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Libero Andreotti Sold at Auction Prices

Sculptor, Caricaturist, Painter

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    • Libero Andreotti 1875 Pescia (PT)-1933 Firenze No title
      Dec. 18, 2024

      Libero Andreotti 1875 Pescia (PT)-1933 Firenze No title

      Est: €4,000 - €5,000

      No title signature engraved on the base Largh. 13 - Alt. 28 cm scultura in bronzo Opera accompagnata da autentica su fotografia a cura di Raffaele De Grada Jr. Collezione privata, Milano

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
      Jul. 04, 2024


      Est: €1,000 - €1,500

      LIBERO ANDREOTTI (Pescia 1875-Firenze 1933). Bronze tile depicting "THE TOILETTE" applied to wood. Signed and dated 1906 lower right. LIBERO ANDREOTTI (Pescia 1875-Firenze 1933). Formella in bronzo raffigurante "LA TOILETTE" applicata su legno. Firmata e datata 1906 in basso a destra.

      Viscontea Casa d'Aste s.r.l.
    • Andreotti, Libero: Ino und Dionysos
      May. 30, 2024

      Andreotti, Libero: Ino und Dionysos

      Est: €2,000 - €3,000

      Ino und Dionysos. Terracotta, teils farbig gefasst. H. ca. 64 cm. Auf dem Sockel signiert "L. Andreotti". Um 1910. Libero Andreotti arbeitete bereits seit Kindesbeinen in einer Schmiede, die ihn bis zum Erreichen der Volljährigkeit beschäftigte. Als junger Mann schloss er jedoch schon bald Freundschaft mit Alfredo Caselli und dem Dichter Giovanni Pascoli, die seine Begabung erkannten und ihn überzeugten, sich der Kunst zu widmen. Nach ersten Stationen als Illustrator und Karikaturist in Palermo, Florenz und Mailand begann er schon kurz nach der Jahrhundertwende, im Atelier Mario Gallis erste Skulpturen in Bronze und Terracotta zu schaffen, die meist im Verfahren der verlorenen Form entstanden. Durch die Förderung des Kunsthändlers Alberto Grubicy wurden seine Werke schon bald auf der Biennale in Venedig ausgestellt. Nach einer äußerst erfolgreichen Ausstellung in Paris siedelt er im Jahre 1906 dorthin über. In dieser Zeit prägt sich auch seine vom Jugendstil beeinflusste "rasant-gewundene" Formsprache der Vorkriegszeit (vgl. R. Bossaglia in: Saur AKL, Leipzig 1992, Bd. 3, S. 626ff). Andreotti hielt jedoch auch in diesen Jahren stets Kontakt zur italienischen Kunstszene und stellte unter anderem mit den Mitgliedern der Künstlergruppe Giovane Etruria aus. Mit Ausbruch des ersten Weltkrieges musste er Paris verlassen und nach Italien zurückkehren, wo er als Dozent für Skulptur in Florenz tätig war. Nach dem Krieg wendete er sich zunehmend vom Jugendstil ab und seine Formsprache wurde expressiver. Einer seiner Bewunderer war der berühmte italienische Kunstkritiker Ugo Ojetti, mit dem ihn auch eine langjährige Freundschaft verband. Ojetti war auch maßgeblich für die breite Rezeption seines Werkes, die Andreotti zu einem prägenden Einfluss auf die italienischen Bildhauer seiner Zeit werden ließ. - Errata/Addenda: Ergänzung zum Print-Katalog: Die Plastik ist auf dem Sockel in der noch feuchten Terracotta vom Künstler signiert "L. Andreotti". - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

      Bassenge Auctions
    • LIBERO ANDREOTTI 1875-1933 Self-caricature
      Nov. 08, 2023

      LIBERO ANDREOTTI 1875-1933 Self-caricature

      Est: €250 - €500

      Self-caricature Ink on paper.  8.07 x 5.20 in. Signed and titled lower left recto.

      Aste Bolaffi
    • Libero Andreotti, 1875 Pescia - 1933 Florence, worked in a
      Jun. 25, 2022

      Libero Andreotti, 1875 Pescia - 1933 Florence, worked in a

      Est: €3,500 - €8,000

      Libero Andreotti, 1875 Pescia - 1933 Florence, worked in a smithy until the age of 18, later worked as an illustrator and caricaturist in Florence, from 1902 first sculptural works in the 'Societa ceramica artistica fiorentina', from 1905 based in Milan he creates mainly figurative small sculptures (especially terracottas and bronzes with lost form), after the end of the 1st WW as a lecturer for sculpture at the Istituto d'Arte decorativa Florence, subjects in terms of content are mainly reserved for women, content and formal synthesis of naturalism and Mature Art Nouveau, formative for modern Italian sculpture, here: representation probably Ino and Dionysos, the childlike Dionysos lolls on the back of the strongly bent Ino, along whichvines climb up, intended multiple views invites viewers to walk around and actively perceive the Sculpture a, around 1909, terracotta, probably a model for a corresponding marble or bronze sculpture, partially polychromed, signed on the base, H.ca. 64.5cm, partially damaged on the base, based on photographic documentation confirmation of authenticity by Andreotti's grandson or by the Andreotti gypsum in Pescia . German Description: Libero Andreotti, 1875 Pescia - 1933 Florenz , bis zum 18. Lebensjahr Arbeit in einer Schmiede, später tätig als Illustrator u. Karikaturist in Florenz, ab 1902 erste plastische Arbeiten in der 'Societa ceramica artistica fiorentina', ab 1905 in Mailand ansässig schafft er v.a. figürliche Kleinplastik (v.a. Terrakotten u. Bronzen mit verlorener Form), nach Ende des 1.WK als Dozent für Skulptur am Istituto d'Arte decorativa Florenz, Sujets inhaltlich v.a. derFrau vorbehalten, inhaltliche u. formale Synthese aus Naturalismus und reifem Jugendstil, prägend für die moderne ital. Bildhauerei, hier: Darstellung wohl Ino und Dionysos, der kindliche Dionysos räckelt sich auf dem Rücken der stark gebeugten Ino, entlang derer sich Weinreben empor ranken, intendierte Mehransichtigkeit lädt Betrachter zum Umschreiten u. aktiven Wahrnehmen der Skulptur ein, um 1909, Terrakotta, wohl Modell für eine entsprechende Marmor- oder Bronzeplastik, partiell polychromiert, auf dem Sockel sign., H.ca. 64.5cm, am Sockel partiell best., anhand fotografischer Dokumentation Bestätigung der Echtheit durch den Enkel Andreottis bzw. durch die Gipsoteca Andreotti in Pescia

      Henry's Auktionshaus
      Jun. 23, 2022


      Est: €2,000 - €4,000

      Olio su carta, cm. 22,5x29. Siglato in basso a sinistra "A". Sul verso, a matita: "Prof. Lelio Gelli Scuola Arte P. Romana"; "Ritengo la presente pittura autoritratto del maestro Libero Andreotti. Lelio Gelli".

      Pananti Casa D'Aste SRL
    • Libero Andreotti - Portrait of Dr. Grotti
      Sep. 21, 2021

      Libero Andreotti - Portrait of Dr. Grotti

      Est: €7,800 - €9,000

      Portrait of Dr. Grotti in bronze, signed and dated: A. XI.

    • Mario Galli (1877-1946), Ritratto di Libero Andreotti, 1904
      Jun. 17, 2021

      Mario Galli (1877-1946), Ritratto di Libero Andreotti, 1904

      Est: €1,500 - €2,000

      bronzo a patina scura, altezza cm 43, firmato datato e titolato alla base

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • Libero Andreotti (Italian, 1875-1933), Laocoon, 1908, patinated bronze, the figure with plinth height 28in (71cm); width 14in (35.5cm); depth 13in (33cm)
      Jun. 16, 2021

      Libero Andreotti (Italian, 1875-1933), Laocoon, 1908, patinated bronze, the figure with plinth height 28in (71cm); width 14in (35.5cm); depth 13in (33cm)

      Est: $1,000 - $1,500

      Libero Andreotti (Italian, 1875-1933) Laocoon, 1908 patinated bronze inscribed ANDREOTTI / MILANO / 1908 to back of base and with further indistinct inscription, on a grey granite plinth; raised on a square faux granite pedestal

      Andrew Jones Auctions
    • Libero Andreotti, (1875-1933, Italian), "Laocoon," 1908, Bronze on marble base, 28" H x 14" W x 13" D
      Sep. 23, 2020

      Libero Andreotti, (1875-1933, Italian), "Laocoon," 1908, Bronze on marble base, 28" H x 14" W x 13" D

      Est: $5,000 - $7,000

      Libero Andreotti (1875-1933, Italian) "Laocoon," 1908 Bronze on marble base Signed and dated to base: L. Andreotti / Milano 1908 28" H x 14" W x 13" D

      John Moran Auctioneers
    • LIBERO ANDREOTTI att. to.
      Jun. 16, 2020

      LIBERO ANDREOTTI att. to.

      Est: €500 - €700

      LIBERO ANDREOTTI, att. a. (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1933) BUSTO DI DONNA Scultura in gesso, cm. 45 x 44 x 25 Non firmata PROVENIENZA Illustre Collezione Privata romana

      Casa d'Aste Babuino
    • Libero Andreotti e altri, Serie di nove ritratti di pittori e scultori per illustrare Sem Benelli, La IV Esposizione d’Arte a Venezia (1901). Firenze, G. Calvetti Editore, 1901.
      Oct. 10, 2017

      Libero Andreotti e altri, Serie di nove ritratti di pittori e scultori per illustrare Sem Benelli, La IV Esposizione d’Arte a Venezia (1901). Firenze, G. Calvetti Editore, 1901.

      Est: €2,600 - €5,200

      Augusto Mussini. Antonio Fontanesi. Inchiostro e acquerello su carta. mm 205x295. Firmato e titolato in basso. Riprodotto a tav. I. Augusto Mussini. Pitor Fra-Giacomo. Inchiostro e acquerello su carta. mm 200x205. Firmato e titolato in alto. Riprodotto a tav. IV. Libero Andreotti. Umberto Veruda. Matita nera e gessetto bianco su carta. mm 268x190. Siglato in basso a sinistra. Riprodotto a tav. V. Libero Andreotti. Luigi Nono. Matita nera su carta. mm 255x180. Siglato in alto a destra. Riprodotto a tav. VII. G. Vannuzzi. Lorenzo Delleani. Matita di grafite su carta. mm 305x240. Firmato in basso a sinistra. Riprodotto a tav. VIII. Lievi difetti. Adolfo De Carolis. Vincenzo Cabianca. Penna e inchiostro di china su carta. mm 253x175. Siglato in basso a sinistra. Riprodotto a tav. XI. Adolfo De Carolis. Enrico Coleman. Penna e inchiostro di china su carta. mm 253x170. Siglato in basso a destra. Riprodotto a tav. XII. Augusto Bastianini. Domenico Morelli. Inchiostro bistro su carta. mm 320x225. Firmato in basso a sinistra. Titolato in basso "Morelli". Riprodotto a tav. XIII. Galileo Chini. Augusto Rodin. 1901. Penna e inchiostro di china su carta. mm 280x182. Firmato, datato e titolato. Riprodotto a tav. XV. Eseguiti per illustrare Sem Benelli, La IV Esposizione d'Arte a Venezia (1901) con ritratti dei maggiori espositori, di: L. Andreotti, A. Bastianini, G. Chini, V. Della Bella, A. De Carolis, A. Mussini, E. Sacchetti, G. Vannuzzi, Firenze, G. Calvetti editore, 1901. (9)

      Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
    • Libero ANDREOTTI 1875 - 1933 Colonne aux lions Pierre sculptée et peinte
      Apr. 05, 2017

      Libero ANDREOTTI 1875 - 1933 Colonne aux lions Pierre sculptée et peinte

      Est: €5,000 - €6,000

      Libero ANDREOTTI 1875 - 1933 Colonne aux lions Pierre sculptée et peinte Signé au dos "Andreotti" Hauteur : 36 cm Commentaire : Scuplted and painted stone; signed on the reverse

    • Libero Andreotti (1875-1933), Le tre età, 1919
      Nov. 29, 2016

      Libero Andreotti (1875-1933), Le tre età, 1919

      Est: €20,000 - €25,000

      bronzo a cera persa, altezza cm 120

      Cambi Casa d'Aste
    • LIBERO ANDREOTTI | Seated Woman
      May. 20, 2015

      LIBERO ANDREOTTI | Seated Woman

      Est: £8,000 - £12,000

      bronze, dark brown and green patina

    • Libero Andreotti (Italian, 1875-1933)
      Mar. 22, 2015

      Libero Andreotti (Italian, 1875-1933)

      Est: $5,000 - $8,000

      Libero Andreotti (Italian, 1875-1933) "Laocoon", 1908, bronze, signed, localized and dated at back edge of base, faint inscription at corner of base, h. 27-1/2", w. 14", d. 13". Provenance: Private collection, Rancho Mirage, California. A native of the Tuscan town of Pescia, Andreotti was a self-taught artist. Apprenticed at a young age to a local blacksmith, he learned the essentials of metalwork which were to prove crucial to his later artistic pursuits. His innate talent and ability caught the attention of several local artisans and businessmen, and Andreotti was offered a position as an illustrator. Eventually tiring of this, Andreotti moved to Milan where he first began sculpting. In 1907 he was honored by inclusion in the VII-International Art Exhibition/Biennale di Venezia. Andreotti spent some time in Paris before moving to Florence, where he was to spend the remainder of his days, an active and beloved member of the city's thriving artistic community. His sensuous yet earthy figural sculptures received much acclaim and attention, often drawing comparisons to the great French sculptor Auguste Rodin. Many of his works were inspired by classical myths and frequently incorporated antique motifs and symbols. The work presented here is a modern interpretation of the Greek story of Laocoon, the Trojan priest of Poseidon, who met his painful demise by a slither of snakes. Andreotti cleverly raises philosophical, emotional and psychological concerns here by suggesting that the deadly snake is not an outside force, but rather an extension of Laocoon himself.

      New Orleans Auction Galleries
    • Libero Andreotti (Italian, 1875-1933)
      May. 17, 2014

      Libero Andreotti (Italian, 1875-1933)

      Est: $10,000 - $15,000

      Libero Andreotti (Italian, 1875-1933), "Laocoon", 1908, bronze, signed, localized and dated at back edge of base, faint inscription at corner of base, h. 27-1/2", w. 14", d. 13". Provenance: Private collection, Rancho Mirage, California. A native of the Tuscan town of Pescia, Andreotti was a self-taught artist. Apprenticed at a young age to a local blacksmith, he learned the essentials of metalwork which were to prove crucial to his later artistic pursuits. His innate talent and ability caught the attention of several local artisans and businessmen, and Andreotti was offered a position as an illustrator. Eventually tiring of this, Andreotti moved to Milan where he first began sculpting. In 1907 he was honored by inclusion in the VII-International Art Exhibition/Biennale di Venezia. Andreotti spent some time in Paris before moving to Florence, where he was to spend the remainder of his days, an active and beloved member of the city's thriving artistic community. His sensuous yet earthy figural sculptures received much acclaim and attention, often drawing comparisons to the great French sculptor Auguste Rodin. Many of his works were inspired by classical myths and frequently incorporated antique motifs and symbols. The work presented here is a modern interpretation of the Greek story of Laocoon, the Trojan priest of Poseidon, who met his painful demise by a slither of snakes. Andreotti cleverly raises philosophical, emotional and psychological concerns here by suggesting that the deadly snake is not an outside force, but rather an extension of Laocoon himself.

      New Orleans Auction Galleries
      May. 26, 2013


      Est: $1,200 - $1,800

      Height 20 inches. Signed "L. Andreotti" on base.

      Bourgeault-Horan Antiquarians
    • Andreotti, Libero (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)
      May. 22, 2013

      Andreotti, Libero (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)

      Est: €700 - €800

      Andreotti, Libero (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934) ALLEGORIA DELLA VITA E DELLA MORTE. 1902 Penna a inchiostro di china e acquerello poli ...

      Pandolfini Casa d'Aste
    • Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934) LA
      Apr. 23, 2013

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934) LA

      Est: €8,000 - €9,000

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934) LA SCULACCIATA bronzo, fusione postuma, cm 84x66 siglato e datato "LA 920"

      Pandolfini Casa d'Aste
    • Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)
      Apr. 23, 2013

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)

      Est: €1,000 - €1,500

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934) BOZZETTO DELLA GIUSTIZIA bronzo, fusione postuma, altezza cm 25

      Pandolfini Casa d'Aste
    • Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)
      Apr. 23, 2013

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)

      Est: €350 - €450

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)

      Pandolfini Casa d'Aste
    • Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)
      Apr. 23, 2013

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)

      Est: €200 - €300

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)

      Pandolfini Casa d'Aste
    • Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)
      Apr. 23, 2013

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)

      Est: €200 - €300

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)

      Pandolfini Casa d'Aste
    • Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)
      Apr. 23, 2013

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)

      Est: €350 - €450

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)

      Pandolfini Casa d'Aste
    • Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)
      Apr. 23, 2013

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)

      Est: €500 - €800

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)

      Pandolfini Casa d'Aste
    • Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)
      Apr. 23, 2013

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)

      Est: €1,200 - €1,600

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)

      Pandolfini Casa d'Aste
    • Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)
      Apr. 23, 2013

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)

      Est: €1,800 - €2,200

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia 1875 - Firenze 1934)

      Pandolfini Casa d'Aste
    • After Libero Andreotti, a patinated bronze figure of a figure with serpent
      Mar. 06, 2012

      After Libero Andreotti, a patinated bronze figure of a figure with serpent

      Est: $15,000 - $25,000

      Signed and dated to base ''L. Andreotti / Milano 1908'' (Libero Andreotti 1875 - 1933, Italian) and with further illegible marks, depicting a nude male figure and a serpent, on an integral rectangular base, mounted on a low black marble plinth, 28'' H x 14.25'' W x 13'' D, est:$15,000/25,000*** Please click ''view more'', below right for more information. ***

      John Moran Auctioneers
      Nov. 22, 2011


      Est: €15,000 - €20,000

      1875 - 1933 DONNA CHE SI ASCIUGA ISTRIA STONE. EXECUTED IN 1922 pietra d'Istria h cm 90 Eseguito nel 1922

    • Libero Andreotti (Pescia di Lucchesia 1875 - Firenze 1933) , venere
      Jun. 12, 2007

      Libero Andreotti (Pescia di Lucchesia 1875 - Firenze 1933) , venere

      Est: €8,000 - €12,000

      siglato sulla base SLA bronzo

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