) PORTRAIT MINIATURE ATTRIBUTED TO LOUIS MARIE AUTISSIER (FRENCH 1772-1830) PORTRAIT MINIATURE depicting a young officer, wearing a dark blue jacket with silver buttons and embroidery bears signature (lower right) 7 x 6 cm (oval) in a carved and gilded Florentine style frame

    Chiswick Auctions
    Apr. 19, 2021


    Est: €600 - €800

    Louis Marie AUTISSIER (1772-1830) Portrait of Benoit Guillaume Ange Poublon, marquis de Fontanar Ivory miniature, signed. Framed H : 7 cm Width : 6,8 cm

  • Louis Marie Autissier "Portrait of a gentleman" round miniature on ivory (d. cm 7,5) Signed on the right. In a gold frame (defects) This lot may be subject to Import/Export restrictions due to CITES regulations in some extra UE countries...
    Oct. 14, 2020

    Louis Marie Autissier "Portrait of a gentleman" round miniature on ivory (d. cm 7,5) Signed on the right. In a gold frame (defects) This lot may be subject to Import/Export restrictions due to CITES regulations in some extra UE countries...

    Est: €500 - €600

    (Vannes 1772 - Bruxelles 1830) "Portrait of a gentleman" round miniature on ivory (d. cm 7,5) Signed on the right. In a gold frame (defects) This lot may be subject to Import/Export restrictions due to CITES regulations in some extra UE countries IT "Ritratto di gentiluomo" miniatura tonda su avorio (d. cm 7,5) Firmata a destra. In cornice in oro (difetti) Il presente lotto potrebbe essere soggetto a restrizioni di Importazione ed Esportazione a seguito della regolamentazione CITES di alcuni Paesi extra UE

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Louis-Marie Autissier (Franco-Belgian, 1772-1830) Oval, 66 mm. high, rectangular gilt-bronze frame
    Nov. 13, 2019

    Louis-Marie Autissier (Franco-Belgian, 1772-1830) Oval, 66 mm. high, rectangular gilt-bronze frame

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    Louis-Marie Autissier (Franco-Belgian, 1772-1830) A boy in blue coat with a hunting horn over his shoulder Signed and dated ‘Autissier pt / 1821’ (mid-right) On ivory Oval, 66 mm. high, rectangular gilt-bronze frame

    Nov. 12, 2019


    Est: €400 - €600

    Lot de deux miniatures comprenant : un "Portrait d'homme" sur ivoire en camaïeu de gris. Signé sur le côté droit Auti(f)ier pour Louis Marie Autissier (?). Ecole française. Epoque: début XIXème. On y joint une miniature représentant la "Vierge de douleur" sanguine sur papier et rehaussé à l'or. Dim.: de 8x6cm à 10x8,3cm.

  • LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER | Portrait of an officer of the 15th (The King’s) Hussars
    Jul. 04, 2019

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER | Portrait of an officer of the 15th (The King’s) Hussars

    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    Watercolour and bodycolour on ivory, gilt-metal frame; signed and dated: Autissier p.t / 1816

  • LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER | Portrait of Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington (1769-1852)
    Jul. 04, 2019

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER | Portrait of Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington (1769-1852)

    Est: £5,000 - £8,000

    Watercolour and bodycolour on ivory, gilt-metal frame; signed and dated: Autissier pt / 1815

  • LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (1772-1830)Portrait of Henri Frederick Alston, 6th Son of Thomas Alston of Odell, born January 23rd 1790Watercolour on ivory, 12 x 9.8cmSigned, inscribed and dated 'Paris 1817'Contained in an engine turned gilt brass frame
    May. 26, 2019

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (1772-1830)Portrait of Henri Frederick Alston, 6th Son of Thomas Alston of Odell, born January 23rd 1790Watercolour on ivory, 12 x 9.8cmSigned, inscribed and dated 'Paris 1817'Contained in an engine turned gilt brass frame

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (1772-1830)Portrait of Henri Frederick Alston, 6th Son of Thomas Alston of Odell, born January 23rd 1790Watercolour on ivory, 12 x 9.8cmSigned, inscribed and dated 'Paris 1817'Contained in an engine turned gilt brass frame** Please note that this lot contains ivory and is subject to CITES regulations when exporting outside of the EU. The United States Government has banned the import of ivory into the USA.**

  • LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER | Portrait of a young boy
    Dec. 06, 2018

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER | Portrait of a young boy

    Est: £2,500 - £3,500

    Watercolour and bodycolour on ivory, gilt-metal frame with blue enamel border; signed and dated lower right: Autissier pt / 1819

  • LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER | Portrait of a girl
    Dec. 06, 2018

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER | Portrait of a girl

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    Watercolour and bodycolour on ivory, gilt-metal frame, rectangular black stained wood frame; signed, dated and inscribed lower right:  Autissier.pt. / a Paris 1819.

  • French School (First Quarter 19th Century), Two Portrait Miniatures
    Aug. 24, 2018

    French School (First Quarter 19th Century), Two Portrait Miniatures

    Est: $500 - $800

    French School (First Quarter 20th Century) Two Portrait Miniatures each watercolor and gouache including (attr.) Jean-Baptiste Isabey (1767-1855), "Gentleman in Red Waistcoat and White Stock", 1818, signed and dated right edge; and (Attr.) Louis Marie Autissier (1772-1830), "Dark-Haired Gentleman in White Waistcoat and Stock", unsigned, taped pencil inscription with artist's name en verso. Each glazed, the first in a brass frame; the second in a rolled gold-plated frame. overall 3-3/8" x 2-3/4" and 3-3/8" x 2-3/4", respectively Provenance: Estate of Dr. Carroll Ball, Jackson, Mississippi.

    New Orleans Auction Galleries
  • French School (First Quarter 19th Century), Two Portrait Miniatures
    Jul. 28, 2018

    French School (First Quarter 19th Century), Two Portrait Miniatures

    Est: $1,200 - $1,800

    French School (First Quarter 19th Century) Two Portrait Miniatures each watercolor and gouache including Jean-Baptiste Isabey (1767-1855), "Gentleman in Red Waistcoat and White Stock", 1818, signed and dated right edge; and (Attr.) Louis Marie Autissier (1772-1830), "Dark-Haired Gentleman in White Waistcoat and Stock", unsigned, taped pencil inscription with artist's name en verso. Each glazed, the first in a brass frame; the second in a rolled gold-plated frame. overall 3-3/8" x 2-3/4" and 3-3/8" x 2-3/4", respectively Provenance: Estate of Dr. Carroll Ball, Jackson, Mississippi.

    New Orleans Auction Galleries
  • Louis-Marie Autissier (Franco-Belgian, 1772-1830)
    Jul. 04, 2018

    Louis-Marie Autissier (Franco-Belgian, 1772-1830)

    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (FRANCO-BELGIAN, 1772-1830) A boy in blue coat with a hunting horn over his shoulder Signed and dated ‘Autissier pt / 1821’ (mid-right) On ivory Oval, 66 mm. high, rectangular gilt-bronze frame

  • "Portrait d'homme" miniature sur ivoire. Signé en bas à gauche Autissier. Ecole française. Dim.:6,5x5cm.
    Apr. 25, 2018

    "Portrait d'homme" miniature sur ivoire. Signé en bas à gauche Autissier. Ecole française. Dim.:6,5x5cm.

    Est: €400 - €600

    "Portrait d'homme" miniature sur ivoire. Signé en bas à gauche Autissier. Ecole française. Dim.:6,5x5cm.

  • LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (BELGIAN, 1772-1830). Portrait miniature of a young lady in décolleté white dress with pink sash waistband and fine pink shawl, a pearl and diamond necklace and gold pendant on a long gold chain, her dark curling hair adorned with a gold and pearl tiara, signed and dated 1819 right hand edge, watercolour on ivory,  oval gilt ormolu mount set into a rectangular wood frame, oval, 75mm, high. FOOTNOTE: Louis-Marie Autissier, was a French-born Belgian portrait miniature painter and is considered to be the founder of the Belgian school of miniature painting in the 19th Century. His success as a miniaturist was largely due to his attention to detail in depicting the costumes of his sitters and his talent as a colourist. Examples of his works are in the collections of the Cincinnati Art Museum, the National Museum of Fine Arts, Sweden, and the Royal Collection.
    Oct. 03, 2017

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (BELGIAN, 1772-1830). Portrait miniature of a young lady in décolleté white dress with pink sash waistband and fine pink shawl, a pearl and diamond necklace and gold pendant on a long gold chain, her dark curling hair adorned with a gold and pearl tiara, signed and dated 1819 right hand edge, watercolour on ivory,  oval gilt ormolu mount set into a rectangular wood frame, oval, 75mm, high. FOOTNOTE: Louis-Marie Autissier, was a French-born Belgian portrait miniature painter and is considered to be the founder of the Belgian school of miniature painting in the 19th Century. His success as a miniaturist was largely due to his attention to detail in depicting the costumes of his sitters and his talent as a colourist. Examples of his works are in the collections of the Cincinnati Art Museum, the National Museum of Fine Arts, Sweden, and the Royal Collection.

    Est: £700 - £900

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (BELGIAN, 1772-1830). Portrait miniature of a young lady in décolleté white dress with pink sash waistband and fine pink shawl, a pearl and diamond necklace and gold pendant on a long gold chain, her dark curling hair adorned with a gold and pearl tiara, signed and dated 1819 right hand edge, watercolour on ivory,  oval gilt ormolu mount set into a rectangular wood frame, oval, 75mm, high. FOOTNOTE: Louis-Marie Autissier, was a French-born Belgian portrait miniature painter and is considered to be the founder of the Belgian school of miniature painting in the 19th Century. His success as a miniaturist was largely due to his attention to detail in depicting the costumes of his sitters and his talent as a colourist. Examples of his works are in the collections of the Cincinnati Art Museum, the National Museum of Fine Arts, Sweden, and the Royal Collection.

    Chiswick Auctions
  • LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (FRANCO-BELGIAN, 1772-1830) Oval, 70 mm. high, gilt-
    Nov. 25, 2014

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (FRANCO-BELGIAN, 1772-1830) Oval, 70 mm. high, gilt-

    Est: £1,200 - £1,800

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (FRANCO-BELGIAN, 1772-1830) Oval, 70 mm. high, gilt-metal mount with stamped foliate border

    Nov. 27, 2012


    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (FRANCO-BELGIAN, 1772-1830) Princess Louise Adélaïde d'Orléans (1777-1847), seated on a wooden chair, in white silk dress with lace sleeves and frilled cuffs, yellow sash around waist and tied in bows at cuffs, embroidered Cashmere shawl draped over her right shoulder and across her left arm, wearing an elaborate green cord necklace set with pearls and with pearl-set tasseled ends, white lace cap over her dark hair dressed in ringlets, her right arm resting on the back of the chair signed and dated 'Autissier pυt à Paris. 1818.' (lower right) on ivory oval, 6 11/16 in. (170 mm.) high, within rectangular green plush-lined red leather case, the cover stamped with gilt Gothic intials GLK and gilt border

    Nov. 27, 2012


    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (FRANCO-BELGIAN, 1772-1830) A young lady tuning a harp, in décolleté white dress, wearing belt with black and white cameo clasp, embroidered orange Cashmere shawl, dark curling hair set with a hair band, her left hand playing the strings of the harp, a key in her right hand which rests on the instrument signed 'Autissier pt.' (lower left) on ivory rectangular, 4 7/8 x 3½ in. (124 x 90 mm.), gilt-metal mount within wood frame

  • Louis Marie Autissier (French, 1772-1830)
    Nov. 21, 2012

    Louis Marie Autissier (French, 1772-1830)

    Est: £1,500 - £2,000

    A Lady, wearing vermilion dress, white lace fichu, black hooded cloak, gold hooped earrings and multi-stranded necklace, her brown hair curled and upswept beneath a white lace mob cap, tied in a bow beneath her chin, she removes a silver hat pin from her hood with her right hand. Gold frame. Oval, 58mm (2 5/16in) high

  • Louis-Marie AUTISSIER (Vannes, 8 Février
    Dec. 15, 2011

    Louis-Marie AUTISSIER (Vannes, 8 Février

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Louis-Marie AUTISSIER (Vannes, 8 Février 1772-Bruxelles, 20 Septembre 1830) Portrait de Madame Huy de Thys en robe de soie verte coiffée d'un important bonnet de dentelle et portant la miniature en broche de son fils. Miniature ovale sur ivoire. Signée et datée 1827. H_7,8 cm L_6,2 cm

    Pierre Bergé & Associés
  • Louis-Marie AUTISSIER (Vannes, 8 Février
    Dec. 15, 2011

    Louis-Marie AUTISSIER (Vannes, 8 Février

    Est: €4,000 - €5,000

    Louis-Marie AUTISSIER (Vannes, 8 Février 1772-Bruxelles, 20 Septembre 1830) Portrait de jeune femme vers la droite en robe de soie blanche, cape rouge sur les épaules, les cheveux bouclés attachés de rubans. Miniature ovale sur ivoire. Porte une étiquette d'exposition ou de Salon : 70. H_14 cm L_10,6 cm

    Pierre Bergé & Associés
  • Louis Marie Autissier (French, 1772-1830) A Lady, wearing white dress with lace slip, crimson and fur cloak, double-stranded gold necklace, her blonde hair curled, upswept and dressed with gold braid
    Nov. 23, 2011

    Louis Marie Autissier (French, 1772-1830) A Lady, wearing white dress with lace slip, crimson and fur cloak, double-stranded gold necklace, her blonde hair curled, upswept and dressed with gold braid

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    A Lady, wearing white dress with lace slip, crimson and fur cloak, double-stranded gold necklace, her blonde hair curled, upswept and dressed with gold braid. Signed on the obverse and dated Autissier pυt/ 1813, gilt-metal frame. Oval, 90mm (3 9/16in) high Provenance: Sotheby's, 6 March 2001, lot 315

  • Circle of Louis Marie Autissier (French, 1772-1830) A Gentleman, wearing dark blue coat, white waistcoat, frilled chemise and stock
    May. 25, 2011

    Circle of Louis Marie Autissier (French, 1772-1830) A Gentleman, wearing dark blue coat, white waistcoat, frilled chemise and stock

    Est: £700 - £900

    A Gentleman, wearing dark blue coat, white waistcoat, frilled chemise and stock. Gilt-metal frame with brooch clasp attachment, bronze resin and seed pearl borders. Oval, 34mm (1 5/16in) high

  • Attribué à Louis-Marie AUTISSIER (1772-1850).
    Apr. 08, 2011

    Attribué à Louis-Marie AUTISSIER (1772-1850).

    Est: €500 - €700

    Attribué à Louis-Marie AUTISSIER (1772-1850). Portrait de femme Miniature sur ivoire. 6,8 x 5,7 cm

  • LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (1772-1830) Portrait d'homme à la redingote grise et jabot de dentelle. Miniature rectangulaire sur ivoire s...
    Dec. 15, 2010

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (1772-1830) Portrait d'homme à la redingote grise et jabot de dentelle. Miniature rectangulaire sur ivoire s...

    Est: €400 - €600

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (1772-1830) Portrait d'homme à la redingote grise et jabot de dentelle. Miniature rectangulaire sur ivoire signée à droite. H_4,5 cm L_3,7 cm

    Pierre Bergé & Associés
  • Autissier, Jean Marie Portraitminiatur einer Dame
    Nov. 13, 2010

    Autissier, Jean Marie Portraitminiatur einer Dame

    Est: - €1,000

    Autissier, Jean Marie Portraitminiatur einer Dame (Vannes 1772-1830 Brüssel) Ovale, sehr fein gearbeitete Darstellung einer jungen Dame mit korallenbesetztem Diadem, Ohrringen und Kette; rücks. Landschaftsminiatur mit zwei weißen Tauben. Aquarell/Elfenbein. Rechts sign. u. dat. „1815 . 7 x 5,5 cm, ger. - Minimale Farbverluste, reinigungsbedürftig. - Lit. Thieme/Becker 2, Saur AKL 5.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
    Oct. 28, 2010


    Est: £3,000 - £4,000

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER VANNES 1772 - 1830 BRUSSELS PORTRAIT OF NAPOLÉON FRANÇOIS JOSEPH CHARLES BONAPARTE, KING OF ROME (1811-1832) reinforced signature c.r.: Autissier / 1817 watercolour and bodycolour on ivory, gilt-metal frame 6.2 by 5 cm.; 2 ½ by 2 in.

  • LOUIS MARIE AUTISSIER (1772-1830) "Jean G van
    Oct. 22, 2010

    LOUIS MARIE AUTISSIER (1772-1830) "Jean G van

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    LOUIS MARIE AUTISSIER (1772-1830) "Jean G van Damme in black coat and white stock", head and shoulders, miniature portrait study, signed "Autissier", bears various inscriptions verso and lock of hair, 5 x 4 cm (ILLUSTRATED)

    Moore Allen & Innocent
    Jun. 02, 2009


    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (FRENCH, 1772-1830) A young gentleman, in olive brown coat, striped waistcoat, white frilled cravat, dark curling hair (artist's joins) signed 'Autissier p.t' (lower right) on ivory oval, 2¼ in. (57 mm.) high, gilt-metal mount within rectangular ebonised wood frame

  • Louis Marie Autissier (French, 1772-1830) A Lady, wearing white dress with frilled collar, a royal blue shawl with embroidered floral border around her shoulders, her brown hair curled and upswept beneath a white bonnet piped with blue and trimmed
    May. 20, 2009

    Louis Marie Autissier (French, 1772-1830) A Lady, wearing white dress with frilled collar, a royal blue shawl with embroidered floral border around her shoulders, her brown hair curled and upswept beneath a white bonnet piped with blue and trimmed

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    A Lady, wearing white dress with frilled collar, a royal blue shawl with embroidered floral border around her shoulders, her brown hair curled and upswept beneath a white bonnet piped with blue and trimmed with bunches of matching ribbon, a bow tied beneath her chin. Gold frame, the reverse glazed to reveal plaited hair. Oval, 77mm (3 1/16in) high

  • Louis Marie Autissier (Vannes 1772-1830 Brüssel)
    Mar. 05, 2009

    Louis Marie Autissier (Vannes 1772-1830 Brüssel)

    Est: €1,000 - €1,200

    Louis Marie Autissier (Vannes 1772-1830 Brüssel) Bildnis eines blondgelockten Knaben in Uniform, signiert u. datiert Autissier 1817, Aquarell auf Elfenbein, 6 x 5 cm, oval, gerahmt, beschädigt (am linken Rand gebrochen), (Hu)

    Dec. 09, 2008


    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (FRENCH, 1772-1830) A young artist, seated at a desk, drawing a portrait of a young lady in a sketchbook, in blue coat, yellow waistcoat, white shirt, knotted black stock, gem-set tie-pin, a burgundy velvet-lined olive green coat draped over his shoulders signed 'Autissier p.t [à B]rux[elles]' (mid-left) on ivory feigned oval, 7½ in. (193 mm.) high, rectangular gilt-wood frame with beaded and foliate surround

    Dec. 09, 2008


    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (FRENCH, 1772-1830) A young lady, in light blue satin dress with Renaissance-style ruched sleeves and sheer white starched double-frilled lace collar, double-strand pearl necklace with emerald-set clasp about her neck, opera-length double strand of pearls centred by a gold-mounted emerald jewel with pendant crucifix, pearl-set gold tiara in her upswept curling brown hair signed and dated 'Autissier pt 1814' (lower right) on ivory rectangular, 3 3/8 x 2 7/16 in. (86 x 62 mm.), gilt-metal frame with beading and stamped acanthus border

  • A young artist, seated at a desk, drawing a portrait of a young lady in a sketchbook, in blue coat, yellow waistcoat, white shirt, knotted black stock, gem-set tie-pin, a burgundy velvet-lined olive green coat draped over his shoulders
    Jun. 10, 2008

    A young artist, seated at a desk, drawing a portrait of a young lady in a sketchbook, in blue coat, yellow waistcoat, white shirt, knotted black stock, gem-set tie-pin, a burgundy velvet-lined olive green coat draped over his shoulders

    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    LOUIS-MARIE AUTISSIER (FRENCH, 1772-1830) A young artist, seated at a desk, drawing a portrait of a young lady in a sketchbook, in blue coat, yellow waistcoat, white shirt, knotted black stock, gem-set tie-pin, a burgundy velvet-lined olive green coat draped over his shoulders signed 'Autissier p.t.' (mid left) on ivory feigned oval, 7½ in. (193 mm.) high, rectangular gilt-wood frame with beaded and foliate surround

    Mar. 27, 2007


    Est: €1,800 - €2,200

    with curled brown hair, wearing a dark grey coat, white waistcoat, and chemise and a knotted cravat, stamp gilt-metal mount, rectanglar wood frame, the corners with applied gilt metal anthemion decoration, signed: Autissier, circa 1812, 7cm

    Jul. 04, 2006


    Est: £800 - £1,200

    PROPERTY FROM AN ENGLISH PRIVATE COLLECTION PORTRAIT OF A LADY, HALF LENGTH, HOLDING A BASKET OF FRUIT measurements note 17 by 13 cm.; 6 3/4 by 5 1/8 in. signed and dated lower left: Aatissier ft. / 1811 oil on ivory PROVENANCE H. Lady Bullers Collection (according to an old label on the reverse); Acquired circa June 1884 by the great grandmother of the present owner, thence by descent. NOTE The painting appears to relate to a series of miniatures that the artist exhibited at the Salon de Bruxelles in 1811 and 1815, and in the Salon de Gand in 1812 and 1815. A number of comparable miniatures, which may have been amongst those exhibited, are known in private collections and in the Collection des Miniatures, Tansey (see Autissier et le portrait miniature romantique en belgique, Kredietbank 1998, cat. no. 18, p. 149, cat. no. 26, p. 151, p. 19, fig. 1, p. 42, fig. 42, p. 50, fig. 26).

    Jun. 12, 2006


    Est: £2,500 - £3,500

    Armand Louis de Broc (1772-1810), Aide-de-camp to King Louis of Holland in Major-General's uniform with gold-embroidered lapels, scarlet collar and epaulettes, black stock, gold aiguillettes, blue sash, badge and breast-star of the Grand Cross of the Royal Dutch Order of the Union, and the red ribbon and badge of the Imperial French Order of the Legion of Honour, short curled hair and sideburns signed 'Autissier' (mid-left) oval, 2 1/4 in. (57 mm.) high, rectangular gilt-metal frame

    Jul. 06, 2005


    Est: £1,500 - £2,500

    A young lady revealing her left breast, in frilled white dress, floral bordered red cashmere stole draped over her shoulders, vine leaf crown in her upswept hair falling in tendrils around her neck oval, 3 9/16 in. (90 mm.) high, gilt-metal mount within rectangular black wooden frame

    Jul. 06, 2005


    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    A cleric, called Father Bonaventure, in black robe with sash around the waist, collar and bands signed and dated 'Autissier a lille 1821' and accompanied with a letter identifying the sitter as Father Bonaventure oval, 3 1/8 in. (80 mm.) high, gilt-metal mount within rectangular ebonized wood frame

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