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François Aubert Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1829 - d. 1906

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  • FRANÇOIS AUBERT (1829-1906) A rare scene apparently documenting the events surrounding the execution of Emperor Maximilian.
    Apr. 27, 2023

    FRANÇOIS AUBERT (1829-1906) A rare scene apparently documenting the events surrounding the execution of Emperor Maximilian.

    Est: $15,000 - $25,000

    FRANÇOIS AUBERT (1829-1906) A rare scene apparently documenting the events surrounding the execution of Emperor Maximilian. Albumen print, the image measuring 6 1/4x8 3/4 inches (15.9x22.2 cm.), with Aubert's signature and notation Mexico in the negative. 1867 Provenance: A European dealer Austrian Archduke Maximilian I was appointed Emperor of Mexico by Napoleon III in 1864. After the French withdrew in 1867, he was captured in Queretaro, tried, and sentenced to be executed along with his two generals by the nationalist supporters of Benito Juarez. Aubert, a Frenchman who had become Maximilian's official photographer, was not allowed close to the scene. Four other photographs were documented at the time, including Maximilian's prison, the execution squad, and the frock coat and waist coat he was wearing, riddled with bullet holes. Maximilian and his two generals were supposedly executed on Cerro de las Campanas behind the city of Queretaro. A detailed study of this exceptionally rare photograph shows soldiers from the Republican army spread out through the area and grouped in a semi-circle, perhaps in preparation for the execution. Édouard Manet famously made three paintings of this scene, and may have been familiar with Aubert's photographs, some of which were widely distributed despite the French government's attempt to censor them, for he shows the prisoners lined up against a wall. Other examples of this photograph are located at the Getty Research Institute and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

    Swann Auction Galleries
  • Aubert, Francois. Types Indiens. Fotografía, 15.7 x 21.7 cm. "Photographie raportie du Mexique por le com' Mariion". Ca. 1865.
    Sep. 01, 2012

    Aubert, Francois. Types Indiens. Fotografía, 15.7 x 21.7 cm. "Photographie raportie du Mexique por le com' Mariion". Ca. 1865.

    Est: $25,000 - $30,000

    Aubert, Francois. Types Indiens. Fotografía, 15.7 x 21.7 cm. "Photographie raportie du Mexique por le com' Marion". Al reverso: "Comandeur Victor Marion vers 186...". Firmada "Aubert Mexico". François Aubert (Lyon, 1829 - Condrieu, 1906) fue un fotógrafo francés que trabajó en la corte de Maximiliano I de México y fue testigo de su fusilamiento. En 1864 compró el estudio fotográfico de Julio Amiel en Ciudad de México, le puso por nombre François Aubert y compañía y pronto tuvo ocasión de convertirse en fotógrafo habitual del emperador y su corte. En 1867 estaba presente como fotógrafo durante la captura y ejecución del emperador Maximiliano I y realizó uno de los reportajes sobre difuntos con mayor repercusión, especialmente en Francia. Aunque no dispuso de autorización para realizar una fotografía de la ejecución pudo realizar un dibujo a lápiz de la misma. Se dice que Édouard Manet se basó en sus fotos para realizar su serie de pinturas históricas sobre el tema, entre las que destaca la titulada "La ejecución del Emperador Maximiliano".

    Morton Subastas
  • Photographs: François Aubert (1829-1906)
    Nov. 21, 2010

    Photographs: François Aubert (1829-1906)

    Est: €500 - €600

    Photographs: François Aubert (1829-1906) Le Maréchal Bazaine et son officier d'ordonnance au Mexique. c. 1864-1865. Epreuve sur papier albuminé, d'après négatif verre au collodion. Légende manuscrite à...

  • Photographs: François Aubert (1829-1906)
    Nov. 21, 2010

    Photographs: François Aubert (1829-1906)

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Photographs: François Aubert (1829-1906) Cathédrale de Mexico. c. 1865. Epreuve sur papier albuminé, d'après négatif verre au collodion. 25,7 x 36,2 cm. On joint : François Aubert (1829-1906) Cathédrale...

  • Photographs: François Aubert (1829-1906)
    Nov. 21, 2010

    Photographs: François Aubert (1829-1906)

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    Photographs: François Aubert (1829-1906) Mexico Cricket Club. Entourage de l'Empereur Maximilien jouant au cricket. c. 1865. Epreuve sur papier albuminé, d'après négatif verre au collodion. 27 x 37,5 cm....

  • Photographs: François Aubert (1829-1906)
    Nov. 21, 2010

    Photographs: François Aubert (1829-1906)

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Photographs: François Aubert (1829-1906) Le château de Chapultepec. Mexico, c. 1865. Epreuve sur papier albuminé, d'après négatif verre au collodion, signée «Aubert Mexico» en bas à gauche dans le négatif....

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