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Jacques Amans Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1801 - d. 1888

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  • Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Luciens Amans (French/New Orleans, 1801-1888), "Portrait of a Young Boy with Jewelry and a Book, Possibly a Relative/Descendant of the Hiller Family," ca. 1840s, H.- 36 in., W.- 29 in.
    Jan. 18, 2025

    Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Luciens Amans (French/New Orleans, 1801-1888), "Portrait of a Young Boy with Jewelry and a Book, Possibly a Relative/Descendant of the Hiller Family," ca. 1840s, H.- 36 in., W.- 29 in.

    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    † Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Luciens Amans (French/New Orleans, 1801-1888), "Portrait of a Young Boy with Jewelry and a Book, Possibly a Relative/Descendant of the Hiller Family," ca. 1840s, oil on canvas, unsigned, later inscribed "E/G Hiller" on top stretcher, unframed,

    Crescent City Auction Gallery
  • †Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (Louisiana/French, 1801-1888), "Portrait of John Keller," 19th c., oil on canvas, unsig..
    Sep. 10, 2022

    †Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (Louisiana/French, 1801-1888), "Portrait of John Keller," 19th c., oil on canvas, unsig..

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (Louisiana/French, 1801-1888), "Portrait of John Keller," 19th c., oil on canvas, unsigned, with a faded New York artist supplier stamp en verso, presented in a gilt frame, H.- 29 3/8 in., W.- 24 3/8 in., Framed H.- 38 1/4 in., W.- 33 1/4 in. NOTE: John Keller was a young Swiss man who came to America in the hopes of making a fortune. Upon his arrival in New Orleans, he began working at a soap manufacturing company in Algiers, until he eventually moved from the West Bank of New Orleans to the East Bank and started his own soap manufacturing company - Keller Soap Works. He amassed enough wealth to buy land and build a nice home for himself on Felicity Road and Magnolia Street. Additionally, he owned a large amount of real estate around his dwellings and was a primary figure in all matters relating to city improvements around his area of town. [The Times-Picayune, 10 March 1868] The Keller Market was located on Magnolia Street until 2005 when Hurricane Katrina hit. In addition to creating a market for the community, he established the Keller School on Dryade Street, which later became McDonough 38. He was a true developer of his time. [Website New Orleans - Makin' Groceries]

    Crescent City Auction Gallery
  • Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans
    Jan. 29, 2022

    Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French/Louisiana, 1801-1888), "Thomas Benjamin Helm (1830-1880)", oil on canvas, unsigned, inscribed on stretcher, 36 in. x 29 in., framed. Note: Thomas Benjamin Helm was born in Mississippi in 1830 to William Meredith Helm (1802-1866) and Sarah M. Kitchens (1805-1892). After a brief stint in Princeton, New Jersey around 1850, Helm later established himself as a prosperous sugar planter with substantial lands and property near Bayou Boeuf in Cheneyville, Rapides Parish, Louisiana. He was married to Jane Wells Tanner (c. 1834-1870) from c. 1853 until her death in 1870. Jane was a member of a so-called pioneer family of Rapides Parish and daughter of Branch Tanner. Once a widower, Helm married Elizabeth Pomroy Wilson (1855-1883), also from Louisiana. Helm had four children, and he was one of the first wardens of Trinity Church in Cheneyville, along with his first father-in-law Branch Tanner. Trinity Church was officially organized as a parish on April 25, 1859. In the portrait on offer here, Helm is depicted in aristocratic dress seated and holding a cane and wearing a gold watch fob, shirt stud and ruby ring. His satin waistcoat and velvet collar present the sumptuous fabrics that Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans often portrayed so dexterously in his portraits. This work was likely done while Amans was traveling throughout Louisiana painting the portraits of wealthy landowners.

    Neal Auction Company
  • †Attributed to Jacques Amans (1801 - 1888, Louisiana), "Portrait of a Young Gentleman," 19th c., oil on canvas, possibly Louis Fortie..
    May. 08, 2021

    †Attributed to Jacques Amans (1801 - 1888, Louisiana), "Portrait of a Young Gentleman," 19th c., oil on canvas, possibly Louis Fortie..

    Est: $2,000 - $4,000

    Attributed to Jacques Amans (1801 - 1888, Louisiana), "Portrait of a Young Gentleman," 19th c., oil on canvas, possibly Louis Fortier, unsigned, presented in a gilt period frame, H.- 23 3/8 in., W.- 19 1/2 in., Framed H.- 32 1/2 in., W.- 28 1/2 in. Provenance: Property from a Gentleman Collector, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

    Crescent City Auction Gallery
  • Jacques Amans, 1801 Maastricht - 1888 Paris
    Mar. 25, 2021

    Jacques Amans, 1801 Maastricht - 1888 Paris

    Est: €45,000 - €65,000

    Gemäldepaar MUTTER MIT JUNGEM SOHN und VATER MIT ÄLTEREM SOHN Öl auf Leinwand. Je 131 x 98 cm. Eines oben rechts signiert „Amans“. In bronzierten Biedermeierrahmen. Das erste Gemälde zeigt in einem Innenraum mit einem nach rechts gezogenen langen türkis-grünen Vorhang eine junge Frau in einem Armlehnsessel sitzend, mit elegantem glänzenden Kleid mit aufgebauschten Ärmeln und schmaler enger Taille. Sie trägt eine für das Biedermeier übliche Hochsteckfrisur mit seitlich herunterhängenden Locken. Mit ihrem zarten Inkarnat, den leicht geröteten Wangen und den leuchtend blauen Augen schaut sie aus dem Bild heraus. Ihren linken Arm hat sie liebevoll auf die Schultern ihres neben ihr stehenden blondhaarigen jungen Sohnes gelegt, der ebenfalls mit seinen blauen Augen aus dem Bild herausschaut. Das zweite Gemälde zeigt in einem Innenraum vor dunklem Hintergrund und einem nach links zur Seite gezogenen langen roten Vorhang den Familienvater in einem Armlehnsessel sitzend, in schwarzer Kleidung mit schwarzer Weste, einem weißen Hemd mit Vatermörderkragen und einer schwarzen Schleife, mit seinen braunen Augen direkt aus dem Bild herausschauend. Mit seinem rechten Arm hat er liebevoll die Hüfte seines Sohnes umfasst, während seine Linke die Hand des Kindes hält. Auch dieser in modischer Kleidung mit grauer Hose, kurzer Jacke und weißem Hemd mit weitem Kragen. Auch er hat hellbraune Augen, mit denen er interessiert aus dem Bild herausschaut. Repräsentative Familienportraits mit überaus seriös gekleideten Dargestellten, die damit ihren Wohlstand nach außen präsentieren und demonstrieren wollten. Rahmenschäden. Rest., teils Hinterlegungen, Retuschen. Der Künstler war ein französischer Portraitmaler, der 20 Jahre in Louisiana lebte. Er bevorzugte Dreiviertelportraits von sitzenden Modellen, wobei die Damen oft sehr schmeichelhaft dargestelt wurden. Amans gehörte zu den wichtigsten Portraitmalern der Stadt New Orleans Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Seine Werke wurden unter anderem von 1831 bis 1837 in Pariser Salons und 1885 bis 1886 auf der American Exposition in New Orleans ausgestellt. (1260872) (18) Jacques Amans, 1801 Maastricht - 1888 Paris A pair of paintings MOTHER WITH YOUNG SON and FATHER WITH OLDER SON Oil on canvas. 131 x 98 cm each. One of them signed “Amans” on top right. In burnished Biedermeier frame. Restored, partially relined. Retouched.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French)
    Nov. 23, 2019

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French)

    Est: $2,500 - $4,000

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French/Louisiana, 1801-1888), "A Creole Gentleman", 1841, oil on canvas, signed and dated upper left, 36 1/4 in. x 29 in., original frame. Provenance: 511 St. Ann Collection, Historic Pontalba, New Orleans . Ill.: Bruns, Thomas Nelson Carter, Mrs., comp. Louisiana Portraits. New Orleans: The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Louisiana, Historical Activities Committee, 1975, p. 296

    Neal Auction Company
  • Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French/LA)
    Sep. 14, 2019

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French/LA)

    Est: $15,000 - $25,000

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French/Louisiana, 1801-1888) , "Marguerite Azoline Landreaux Amans (1805-1878), Wife of the Artist", oil on canvas, unsigned, oval 28 in. x 23 in., framed . Provenance: Descended in the family of the sitter and artist. Note: Marguerite Azoline Landreaux was born in New Orleans in 1805 to wealthy sugar planter, Honoré Landreaux and his wife, Marie Claudine Picou, both of New Orleans. In 1844, she married artist Jacques Amans, who had traveled to the city from France to work as a portraitist in 1836. Remarkably talented, Amans was accomplished at a young age and even exhibited at the Paris salon by the age of thirty. He and Marguerite would stay in New Orleans until 1856, when they moved to Paris. Amans, the most important portrait painter in New Orleans from the 1830s to the 1850s, received commissions to paint prominent families of the region. His impressive list of sitters includes members of the Roman and Aime families, as well as Clara Mazureau and Elizabeth Bryan Pugh, among many others. His portraits of women and children in particular are celebrated for their tenderness and ethereal charm. In the important lot offered here, Marguerite Azoline Landreaux is depicted with warm sensitivity. The center part hairstyle and pearl drop earrings reflect the style of the 1850s, likely when this painting was created. At the time, demure clothing and hair styling were in fashion, and Amans perfectly captures the understated elegance and beauty of his wife’s face, hair, and clothing with his characteristic brushwork and attention to detail. Descended in the French family of the sitter, this offering likely represents the portrait’s first return to the city of its origins. Ref.: Lewis, Richard Anthony. “Jacques Amans.” 64 Parishes. Jan. 11, 2011. www.64parishes.org. Accessed Aug. 2, 2019.

    Neal Auction Company
  • Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French/Louisiana)
    Mar. 24, 2018

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French/Louisiana)

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French/Louisiana, 1801-1888, act. New Orleans, 1836-1858), "Portrait of a Seated Woman in Mourning", 1851, oil on canvas, partial signature and date upper left, 42 1/2 in. x 33 in., framed with artist plaque

    Neal Auction Company
  • Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans
    Dec. 03, 2016

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans

    Est: $15,000 - $25,000

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French/Louisiana, 1801-1888), "Félicie Aime, Mme. Alfred Roman (1825-1859)", oil on canvas, unsigned, 36 1/2 in. x 29 1/4 in., framed. Provenance: By descent in the family of the sitter. Note: Félicie Aime, the daughter of prominent sugar planter, Valcour Aime, spent her childhood on the plantation officially known as St. James Plantation and widely referred to as “Le Petit Versailles” for its lavishness. The Aime, Fortier, and Roman families were intricately linked through multiple marriages, intertwining the family tree branches, and amassing many properties along the Mississippi River, including Elmwood, Felicity, Oak Alley, and Cabahanoce Plantations. Louisiana artists would often travel to plantation owners’ homes to paint portraits of multiple family members on site. Many of Félicie Aime’s family members, including her father, Valcour Aime, her mother, Josephine Roman Aime, her sister, Félicité, and her cousins, Robert and Jeanne Roman (whose portraits were sold in these rooms in Nov. 2012) had likenesses painted by Amans in the late 1830s. Félicie married her cousin, Alfred Roman (1824-1892) in 1849 in St. James Parish, Louisiana. She died in Paris in 1859, and her portrait was passed down in her sister, Félicité’s family. In 19th century portraits, girls and young women were often depicted in impeccable white gowns, whether indoors or with an outdoor background; the current lot has an almost identical pose and double-puffed sleeve, off-the-shoulder dress as Amans’ portrait of Clara Mazureau from 1838. In both paintings, Amans’ remarkable brushwork detailing the facial features, hair, and dress of the sitter is beautifully offset by a brilliant blue sky and a low horizon landscape.

    Neal Auction Company
  • Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans
    Feb. 20, 2016

    Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans

    Est: $5,000 - $8,000

    Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888, act. New Orleans, 1836-1856), "Portrait of Robert Conway (b. 1813)", c. 1845, oil on canvas, unsigned, 38 in. x 30 in., period gilt frame Provenance: Marie Constance Conway (1922-1854) and the sitter, Robert Conway (b. 1813); their daughter, Marie Constance Conway (b. c. 1850) and Alexander Kirkwood Finlay (1843-1911); their daughter, Laura Gaines Finlay (1886-1982) and James Pierce Butler (1880-1941); their daughter, Ormonde Butler (c. 1905-1989) and Philip Joseph Bayon (1905-1989); thence by descent. Note: According to family tradition, Robert Conway, the second eldest son of Robert Conway and Margaret Sweet, came to New Orleans from Alexandria, Virginia, in 1832. His brothers, John Richard, Thomas, and Colin joined him later, and all four brothers eventually married Louisiana brides. When Robert Conway married Marie Constance Conway in 1847, two prosperous and prestigious families were joined. Although the portraits of Robert and Constance pre-date their wedding, it is not surprising that each would have commissioned a likeness by Amans, the most sought after portraitist in the New Orleans area in the 1840s. This three-quarter length portrait of Robert Conway is remarkably similar to the 1834 portrait of Charles Urquhart by Amans; the right-facing seated pose in the same scroll-arm fauteuil (which can be seen in at least three other portraits by Amans) and the position of Conway’s arms exactly replicate those of Urquhart, although Urquhart holds a book in one hand while Conway does not. Additionally, the proportion, brushwork, and painted details of the clothing and facial features are certainly as fine as those in Amans’ portraits of other New Orleans gentlemen. Ref.: Bruns, Thomas Nelson Carter, Mrs., comp. Louisiana Portraits. New Orleans: The National Society of the Colonial Dames of American in the State of Louisiana, Historical Activities Committee, 1975.

    Neal Auction Company
  • Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans
    Feb. 20, 2016

    Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans

    Est: $6,000 - $9,000

    Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888, act. New Orleans, 1836-1856), "Portrait of Marie Constance Conway (1822-1854)", c. 1840, oil on canvas, unsigned, 38 in. x 30 in., period gilt frame Provenance: The sitter, Marie Constance Conway (1822-1854) and Robert Conway (b. 1813); their daughter, Marie Constance Conway (b. c. 1850) and Alexander Kirkwood Finlay (1843-1911); their daughter, Laura Gaines Finlay (1886-1982) and James Pierce Butler (1880-1941); their daughter, Ormonde Butler (c. 1905-1987) and Philip Joseph Bayon (1905-1989); thence by descent. Note: Constance Conway, the great-great-great-niece of Maurice Conway, Jr., who came to New Orleans from Ireland with his uncle, Alejandro O’Reilly (second Governor of Louisiana under Spanish rule), grew up on Conway Plantation in St. James Parish. Her father, James Conway, and her mother, Mathilde Peytarin Conway, had at least two other daughters, Clementine and Louisa, whose portrait by Jacques Amans is illustrated in the Colonial Dames’ Louisiana Portraits book. Also noted in this volume is the likeness of Mathilde’s mother, Madame Dubosse Peytarin née Mathilde Boisdoré, painted in 1845 by Amans. In 1847, Constance Conway married Robert Conway, who had emigrated from Alexandria, Virginia to New Orleans in about 1832. Robert’s brother, John Richard Conway, also came to New Orleans and held the office of Mayor from 1868-1870, following his marriage to Eliza Waggaman in 1857. A third Conway brother, Thomas, married Constance’s sister, Clementine, in 1854. The joining of the two Conway families appears to be an intriguing coincidence, as the two lines were not related; while the St. James Parish Conways had Irish ancestors, the Virginia Conways descended from English relations. As Jacques Amans rose to distinction as the premier portraitist in the New Orleans area in the 1840s, prominent families were eager to commission him to paint likenesses. Although many Amans’ portraits were created with a monochromatic background, the artist occasionally utilized an outdoor scene behind the sitter, as is the case with Constance Conway’s portrait. Other examples of this background presentation may be seen in “Portrait of Jeanne Roman Holding a Dove” from the early 1840s and also “Portrait of Clara Mazureau” from 1838. Indeed, the partition wall behind each sitter in the Mazureau portrait and present Conway portrait are nearly identical. Equally important, the brushwork in each of these portraits is among the finest in Amans’ oeuvre. The delicate handling of facial features and hair, combined with the sophisticated depiction of the 1840s-era fashions could not be more elegantly brought to life than in these portraits of young women in their finery. Ref.: Bruns, Thomas Nelson Carter, Mrs., comp. Louisiana Portraits. New Orleans: The National Society of the Colonial Dames of American in the State of Louisiana, Historical Activities Committee, 1975.

    Neal Auction Company
  • †Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888; Active New Orleans, 1836-1856), "Portrait of a Creole Girl in White", 1843, oil o..
    Jun. 07, 2014

    †Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888; Active New Orleans, 1836-1856), "Portrait of a Creole Girl in White", 1843, oil o..

    Est: $2,000 - $4,000

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888; Active New Orleans, 1836-1856), "Portrait of a Creole Girl in White", 1843, oil on canvas, signed and dated l.r., framed, H.- 16 in., W.- 13 1/2 in. Provenance: Collection of Phyllis Hudson, New Orleans, Louisiana.

    Crescent City Auction Gallery
  • J.-G.-L. Amans (Active New Orleans, 1836-1856)
    Jan. 26, 2014

    J.-G.-L. Amans (Active New Orleans, 1836-1856)

    Est: $5,000 - $8,000

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888; Active New Orleans, 1836-1856), "Portrait of a Creole Girl in White", 1843, oil on canvas, signed and dated lower right, 16" x 13-1/2". Framed. Provenance: Collection of Phyllis Hudson, New Orleans, Louisiana.

    New Orleans Auction Galleries
  • Jacques G. L. Amans (French/New Orleans)
    Oct. 13, 2013

    Jacques G. L. Amans (French/New Orleans)

    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888; Active New Orleans, 1836-1856), "Portrait of a Creole Girl in White", 1843, oil on canvas, signed and dated lower right, 16" x 13-1/2". Framed. Provenance: Collection of Phyllis Hudson, New Orleans, Louisiana.

    New Orleans Auction Galleries
  • Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888)
    Nov. 17, 2012

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888)

    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888, active New Orleans, 1836-1888), "Portrait of a Creole Woman in White", oil on canvas, signed upper left, 36 in. x 28 in., framed Starting Bid: $5000

    Neal Auction Company
  • Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801)
    Nov. 17, 2012

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801)

    Est: $15,000 - $25,000

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888, active New Orleans, 1836-1856), "Portrait of Robert Roman (1830-1855) Holding a School Slate Board, Son of Aimée Françoise Parent (b. 1797) and Louisiana Governor André Bienvenu Roman (1795-1866)", c. early 1840s, oil on canvas, signed upper left, 30 1/4 in. x 25 1/4 in., antique gilt frame Provenance: From the sitter to his sister, Jeanne Roman de la Villebeuvre; to her daughter, Anna Jeanne de la Villebeuvre Hyman; thence by descent in the family. Starting Bid: $10000

    Neal Auction Company
  • Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801)
    Nov. 17, 2012

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801)

    Est: $15,000 - $25,000

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888, active New Orleans, 1836-1856), "Portrait of Jeanne Roman (1836-1889) Holding a Dove, Daughter of Aimée Françoise Parent (b. 1797) and Louisiana Governor André Bienvenu Roman (1795-1866)", c. early 1840s, oil on canvas, signed lower right, 30 in. x 24 1/4 in., antique gilt frame Provenance: From the sitter to her daughter, Anna Jeanne de la Villebeuvre Hyman; thence by descent in the family. Starting Bid: $10000

    Neal Auction Company
  • Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans
    Apr. 16, 2011

    Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans

    Est: $5,000 - $7,000

    Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888, active New Orleans 1836-1856), "Portrait of a Beautiful Woman in a Brown Dress, a member of the Beauvais-Decuir Family", oil on canvas, unsigned, 30 in. x 22 in., in a modern wood frame. ?

    Neal Auction Company
  • Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888,
    Feb. 13, 2011

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888,

    Est: $6,000 - $9,000

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888, active New Orleans 1836-1856), "Portrait of a Beautiful Woman in a Green Dress, a member of the Beauvais-Decuir family", oil on canvas, signed upper left, 31 in. x 25 in., in a modern giltwood frame. PLEASE NOTE: Provenance: Descended in the Ellis/Denis/Beauvais-Decuir family, New Orleans and Pointe Coupée, LA. Note: This elegant portrait belongs to a family group including a portrait of Antoinette Decuir (sold by Neal Auction Company as lot 444, May 22, 2010); portraits of Emile Tanneret and Augustine Massicot Tanneret, (lots 249, 250, sold November 20, 2010); and a portrait of Louise Suzanne Antoinette de Beauvais (Mme. Antoine Decuir), which hangs at Parlange Plantation. The Amans portraits in this distinguished family may have been executed either in New Orleans or Point Coupée Parish, as the family had connections to both places.

    Neal Auction Company
  • Jacques Guillame Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888,
    Feb. 12, 2011

    Jacques Guillame Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888,

    Est: $20,000 - $40,000

    Jacques Guillame Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888, active New Orleans, 1836-1858), "Portrait of Madame Emma Schreiner Mortimer", 1843, oil on canvas laid down on board, signed and dated upper right, handwritten inscription "Mme. Emma Mortimer, née Schreiner, cousin of Mme. Victor Olivier née Louise Hebrard and godmother of Berthe Olivier de Tarnowsky" on label en verso, 36 in. x 28 3/4 in., in a period giltwood frame. PLEASE NOTE: Provenance: Descended in the family of the sitter; to her cousin and godchild, Berthe Marie Olivier de Vezin de Tarnowsky; and thence by descent to present owner. Note: Emma Schreiner Mortimer (1825-1898) was married to Joseph Edouard Mortimer (1822-1868). The 1870 U.S. Census shows Mrs. Joseph Mortimer residing in New Orleans' 6th Ward, with servants. The 1891 New Orleans City Directory lists her as a widow, residing at 248 Rampart Street.

    Neal Auction Company
  • Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans
    Sep. 11, 2010

    Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans

    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    Attributed to Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888, active New Orleans, 1836-1856), "Portrait of Emile Tanneret (b. 1815)", oil on canvas, unsigned, "W.E. Seebold's, New Orleans, LA" label en verso of frame, 36 1/8 in. x 29 in., in an antique carved, gessoed and giltwood frame.

    Neal Auction Company
  • Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888,
    Sep. 11, 2010

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888,

    Est: $12,000 - $18,000

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888, active New Orleans 1836-1856), "Portrait of Augustine Massicot Tanneret (1825-1884)", oil on canvas, signed upper left, 36 3/4 in. x 29 1/4 in., in an antique carved, gessoed and giltwood frame.

    Neal Auction Company
  • Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888,
    May. 22, 2010

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888,

    Est: $15,000 - $25,000

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888, active New Orleans, 1836-1856), "Portrait of Antoinette Decuir (1826-1896)", oil on canvas, signed upper left, 36 3/4 in. x 29 1/8 in., in a period giltwood frame.

    Neal Auction Company
  • Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (Dutch/French/New
    Dec. 06, 2008

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (Dutch/French/New

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (Dutch/French/New Orleans, 1801-1888), "Portrait of a Creole Gentleman", oil on canvas, unsigned, 36 in. x 28 3/4 in., in a period giltwood frame. Note: Likely an acquaintance of Jean Joseph Vaudechamp and certainly aware of his success as a portrait painter during his seasonal visits to New Orleans, Jacques Amans arrived in Louisiana in the late 1830s in search of portrait commissions. Trained in the tradition of the French neoclassical painters, Amans was well received by Creole society and earned numerous commissions from wealthy planters and cottons brokers. In the charming "Portrait of a Creole Gentleman", Amans employed his typical pose of a three-quarter length seated figure with emphasis on his hands and face. Aman's portraits have a softer edge and more fluid lush brushwork than the work of Vaudechamp.

    Neal Auction Company
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