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Francisco Antolínez y Sarabia Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1644 - d. 1700

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  • FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ. Attributed to. Jacob and the Angel's Struggle.
    Dec. 18, 2024

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ. Attributed to. Jacob and the Angel's Struggle.

    Est: €250 - €280

    Oil on canvas 37.5x56.8 cm.

  • FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ (Sevilla, h. 1645 - Madrid, h. 1700) , Adoración de los magos
    Sep. 18, 2024

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ (Sevilla, h. 1645 - Madrid, h. 1700) , Adoración de los magos

    Est: €5,000 - €6,000

    Se conocen numerosas pinturas atribuidas a este pintor a partir de las pocas obras firmadas de su mano que se conocen, especialmente la Adoración de los pastores de la Catedral de Sevilla, fechada en 1678. Palomino y Ceán Bermúdez fueron los primeros en ofrecer datos biográficos sobre este pintor, sobrino de José Antolínez (Madrid, 1635-1675), cuya profesión principal fue la de letrado. Posteriormente los estudios de Angulo, Pérez Sánchez y Valdivieso arrojaron luz sobre su producción pictórica. Tanto Palomino como Ceán Bermúdez coinciden en afirmar que se formó artísticamente en la escuela sevillana de Murillo. Se especializó en la realización de pinturas de pequeño o mediano formato, agrupadas en series de seis, ocho o doce cuadros, en los que fundamentalmente representaba escenas religiosas. En sus composiciones se observan similitudes con Ignacio de Iriarte en cuanto al paisaje, Matías de Arteaga en cuanto a las arquitecturas y Murillo a la hora de agrupar a los personajes. También se inspiró en grabados y estampas. Su factura es suelta, dinámica y nerviosa. Las figuras, populares, menudas, pero esbeltas de proporciones y ligeras de movimiento, se mueven en ambientes de luces y sombras marcadamente contrastados, que dejan ver un vivo colorido y revelan, junto con algunos detalles y recursos, un cierto interés escenográfico que en este caso se establece mediante el empleo de las ruinas. Tanto en el ángulo inferior izquierdo como en el derecho se observan posibles números de inventario. Mientras que a la izquierda se vislumbra un “2”, a la derecha, en rojo, se lee con claridad un “290”. A comparar con le Epifanía conservada en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios de Zamora o la Adoración de los Magos, atribuida al pincel del pintor, del Museo del Prado (P000589).

    Isbilya Subastas
  • ATRIBUIDO A FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Sevilla, 1644 - Madrid, 1700), Adoración de los pastores
    Sep. 18, 2024

    ATRIBUIDO A FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Sevilla, 1644 - Madrid, 1700), Adoración de los pastores

    Est: €3,600 - €4,000


    Isbilya Subastas
    Sep. 17, 2024


    Est: -

    FRANCISCO ANTOLINEZ Y SARABIA Seville 1644 - Madrid 1700 Annunciation Oil on canvas Measurements 70 x 100 cm

    Subastas Segre
    Sep. 17, 2024


    Est: -

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA Seville 1644 - Madrid 1700 Flight to Egypt Oil on board Measurements 20.5 x 16 cm With period frame

    Subastas Segre
  • FRANCISCO ANTOLINEZ Y SARABIA - Adoration of the Three Kings
    Sep. 17, 2024

    FRANCISCO ANTOLINEZ Y SARABIA - Adoration of the Three Kings

    Est: -

    FRANCISCO ANTOLINEZ Y SARABIA Seville 1644 - Madrid 1700 Adoration of the Three Kings Oil on panel Measures 20.5 x 16 cm With marco de época

    Subastas Segre
  • FRANCISCO ANTOLINEZ Y SARABIA - Adoration of the Shepherds
    Sep. 17, 2024

    FRANCISCO ANTOLINEZ Y SARABIA - Adoration of the Shepherds

    Est: -

    FRANCISCO ANTOLINEZ Y SARABIA Seville 1644 - Madrid 1700 Adoration of the Shepherds Oil on panel Dimensions 20.5 x 16 cm With period frame

    Subastas Segre
    Sep. 17, 2024


    Est: -

    FRANCISCO ANTOLINEZ Y SARABIA Sevilla 1644 - Madrid 1700 The Visitation Oil on panel Measures 20.5 x 16 cm With period frame

    Subastas Segre
  • FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ. Attributed to. Jacob and the Angel's Struggle.
    Jul. 11, 2024

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ. Attributed to. Jacob and the Angel's Struggle.

    Est: €500 - €550

    Oil on canvas 37.5x56.8 cm.

  • Rest during the Flight into Egypt Attributed to FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (1644 - 1700) 17th century
    Jun. 26, 2024

    Rest during the Flight into Egypt Attributed to FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (1644 - 1700) 17th century

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    Oil on canvas measuring 140 x 160 cm framed (Seville h 1645-h 1700) Painter of Spanish origin Brother of the well-known painter José Antolínez Palomino claims to have treated him personally describing him as maniacal and extravagant Despite dedicating himself professionally to law his curiosity led him to become interested in many different subjects especially everything related to intellectual scholarship These concerns led him to practice painting achieving success with small works in which small figures usually appear surrounded by a landscape or architectural background Although he made a living from painting he did not sign his works since he preferred to present himself as a lawyer Due to this only one work signed by his hand is known The Adoration of the Shepherds (Seville Cathedral) Since this work other similar works have been attributed to him generally small in size and with a pronounced decorative sense which form series with religious themes and are characterized by a special investigation into lighting effects developed with a rapid and agitated workmanship There are eight canvases attributed to Francisco Antolínez in the Prado Museum all of them from the Trinidad Museum

    Templum Fine Art Auctions
  • El regreso de Jacob a Canaán y Jacob y Raquel en el pozo
    Apr. 24, 2024

    El regreso de Jacob a Canaán y Jacob y Raquel en el pozo

    Est: -

    Hermano del también pintor José Antolínez y abogado de profesión, Francisco fue un curioso erudito que, de entre sus muchas inquietudes, se decantó por la pintura. Tenía por costumbre no firmar sus obras, ya que prefería presentarse como hombre versado en leyes, aunque sí se conserva una pintura firmada de su mano: la Adoración de los pastores de la Catedral de Sevilla, composición fechada en 1678, a partir de la cual se le han atribuido numerosos trabajos. Se especializó en la realización de series con representaciones bíblicas del Antiguo o Nuevo Testamento, las cuales concebía como escenas de género, desarrolladas en amplios paisajes con un marcado carácter narrativo. Tal es el caso de estas dos pinturas dedicadas a la vida de Jacob, en las que se observa la influencia de Ignacio de Iriarte en el paisaje, así como la impronta de Murillo a la hora de agrupar a los personajes. Las figuras, populares y menudas, se mueven con ligereza en una atmósfera de fuertes contrastes lumínicos que realzan sobremanera las notas de color, muy a la manera italiana. Toda una escenografía, no exenta de referencias arquitectónicas, en la que el pintor despliega su pincelada rápida y agitada para indagar en unos efectos lumínicos que enaltecen aún más ambas escenas.

    Isbilya Subastas
  • FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ. Attributed to. Jacob and the Angel's Struggle.
    Mar. 14, 2024

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ. Attributed to. Jacob and the Angel's Struggle.

    Est: €800 - €900

    Oil on canvas 37.5x56.8 cm.

  • The Holy Trinity, manner of Francisco Antolínez (Seville, c. 1645-c. 1700), Spanish school of the 17th century
    Jan. 25, 2024

    The Holy Trinity, manner of Francisco Antolínez (Seville, c. 1645-c. 1700), Spanish school of the 17th century

    Est: €7,000 - €7,500

    Oil on canvas, canvas measures: 113 x 83 cm, framed measures 106 x 95 cm

    Templum Fine Art Auctions
  • Spanish school of the 17th century. Possibly FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700) or IGNACIO DE IRIARTE (Azcotia, 1620- Seville, 1685). "Pastoral Scene". Oil on canvas.
    Dec. 14, 2023

    Spanish school of the 17th century. Possibly FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700) or IGNACIO DE IRIARTE (Azcotia, 1620- Seville, 1685). "Pastoral Scene". Oil on canvas.

    Est: €2,500 - €3,000

    Spanish school of the 17th century. Possibly FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700) or IGNACIO DE IRIARTE (Azcotia, 1620- Seville, 1685). "Pastoral Scene". Oil on canvas. Frame with plaque of attribution to Francisco Antolínez. Measurements: 84 x 110 cm; 93 x 120 cm (frame). We are in front of a pastoral scene close to the works of Ignacio de Iriarte (Azcoitia, 1621 - Seville, 1670) and Francisco Antolínez Sarabia (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700), both painters belonging to the Sevillian school of painting. It is a work in which the artist tries to communicate a religious reverence for the landscape, as well as for the figures that complete it: a shepherd resting while watching over his sheep and a young woman (in the background) leading her flock. The brother of the painter José Antolínez, Francisco was a lawyer by profession, although his curiosity led him to take an interest in a wide range of subjects. He thus became a painter, achieving success with small-format works generally featuring small figures against a background of landscape or architecture. Ceán Bermúdez stated that after studying law in Seville he learned painting at Murillo's school and attended the academy established in the Casa Lonja in the same city, where he is recorded as having attended in 1672. That same year he must have moved to Madrid to join José Antolínez, although it is likely that after Antolínez's death he returned to his native city for some time. He finally settled permanently in Madrid. Francisco Antolínez was able to make a living from painting, but in spite of this he did not sign his works, as he preferred to present himself as a lawyer. Antolínez was heir to the Flemish style of Ignacio de Iriarte in his landscapes, and to the architectural backgrounds of Matías de Torres. His figures have a clear Murilloesque character. Francisco Antolínez is currently represented in the Prado Museum, the Castrelos Museum in Vigo, the Provincial Museum in Ciudad Real, the Episcopal Palace in Huesca, the parish church of Santa Ana in Brea de Aragón, the church of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios in Zamora and other religious centres, public and private collections, etc. His work is completely dominated by the landscape, which becomes the protagonist of the image.

    Setdart Auction House
  • FRANCISCO ANTOLINEZ AND SARABIA Seville 1644 - Madrid 1700 Adoration of the Shepherds
    Dec. 12, 2023

    FRANCISCO ANTOLINEZ AND SARABIA Seville 1644 - Madrid 1700 Adoration of the Shepherds

    Est: -

    FRANCISCO ANTOLINEZ AND SARABIA Seville 1644 - Madrid 1700 Adoration of the Shepherds Oil on canvas Measurements 74.5 x 104 cm

    Subastas Segre
  • The Holy Trinity, manner of Francisco Antolínez (Seville, c. 1645-c. 1700), Spanish school of the 17th century
    Nov. 29, 2023

    The Holy Trinity, manner of Francisco Antolínez (Seville, c. 1645-c. 1700), Spanish school of the 17th century

    Est: €7,000 - €7,500

    Oil on canvas, measures: 113 x 83 cm, framed measures 106 x 95 cm

    Templum Fine Art Auctions
  • FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 – Madrid, 1700). “Christ and the adulteress.” Oil on canvas. Relining.
    Oct. 18, 2023

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 – Madrid, 1700). “Christ and the adulteress.” Oil on canvas. Relining.

    Est: €1,800 - €2,000

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700). "Christ and the Adulteress". Oil on canvas. Relined. Measurements: 48 x 67 cm. Brother of the also painter José Antolínez, Francisco was a lawyer by profession, although his curiosity would lead him to be interested in very diverse subjects. He was thus introduced to the practice of painting, achieving success with small-format works generally featuring small figures against a background of landscape or architecture. Ceán Bermúdez stated that after studying law in Seville he learned painting at Murillo's school and attended the academy established in the Casa Lonja in the same city, where he is recorded as having attended in 1672. That same year he must have moved to Madrid to join José Antolínez, although it is likely that after Antolínez's death he returned to his native city for some time. He finally settled permanently in Madrid. Francisco Antolínez was able to make a living from painting, but in spite of this he did not sign his works, as he preferred to present himself as a lawyer. Antolínez was heir to the Flemish style of Ignacio de Iriarte in his landscapes, and to the architectural backgrounds of Matías de Torres. His figures have a clear Murilloesque character. Francisco Antolínez is currently represented in the Prado Museum, the Castrelos Museum in Vigo, the Provincial Museum in Ciudad Real, the Episcopal Palace in Huesca, the parish church of Santa Ana in Brea de Aragón, the church of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios in Zamora and other religious centres and public and private collections.

    Setdart Auction House
  • FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 – Madrid, 1700). “The Sacrifice of Isaac.” Oil on canvas. Relining. It has damage caused by xylophages.
    Oct. 18, 2023

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 – Madrid, 1700). “The Sacrifice of Isaac.” Oil on canvas. Relining. It has damage caused by xylophages.

    Est: €1,800 - €2,000

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700). "The Sacrifice of Isaac". Oil on canvas. Re-retouched. It presents damages caused by xylophagous. Measurements: 48 x 67 cm; 58 x 75 cm (frame). Brother of the painter José Antolínez, Francisco was a lawyer by profession, although his curiosity would lead him to be interested in many different subjects. He thus became a painter, achieving success with small-format works generally featuring small figures against a background of landscape or architecture. Ceán Bermúdez stated that after studying law in Seville he learned painting at Murillo's school and attended the academy established in the Casa Lonja in the same city, where he is recorded as having attended in 1672. That same year he must have moved to Madrid to join José Antolínez, although it is likely that after Antolínez's death he returned to his native city for some time. He finally settled permanently in Madrid. Francisco Antolínez was able to make a living from painting, but in spite of this he did not sign his works, as he preferred to present himself as a lawyer. Antolínez was heir to the Flemish style of Ignacio de Iriarte in his landscapes, and to the architectural backgrounds of Matías de Torres. His figures have a clear Murilloesque character. Francisco Antolínez is currently represented in the Prado Museum, the Castrelos Museum in Vigo, the Provincial Museum in Ciudad Real, the Episcopal Palace in Huesca, the parish church of Santa Ana in Brea de Aragón, the church of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios in Zamora and other religious centres and public and private collections.

    Setdart Auction House
  • FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 – Madrid, 1700). "Christ". Oil on canvas. Relining.
    Oct. 18, 2023

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 – Madrid, 1700). "Christ". Oil on canvas. Relining.

    Est: €1,800 - €2,000

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700). "Christ". Oil on canvas. Relined. Size: 48 x 67 cm. Brother of the also painter José Antolínez, Francisco was a lawyer by profession, although his curiosity would lead him to be interested in very diverse subjects. He was thus introduced to the practice of painting, achieving success with small-format works generally featuring small figures against a background of landscape or architecture. Ceán Bermúdez stated that after studying law in Seville he learned painting at Murillo's school and attended the academy established in the Casa Lonja in the same city, where he is recorded as having attended in 1672. That same year he must have moved to Madrid to join José Antolínez, although it is likely that after Antolínez's death he returned to his native city for some time. He finally settled permanently in Madrid. Francisco Antolínez was able to make a living from painting, but in spite of this he did not sign his works, as he preferred to present himself as a lawyer. Antolínez was heir to the Flemish style of Ignacio de Iriarte in his landscapes, and to the architectural backgrounds of Matías de Torres. His figures have a clear Murilloesque character. Francisco Antolínez is currently represented in the Prado Museum, the Castrelos Museum in Vigo, the Provincial Museum in Ciudad Real, the Episcopal Palace in Huesca, the parish church of Santa Ana in Brea de Aragón, the church of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios in Zamora and other religious centres and public and private collections.

    Setdart Auction House
  • FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA. Attributed to. The descent of Christ.
    Oct. 05, 2023

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA. Attributed to. The descent of Christ.

    Est: €600 - €700

    Oil on canvas 46x37 cm.

  • FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA. Attributed to. The fight between Jacob and the angel.
    Jun. 29, 2023

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA. Attributed to. The fight between Jacob and the angel.

    Est: €700 - €1,200

    Oil on canvas 100x157 cm.

  • FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA. Attributed to. Jacob's Blessing.
    Jun. 29, 2023

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA. Attributed to. Jacob's Blessing.

    Est: €700 - €1,200

    Oil on canvas 100x157 cm.

  • Adoración de los magos
    Jun. 13, 2023

    Adoración de los magos

    Est: -

    Se conocen numerosas pinturas atribuidas a este pintor a partir de las pocas obras firmadas de su mano que se conocen, especialmente la Adoración de los pastores de la Catedral de Sevilla, fechada en 1678. Palomino y Ceán Bermúdez fueron los primeros en ofrecer datos biográficos sobre este pintor, sobrino de José Antolínez (Madrid, 1635-1675), cuya profesión principal fue la de letrado. Posteriormente los estudios de Angulo, Pérez Sánchez y Valdivieso arrojaron luz sobre su producción pictórica. Tanto Palomino como Ceán Bermúdez coinciden en afirmar que se formó artísticamente en la escuela sevillana de Murillo. Se especializó en la realización de pinturas de pequeño o mediano formato, agrupadas en series de seis, ocho o doce cuadros, en los que fundamentalmente representaba escenas religiosas. En sus composiciones se observan similitudes con Ignacio de Iriarte en cuanto al paisaje, Matías de Arteaga en cuanto a las arquitecturas y Murillo a la hora de agrupar a los personajes. También se inspiró en grabados y estampas. Su factura es suelta, dinámica y nerviosa. Las figuras, populares, menudas, pero esbeltas de proporciones y ligeras de movimiento, se mueven en ambientes de luces y sombras marcadamente contrastados, que dejan ver un vivo colorido y revelan, junto con algunos detalles y recursos, un cierto interés escenográfico que en este caso se establece mediante el empleo de las ruinas. Tanto en el ángulo inferior izquierdo como en el derecho se observan posibles números de inventario. Mientras que a la izquierda se vislumbra un “2”, a la derecha, en rojo, se lee con claridad un “290”. A comparar con le Epifanía conservada en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios de Zamora o la Adoración de los Magos, atribuida al pincel del pintor, del Museo del Prado (P000589).

    Isbilya Subastas
  • FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville 1644 - 1700) "The return of the Flight into Egypt"
    May. 31, 2023

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville 1644 - 1700) "The return of the Flight into Egypt"

    Est: €2,750 - €3,500

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville 1644 - 1700) "The return of the Flight into Egypt" Oil on canvas 49 x 75 cm 2.750 - 3.500 €

    Bayeu Subastas
  • Rest on the Flight into Egypt, Francisco Antolínez (Seville, c. 1645-c. 1700), Spanish school of the 17th century
    May. 30, 2023

    Rest on the Flight into Egypt, Francisco Antolínez (Seville, c. 1645-c. 1700), Spanish school of the 17th century

    Est: €4,500 - €5,500

    A report by Mr. Enrique Valdivieso, Professor of Art History at the University of Seville is attached. Oil on canvas, measurements: 43 x 57 cm, framed measurements: 54 x 68 cm, with period frame. Brother of the well-known painter José Antolínez. Palomino claims to have treated him personally, describing him as "maniac and extravagant." Despite dedicating himself professionally to law, his curiosity led him to be interested in many different subjects, especially everything related to intellectual scholarship. These concerns led him to practice painting, obtaining success with small-sized works in which small-figured characters usually appear wrapped in a landscape or architectural background. Although he lived from painting, he did not sign his works, since he preferred to present himself as a lawyer. Because of that, Only one work signed by his hand is known, The Adoration of the Shepherds (Cathedral of Seville). Based on this work, other similar ones have been attributed to him, generally small in size and with a strong decorative sense, which form series of religious themes and are characterized by a special investigation into lighting effects, developed with a rapid and agitated style. There are eight canvases attributed to Francisco Antolínez in the Museo del Prado, all of them from the Museo de la Trinidad. Reference bibliography: Valdivieso González, Enrique, History of Sevillian painting: 13th to 20th centuries, Seville, Guadalquivir, 1986, pp. 229-230. Origin: old Catalan noble collection, Alella, Costa del Maresme. Other similar ones have been attributed to it, generally small in size and with a strong decorative sense, which form series of religious themes and are characterized by a special investigation into lighting effects, developed with a rapid and agitated style. There are eight canvases attributed to Francisco Antolínez in the Museo del Prado, all of them from the Museo de la Trinidad. Reference bibliography: Valdivieso González, Enrique, History of Sevillian painting: 13th to 20th centuries, Seville, Guadalquivir, 1986, pp. 229-230. Origin: old Catalan noble collection, Alella, Costa del Maresme. Other similar ones have been attributed to it, generally small in size and with a strong decorative sense, which form series of religious themes and are characterized by a special investigation into lighting effects, developed with a rapid and agitated style. There are eight canvases attributed to Francisco Antolínez in the Museo del Prado, all of them from the Museo de la Trinidad. Reference bibliography: Valdivieso González, Enrique, History of Sevillian painting: 13th to 20th centuries, Seville, Guadalquivir, 1986, pp. 229-230. Origin: old Catalan noble collection, Alella, Costa del Maresme. developed with a fast and hectic invoice. There are eight canvases attributed to Francisco Antolínez in the Museo del Prado, all of them from the Museo de la Trinidad. Reference bibliography: Valdivieso González, Enrique, History of Sevillian painting: 13th to 20th centuries, Seville, Guadalquivir, 1986, pp. 229-230. Origin: old Catalan noble collection, Alella, Costa del Maresme. developed with a fast and hectic invoice. There are eight canvases attributed to Francisco Antolínez in the Museo del Prado, all of them from the Museo de la Trinidad. Reference bibliography: Valdivieso González, Enrique, History of Sevillian painting: 13th to 20th centuries, Seville, Guadalquivir, 1986, pp. 229-230. Origin: old Catalan noble collection, Alella, Costa del Maresme.

    Templum Fine Art Auctions
  • Francisco Antolínez (Seville, c. 1645-c. 1700), San Joaquín and Santa Ana receiving María and San José, Sevillian school of the 17th century
    Apr. 26, 2023

    Francisco Antolínez (Seville, c. 1645-c. 1700), San Joaquín and Santa Ana receiving María and San José, Sevillian school of the 17th century

    Est: €14,000 - €15,000

    A report by Mr. Enrique Valdivieso is attached. Oil on canvas, measures: 102 x 69 cm, framed measures: 112 x 88 cm. Francisco Antolínez (Seville, c. 1645-c. 1700). Spanish painter. Brother of the well-known painter José Antolínez. Palomino claims to have treated him personally, describing him as "maniac and extravagant." Despite dedicating himself professionally to law, his curiosity led him to be interested in many different subjects, especially everything related to intellectual scholarship. These concerns led him to practice painting, obtaining success with small-sized works in which small-figured characters usually appear wrapped in a landscape or architectural background. Although he lived from painting, he did not sign his works, since he preferred to present himself as a lawyer. Because of that, Only one work signed by his hand is known, The Adoration of the Shepherds (Cathedral of Seville). Based on this work, other similar ones have been attributed to him, generally small in size and with a strong decorative sense, which form series of religious themes and are characterized by a special investigation into lighting effects, developed with a rapid and agitated style. There are eight canvases attributed to Francisco Antolínez in the Museo del Prado, all of them from the Museo de la Trinidad.

    Templum Fine Art Auctions
  • FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, ca.1645-Madrid, ca.1700). Sevillian school, 17th century. "Flight into Egypt". Oil on canvas.
    Mar. 22, 2023

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, ca.1645-Madrid, ca.1700). Sevillian school, 17th century. "Flight into Egypt". Oil on canvas.

    Est: €8,000 - €9,000

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, ca.1645-Madrid, ca.1700). Sevillian school, 17th century. "Flight into Egypt". Oil on canvas. Attached certificate of authenticity issued by Doctor Enrique Valdivieso. It presents craquelados in the pictorial surface. Measurements: 43 x 57 cm; 54 x 68 cm (frame). In the Prado Museum there is a painting by Francisco Antolínez on the same subject, the Flight into Egypt, with a very similar treatment. In both versions, the angel is depicted with the same gracefulness, bending his torso with a gentle gesture; the Virgin, of Murillo influence, lulls the Child to sleep in both paintings, bringing the small tucked-in body close to her face. Joseph occupies the last position and his canon is similar in both paintings, although his gestures differ subtly. The idealised landscape in the present version is complemented by an architectural element that is not found in the Prado painting but was very common in the artist's surviving paintings. In any case, the palette with its dominance of warm tones, the Murillesque influence and his characteristic swift, intuitive brushstroke are evidence of the same artist, according to the study by Professor Valdivieso. Francisco Antolinez y Sarabia was a Baroque painter, brother of the Madrid painter José Antolínez. Antonio Palomino, who knew him personally, gave a curious description of his personality in El Parnaso español pintoresco laureado, describing him as a lawyer by profession but a skilful painter whose works "were very popular due to their size and decorative value". Antolínez's artistic corpus was established on the basis of a single signed work: "The Adoration of the Shepherds", exhibited in the Scalas Chapel of Seville Cathedral, dated 1678. Among the series attributed to him are the series on the life of the Virgin in the Museo del Prado (The Presentation of the Virgin, The Annunciation, The Marriage of the Virgin, The Nativity, The Adoration of the Kings and The Flight into Egypt), where a Landscape with Angels and the Magdalene and another Landscape with Angels and Saint Francis are also attributed to Antolinez, and the series of eight canvases in the Episcopal Palace in Huesca dedicated to the infancy and public life of Jesus.

    Setdart Auction House
  • Set of three oil paintings of Scenes from the life of Christ by Francisco Antolínez (Seville, 1645 and died in Madrid around 1700), Sevillian school of the 17th century
    Dec. 20, 2022

    Set of three oil paintings of Scenes from the life of Christ by Francisco Antolínez (Seville, 1645 and died in Madrid around 1700), Sevillian school of the 17th century

    Est: €12,500 - €15,000

    Oils on canvas, where we observe, first of all, the Miracle of the Bread, followed by Jesus preaching to the shepherds, and, finally, the Angel appearing to Jesus in Gethsemane. Framed measurements: 69 x 54 cm. Canvas measures: 60 x 46 cm.

    Templum Fine Art Auctions
  • Jacob y Raquel en el pozo
    Dec. 19, 2022

    Jacob y Raquel en el pozo

    Est: -

    Hermano del también pintor José Antolínez y abogado de profesión, Francisco fue un curioso erudito que, de entre sus muchas inquietudes, se decantó por la pintura. Tenía por costumbre no firmar sus obras, ya que prefería presentarse como hombre versado en leyes, aunque sí se conserva una pintura firmada de su mano: la Adoración de los pastores de la Catedral de Sevilla, composición fechada en 1678, a partir de la cual se le han atribuido numerosos trabajos. Se especializó en la realización de series con representaciones bíblicas del Antiguo o Nuevo Testamento, las cuales concebía como escenas de género, desarrolladas en amplios paisajes con un marcado carácter narrativo. Tal es el caso de estas dos pinturas dedicadas a la vida de Jacob, en las que se observa la influencia de Ignacio de Iriarte en el paisaje, así como la impronta de Murillo a la hora de agrupar a los personajes. Las figuras, populares y menudas, se mueven con ligereza en una atmósfera de fuertes contrastes lumínicos que realzan sobremanera las notas de color, muy a la manera italiana. Toda una escenografía, no exenta de referencias arquitectónicas, en la que el pintor despliega su pincelada rápida y agitada para indagar en unos efectos lumínicos que enaltecen aún más ambas escenas.

    Isbilya Subastas
  • El regreso de Jacob a Canaán
    Dec. 19, 2022

    El regreso de Jacob a Canaán

    Est: -

    Hermano del también pintor José Antolínez y abogado de profesión, Francisco fue un curioso erudito que, de entre sus muchas inquietudes, se decantó por la pintura. Tenía por costumbre no firmar sus obras, ya que prefería presentarse como hombre versado en leyes, aunque sí se conserva una pintura firmada de su mano: la Adoración de los pastores de la Catedral de Sevilla, composición fechada en 1678, a partir de la cual se le han atribuido numerosos trabajos. Se especializó en la realización de series con representaciones bíblicas del Antiguo o Nuevo Testamento, las cuales concebía como escenas de género, desarrolladas en amplios paisajes con un marcado carácter narrativo. Tal es el caso de estas dos pinturas dedicadas a la vida de Jacob, en las que se observa la influencia de Ignacio de Iriarte en el paisaje, así como la impronta de Murillo a la hora de agrupar a los personajes. Las figuras, populares y menudas, se mueven con ligereza en una atmósfera de fuertes contrastes lumínicos que realzan sobremanera las notas de color, muy a la manera italiana. Toda una escenografía, no exenta de referencias arquitectónicas, en la que el pintor despliega su pincelada rápida y agitada para indagar en unos efectos lumínicos que enaltecen aún más ambas escenas.

    Isbilya Subastas
    Dec. 15, 2022


    Est: €6,000 - €7,000

    Oil on canvas 69x152 cm.

  • FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA. Attributed to. Jacob's Blessing.
    Dec. 15, 2022

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA. Attributed to. Jacob's Blessing.

    Est: €2,800 - €3,000

    Oil on canvas 100x157 cm.

  • FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA. Attributed to. The fight between Jacob and the angel.
    Dec. 15, 2022

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA. Attributed to. The fight between Jacob and the angel.

    Est: €2,800 - €3,000

    Oil on canvas 100x157 cm.

  • FRANCISCO ANTOLINEZ SARABIA. Seville (1645) / Madrid (1700). "Annunciation"
    Nov. 02, 2022

    FRANCISCO ANTOLINEZ SARABIA. Seville (1645) / Madrid (1700). "Annunciation"

    Est: €1,800 - €2,400

    Oil on canvas. Sala Parés label on the back. 86 x 106 cm.

    Jul. 20, 2022


    Est: €12,500 - €15,000

    Oils on canvas, where we observe, first of all, the Miracle of the Bread, followed by Jesus preaching to the shepherds, and, finally, the Angel appearing to Jesus in Gethsemane. Framed measurements: 69 x 54 cm. Canvas measures: 60 x 46 cm.

    Templum Fine Art Auctions
  • Regreso de la huida a Egipto
    Jun. 22, 2022

    Regreso de la huida a Egipto

    Est: -


    Isbilya Subastas
  • Spanish school of the seventeenth century. Possibly FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700) or IGNACIO DE IRIARTE (Azcotia, 1620- Seville, 1685). "Pastoral scene".
    Jun. 22, 2022

    Spanish school of the seventeenth century. Possibly FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700) or IGNACIO DE IRIARTE (Azcotia, 1620- Seville, 1685). "Pastoral scene".

    Est: €2,500 - €3,000

    Spanish school of the 17th century. Possibly FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700) or IGNACIO DE IRIARTE (Azcotia, 1620- Seville, 1685). "Pastoral Scene". Oil on canvas. Frame with plaque of attribution to Francisco Antolínez. Measurements: 84 x 110 cm; 93 x 120 cm (frame). We are in front of a pastoral scene close to the works of Ignacio de Iriarte (Azcoitia, 1621 - Seville, 1670) and Francisco Antolínez Sarabia (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700), both painters belonging to the Sevillian school of painting. It is a work in which the artist tries to communicate a religious reverence for the landscape, as well as for the figures that complete it: a shepherd resting while watching over his sheep and a young woman (in the background) leading her flock. The brother of the painter José Antolínez, Francisco was a lawyer by profession, although his curiosity led him to take an interest in a wide range of subjects. He thus became a painter, achieving success with small-format works generally featuring small figures against a background of landscape or architecture. Ceán Bermúdez stated that after studying law in Seville he learned painting at Murillo's school and attended the academy established in the Casa Lonja in the same city, where he is recorded as having attended in 1672. That same year he must have moved to Madrid to join José Antolínez, although it is likely that after Antolínez's death he returned to his native city for some time. He finally settled permanently in Madrid. Francisco Antolínez was able to make a living from painting, but in spite of this he did not sign his works, as he preferred to present himself as a lawyer. Antolínez was heir to the Flemish style of Ignacio de Iriarte in his landscapes, and to the architectural backgrounds of Matías de Torres. His figures have a clear Murilloesque character. Francisco Antolínez is currently represented in the Prado Museum, the Castrelos Museum in Vigo, the Provincial Museum in Ciudad Real, the Episcopal Palace in Huesca, the parish church of Santa Ana in Brea de Aragón, the church of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios in Zamora and other religious centres, public and private collections, etc. His work is completely dominated by the landscape, which becomes the protagonist of the image.

    Setdart Auction House
    May. 13, 2022


    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Oils on canvas, where we observe, first of all, the Miracle of the Bread, followed by Jesus preaching to the shepherds, and, finally, the Angel appearing to Jesus in Gethsemane. Framed measurements: 69 x 54 cm. Canvas measures: 60 x 46 cm.

    Templum Fine Art Auctions
  • FRANCISCO ANTOLINEZ SARABIA. Seville (1645) / Madrid (1700).
    May. 10, 2022

    FRANCISCO ANTOLINEZ SARABIA. Seville (1645) / Madrid (1700).

    Est: €10,500 - €14,000

    "Landscapes with scenes of the Virgin and Saint Joseph". Pair of oil paintings on canvas. .45 x 59,5 cm each.

  • Spanish school of the seventeenth century. Possibly FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700) or IGNACIO DE IRIARTE (Azcotia, 1620- Seville, 1685)
    Apr. 06, 2022

    Spanish school of the seventeenth century. Possibly FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700) or IGNACIO DE IRIARTE (Azcotia, 1620- Seville, 1685)

    Est: €2,500 - €3,000

    Spanish school of the 17th century. Possibly FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700) or IGNACIO DE IRIARTE (Azcotia, 1620- Seville, 1685). "Pastoral Scene". Oil on canvas. Frame with plaque of attribution to Francisco Antolínez. Measurements: 84 x 110 cm; 93 x 120 cm (frame). We are in front of a pastoral scene close to the works of Ignacio de Iriarte (Azcoitia, 1621 - Seville, 1670) and Francisco Antolínez Sarabia (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700), both painters belonging to the Sevillian school of painting. It is a work in which the artist tries to communicate a religious reverence for the landscape, as well as for the figures that complete it: a shepherd resting while watching over his sheep and a young woman (in the background) leading her flock. The brother of the painter José Antolínez, Francisco was a lawyer by profession, although his curiosity led him to take an interest in a wide range of subjects. He thus became a painter, achieving success with small-format works generally featuring small figures against a background of landscape or architecture. Ceán Bermúdez stated that after studying law in Seville he learned painting at Murillo's school and attended the academy established in the Casa Lonja in the same city, where he is recorded as having attended in 1672. That same year he must have moved to Madrid to join José Antolínez, although it is likely that after Antolínez's death he returned to his native city for some time. He finally settled permanently in Madrid. Francisco Antolínez was able to make a living from painting, but in spite of this he did not sign his works, as he preferred to present himself as a lawyer. Antolínez was heir to the Flemish style of Ignacio de Iriarte in his landscapes, and to the architectural backgrounds of Matías de Torres. His figures have a clear Murilloesque character. Francisco Antolínez is currently represented in the Prado Museum, the Castrelos Museum in Vigo, the Provincial Museum in Ciudad Real, the Episcopal Palace in Huesca, the parish church of Santa Ana in Brea de Aragón, the church of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios in Zamora and other religious centres, public and private collections, etc. His work is completely dominated by the landscape, which becomes the protagonist of the image.

    Setdart Auction House
  • FRANCISCO ANTOLINEZ SARABIA. Seville (1645) / Madrid (1700). "Annunciation". 86 x 106 cm.
    Apr. 05, 2022

    FRANCISCO ANTOLINEZ SARABIA. Seville (1645) / Madrid (1700). "Annunciation". 86 x 106 cm.

    Est: €3,300 - €4,400

    On the back, label of the Sala Parés. Oil on canvas. 86 x 106 cm

    Mar. 09, 2022


    Est: -

    Se conocen numerosas pinturas atribuidas a este pintor a partir de las pocas obras firmadas de su mano que se conocen, especialmente la Adoración de los pastores de la Catedral de Sevilla, fechada en 1678. Palomino y Ceán Bermúdez fueron los primeros en ofrecer datos biográficos sobre este pintor, sobrino de José Antolínez (Madrid, 1635-1675), cuya profesión principal fue la de letrado. Posteriormente los estudios de Angulo, Pérez Sánchez y Valdivieso arrojaron luz sobre su producción pictórica. Tanto Palomino como Ceán Bermúdez coinciden en afirmar que se formó artísticamente en la escuela sevillana de Murillo. Se especializó en la realización de pinturas de pequeño o mediano formato, agrupadas en series de seis, ocho o doce cuadros, en los que fundamentalmente representaba escenas religiosas. En sus composiciones se observan similitudes con Ignacio de Iriarte en cuanto al paisaje, Matías de Arteaga en cuanto a las arquitecturas y Murillo a la hora de agrupar a los personajes. También se inspiró en grabados y estampas. Su factura es suelta, dinámica y nerviosa. Las figuras, populares, menudas, pero esbeltas de proporciones y ligeras de movimiento, se mueven en ambientes de luces y sombras marcadamente contrastados, que dejan ver un vivo colorido y revelan, junto con algunos detalles y recursos, un cierto interés escenográfico que en este caso se establece mediante el empleo de las ruinas. Tanto en el ángulo inferior izquierdo como en el derecho se observan posibles números de inventario. Mientras que a la izquierda se vislumbra un “2”, a la derecha, en rojo, se lee con claridad un “290”. A comparar con le Epifanía conservada en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios de Zamora o la Adoración de los Magos, atribuida al pincel del pintor, del Museo del Prado (P000589).

    Isbilya Subastas
  • Spanish school of the 17th century. Attributed to FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700)."Penitent Mary Magdalene". Oil on canvas. With label of the Service for the Defense of National Artistic Heritage.
    Jan. 13, 2022

    Spanish school of the 17th century. Attributed to FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700)."Penitent Mary Magdalene". Oil on canvas. With label of the Service for the Defense of National Artistic Heritage.

    Est: €3,000 - €3,500

    Spanish school of the 17th century. Attributed to FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700). "Penitent Mary Magdalene". Oil on canvas. With label of the Servicio de Defensa del Patrimonio Artístico Nacional. With label of Inventory of the General Directorate of Fine Arts. Measurements: 31,5 x 43 cm; 46 x 58 cm (frame). In this canvas, close to the aesthetic precepts of Francisco Antolínez, Mary Magdalene is represented as a penitent in the desert (not understood in the scriptures as such but as an isolated and uninhabited place), dressed in a simple sackcloth, probably barefoot, accompanied by her iconographic attributes; such as the crucifix, the sacred scriptures and the skull. Formally, the work combines the contrasting, chiaroscuro light treatment based on the earth tones typical of the period with a conception of the figure and composition directly derived from the Sevillian school. The present painting shows elements inherited from the Baroque period; however, the softness of the forms, the restrained composition and a certain luminism show the aesthetic progress of the painting, resulting in a more restrained image, in which we are presented with a reflective Mary Magdalene rather than the dramatic image of the figure. The brother of the painter José Antolínez, Francisco was a lawyer by profession, although his curiosity led him to take an interest in a wide range of subjects. He thus became a painter, achieving success with small-format works generally featuring small figures against a background of landscape or architecture. Ceán Bermúdez stated that after studying law in Seville he learned painting at Murillo's school and attended the academy established in the Casa Lonja in the same city, where he is recorded as having attended in 1672. That same year he must have moved to Madrid to join José Antolínez, although it is likely that after Antolínez's death he returned to his native city for some time. He finally settled permanently in Madrid. Francisco Antolínez was able to make a living from painting, but in spite of this he did not sign his works, as he preferred to present himself as a lawyer. Antolínez was heir to the Flemish style of Ignacio de Iriarte in his landscapes, and to the architectural backgrounds of Matías de Torres. His figures have a clear Murilloesque character. Francisco Antolínez is currently represented in the Prado Museum, the Castrelos Museum in Vigo, the Provincial Museum in Ciudad Real, the Episcopal Palace in Huesca, the parish church of Santa Ana in Brea de Aragón, the church of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios in Zamora and other religious centres, public and private collections, etc. His work is completely dominated by the landscape, which becomes the protagonist of the image.

    Setdart Auction House
  • Francisco Antolínez y Sarabia. Jacob's life scene
    Dec. 28, 2021

    Francisco Antolínez y Sarabia. Jacob's life scene

    Est: -

    Tres óleos sobre lienzo. Se adjunta certificado expedido por Don Enrique Valdivieso en el que considera estas tres obras como repeticiones de las obras que se conservan en la Catedral de Sevilla (E. Valdivieso, Catálogo de las pinturas de la catedral de Sevilla, 1978, pp.66-67). La primera obra representa "El cambio de primogenitura" (Génesis 25,33). La segunda obra representa "Jacob ofreciendo sus servicios a Labán" (Génesis 29,19). La tercera representa "El ángel bendice a Jacob" (Génesis, 32,30).

    Duran Arte y Subastas
  • FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA - The Assumption of Mary into Heaven
    Dec. 14, 2021

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA - The Assumption of Mary into Heaven

    Est: €2,500 - €5,000

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA Seville c. 1644 - Madrid c. 1700 The Assumption of Mary into Heaven Oil on canvas size 70.5 x 103.5 cm

    Subastas Segre
  • FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA - Rest in the flight to Egypt
    Dec. 14, 2021

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA - Rest in the flight to Egypt

    Est: €2,500 - €5,000

    FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA Seville c. 1644 - Madrid c. 1700 Rest in the flight to Egypt Oil on canvas size 70.5 x 103.5 cm

    Subastas Segre
  • Spanish school of the seventeenth century. Possibly FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700) or IGNACIO DE IRIARTE (Azcotia, 1620- Seville, 1685). "Pastoral scene". Oil on canvas.
    Nov. 24, 2021

    Spanish school of the seventeenth century. Possibly FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700) or IGNACIO DE IRIARTE (Azcotia, 1620- Seville, 1685). "Pastoral scene". Oil on canvas.

    Est: €3,000 - €3,500

    Spanish school of the seventeenth century. Possibly FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700) or IGNACIO DE IRIARTE (Azcotia, 1620- Seville, 1685). "Pastoral scene". Oil on canvas. Frame with plaque of attribution to Francisco Antolínez. Measurements: 84 x 110 cm; 93 x 120 cm (frame). We are in front of a pastoral scene close to the works of Ignacio de Iriarte (Azcoitia, 1621 - Seville, 1670) and Francisco Antolínez Sarabia (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700), both painters ascribed to the Sevillian school of painting. It is a work in which the artist tries to communicate a religious reverence for the landscape, as well as for the figures that complete it: a shepherd resting while watching over his sheep and a young woman (in the background) leading her flock. Brother of the painter José Antolínez, Francisco was a lawyer by profession, although his curiosity led him to take an interest in a wide range of subjects. He was introduced to the practice of painting, achieving success with small format works, generally featuring small figures against a background of landscape or architecture. Ceán Bermúdez noted that after studying law in Seville he learned painting at Murillo's school, attending the academy established in the Casa Lonja of the same city, where he was recorded in 1672. That same year he must have moved to Madrid to meet with José Antolínez, although it is probable that after his death he returned to his native city for some time. Finally he will settle definitively in Madrid. Francisco Antolínez was able to make a living from painting, but in spite of this he did not sign his works, since he preferred to present himself as a lawyer. Antolínez shows himself to be heir to the Flemish style of Ignacio de Iriarte in his landscapes, and in the architectural backgrounds of Matías de Torres. Regarding his figures, they denote a clear Murilloesque character. Francisco Antolínez is currently represented in the Prado Museum, the Castrelos Museum in Vigo, the Provincial Museum of Ciudad Real, the Episcopal Palace of Huesca, the parish of Santa Ana de Brea de Aragón, the church of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios in Zamora and other religious centers, public and private collections, etc. The author has conceived work that is completely dominated by the landscape, which becomes the protagonist of the image.

    Setdart Auction House
  • Spanish school of the seventeenth century. Attributed to FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700). "Penitent Mary Magdalene". Oil on canvas.
    Nov. 24, 2021

    Spanish school of the seventeenth century. Attributed to FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700). "Penitent Mary Magdalene". Oil on canvas.

    Est: €3,000 - €3,500

    Spanish school of the seventeenth century. Attributed to FRANCISCO ANTOLÍNEZ Y SARABIA (Seville, around 1645 - Madrid, 1700). "Penitent Mary Magdalene". Oil on canvas. With label of the Service for the Defense of National Artistic Heritage. With label of Inventory of the General Directorate of Fine Arts. Measurements: 31.5 x 43 cm; 46 x 58 cm (frame). In this canvas, close to the aesthetic precepts of Francisco Antolínez, Mary Magdalene is represented as a penitent in the desert (not understood in the scriptures as such but as an isolated and uninhabited place), dressed in a simple sackcloth, probably barefoot, accompanied by her iconographic attributes; such as the crucifix, the sacred scriptures and the skull. Formally, the work combines the contrasting light treatment, chiaroscuro and based on earth tones typical of the period with a conception of the figure and the composition directly derived from the Sevillian school. The present painting shows elements inherited from the Baroque period, however, the softness of the forms, the measured composition and a certain luminism, show us the aesthetic advance of the painting, resulting in a more measured image, in which we are presented with a Mary Magdalene, reflective and not the dramatic image of the character. Brother of the painter José Antolínez, Francisco was a lawyer by profession, although his curiosity would lead him to become interested in many different subjects. He was thus introduced to the practice of painting, obtaining success with small format works generally starring small figures against a background of landscape or architecture. Ceán Bermúdez noted that after studying law in Seville he learned painting at Murillo's school, attending the academy established in the Casa Lonja of the same city, where he was recorded in 1672. That same year he must have moved to Madrid to meet with José Antolínez, although it is probable that after his death he returned to his native city for some time. Finally he will settle definitively in Madrid. Francisco Antolínez was able to make a living from painting, but in spite of this he did not sign his works, since he preferred to present himself as a lawyer. Antolínez shows himself to be heir to the Flemish style of Ignacio de Iriarte in his landscapes, and in the architectural backgrounds of Matías de Torres. Regarding his figures, they denote a clear Murilloesque character. Francisco Antolínez is currently represented in the Prado Museum, the Castrelos Museum in Vigo, the Provincial Museum of Ciudad Real, the Episcopal Palace of Huesca, the parish of Santa Ana de Brea de Aragón, the church of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios in Zamora and other religious centers, public and private collections, etc. The author has conceived work that is completely dominated by the landscape, which becomes the protagonist of the image.

    Setdart Auction House
Lots Per Page: