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Maks Vladimirovic Al'pert Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Max Alpert (1899-1980): Construction Site of the Fergana Grand Canal
    Nov. 20, 2024

    Max Alpert (1899-1980): Construction Site of the Fergana Grand Canal

    Est: $400 - $600

    Gelatin silver print, 1939, date of print unknown, unsigned, variously inscribed in another hand on the reverse, edition size unknown. 6 7/8 x 11 1/4 in. (sheet), unframed.

  • Max Vladimirovitch Alpert (1899-1980) - Kirghises women on horses, 1936
    Oct. 11, 2023

    Max Vladimirovitch Alpert (1899-1980) - Kirghises women on horses, 1936

    Est: €700 - €1,000

    Gelatin silver print, printed in 1960s/1970s cm 26,8 x 37,4 | 10.6 x 14.7 in. Photographer's credit stamp on the verso

    Oct. 01, 2023


    Est: $200 - $300

    Max Alpert, an original black and white photographic print of a Dolores Ibárruri portrait, taken in 1964. Inscribed "Dolores Ibárruri, M. Alpert" and stamped on the verso. Max Alpert (1899-1980) was a prominent Soviet photographer mostly known for the frontline photographs he took during WWII. Dolores Ibárruri (1895-1989) was a politician and notable member of Spanish Communist Party.

    Helios Auctions
    Oct. 01, 2023


    Est: $400 - $600

    Max Alpert, an original black and photographic print. The image depicts a battalion commander leading leading his soldiers to the attack. Titled "Kombat" and stamped "Photo by M. Alpert" on the verso. Max Alpert (1899-1980) was a prominent Soviet photographer mostly known for the frontline photographs he took during WWII.

    Helios Auctions
  • MAX ALPERT (1899–1980)
    Nov. 19, 2022

    MAX ALPERT (1899–1980)

    Est: €1,400 - €1,800

    MAX ALPERT (1899–1980) | ‘Hunting with Golden Eagle’, Kazakhstan c. 1930 Image Size: 21,5 x 29,7 cm English: Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s on double-weight semi-matte tinted paper, in excellent condition. Photographer’s name stamp and handwritten, annotations in Cyrillic letters, stamp “Borodulin’s Collection” on the reverse Deutsch: Gelatinesilberabzug, geprintet in den 1970er Jahren auf "double-weight", braun getöntem, halbmattem Papier, in ausgezeichnetem Zustand. Namensstempel des Fotografen und handschriftliche Anmerkungen in kyrillischer Schrift, rückseitig Stempel "Borodulin's Collection".

    OstLicht Auctions
  • Max Vladimirovitch Alpert (1899-1980) - Untitled (Romeo and Juliet), 1940s/1950s
    Jun. 23, 2022

    Max Vladimirovitch Alpert (1899-1980) - Untitled (Romeo and Juliet), 1940s/1950s

    Est: €400 - €600

    Vintage gelatin silver print Photographer's credit stamp on the verso This lot is subject to Artists Resale Rights

  • Max Vladimirovitch Alpert (1899-1980) - Igor Stravinsky. Moscow, 1962
    Apr. 28, 2022

    Max Vladimirovitch Alpert (1899-1980) - Igor Stravinsky. Moscow, 1962

    Est: €500 - €800

    Vintage gelatin silver print Photographer's credit stamp on the verso This lot is subject to Artists Resale Rights

  • MAX ALPERT (1899-1980) - On the nameless height, 1943
    Mar. 27, 2022

    MAX ALPERT (1899-1980) - On the nameless height, 1943

    Est: €900 - €1,400

    MAX ALPERT (1899-1980) On the nameless height, 1943 inscription and stamp ‘M. Alpert’ in Russian, stamp ‘Borodulin’s Collection’ (on the reverse) gelatin silver print 19.7 x 60 cm printed in 1950-60s Provenance: Borodulin Collection A fragment of this photograph was included in the Anthology of Soviet Photography МАКС ВЛАДИМИРОВИЧ АЛЬПЕРТ (1899-1980) На безымянной высоте, 1943 г. описание карандашом и штамп «Фото М. Альперт», штамп ‘Borodulin’s Collection’ (на обороте) желатиново-серебряный отпечаток 19.7 х 60 см печать 1950-60х Провенанс: коллекция Л. и А. Бородулиных Фрагмент этой фотографии вошел в Антологию советской фотографии Max Alpert (1899-1980) was a Soviet photographer and photo reporter. He was one of the founders of Soviet serial reportage photography. He traveled extensively throughout the Soviet Union photographing construction sites and workers celebrating the country, creating images aimed at depicting the life of the happy workers of the Soviet Union. At the same time, Alpert worked for “Pravda” newspaper, where he took portraits of virtually all major Soviet and many foreign politicians, military officers, writers, actors and chess players. During the World War II, Alpert worked both on the home front and at the front, as a correspondent of TASS and Sovinformburo, he was in Prague and Berlin, and filmed the June 24, 1945 Victory Parade in Moscow

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • MAX ALPERT (1899-1980) Igor Stravinsky. Moscow, 1962
    Jun. 16, 2021

    MAX ALPERT (1899-1980) Igor Stravinsky. Moscow, 1962

    Est: €700 - €1,500

    MAX ALPERT (1899-1980) Igor Stravinsky. Moscow, 1962 Inscription in Russian: «Photo by my husband M. Alpert»; signature of the Alpert’s widow Glafira; stamp: «Photo by M. Alpert» (on the reverse) Gelatin silver print 41 х 28 cm Provenance: Borodulin Collection Max Alpert (1899-1980) was a Soviet photographer and photo reporter. He was one of the founders of Soviet serial reportage photography. He traveled extensively throughout the Soviet Union photographing construction sites and workers celebrating the country, creating images aimed at depicting the life of the happy workers of the Soviet Union. At the same time, Alpert worked for “Pravda” newspaper, where he took portraits of virtually all major Soviet and many foreign politicians, military officers, writers, actors and chess players. During the World War II, Alpert worked both on the home front and at the front, as a correspondent of TASS and Sovinformburo, he was in Prague and Berlin, and filmed the June 24, 1945 Victory Parade in Moscow. МАКС АЛЬПЕРТ (1899-1980) Портрет Игоря Стравинского. Москва, 1962 г.Желатиново-серебряный отпечаток карандашом подпись вдовы фотографа, Глафиры Альперт: «фото моего мужа М. Альперта», штамп «М. Альперт» (на обороте) 41 х 28 см Провенанс: коллекция Л. и А. Бородулиных Макс Владимирович Альперт (1899-1980) — советский фотограф и фоторепортёр. Один из родоначальников советской серийной репортажной фотографии. Он много ездил по всему Советскому Союзу, фотографируя знаменательные для всей страны стройки и рабочих, создавая снимки, целью которых было показать жизнь счастливых рабочих Советского Союза. Одновременно Альперт работал в газете «Правда», где снимал портреты практически всех крупных советских и многих зарубежных политиков, военных, писателей, актёров и шахматистов. Во время Великой Отечественной войны, будучи корреспондентом Фотохроники ТАСС и Совинформбюро, Альперт работал как в тылу, так и на фронте, в боевой обстановке, побывал в Праге и Берлине, снимал Парад Победы 24 июня 1945 года в Москве.

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • ALPERT MAX (1899-1980) Portrait of Galina Ulanova
    Jun. 16, 2021

    ALPERT MAX (1899-1980) Portrait of Galina Ulanova

    Est: €700 - €1,500

    ALPERT MAX (1899-1980) Portrait of Galina Ulanova Inscription in Russian: «Photo by my husband M. Alpert», Signature of the Alpert’s widow Glafira; stamp: «Photo by M. Alpert», stamp “Borodulin’s Collection” (on the reverse) 1940s. Gelatin silver print 29 х 22 cm Provenance: Borodulin Collection Galina Ulanova was one of the greatest ballerinas of the 20th century. Max Alpert (1899-1980) was a Soviet photographer and photo reporter. He was one of the founders of Soviet serial reportage photography. He traveled extensively throughout the Soviet Union photographing construction sites and workers celebrating the country, creating images aimed at depicting the life of the happy workers of the Soviet Union. At the same time, Alpert worked for “Pravda” newspaper, where he took portraits of virtually all major Soviet and many foreign politicians, military officers, writers, actors and chess players. МАКС АЛЬПЕРТ (1899-1980) Портрет Галины Улановойкарандашом подпись вдовы фотографа, Глафиры Альперт: «фото моего мужа М. Альперта», штампы «М. Альперт», Коллекция Бородулина (на обороте) Желатиново-серебряный отпечаток 1940-ые гг. 29 х 22 см Провенанс: коллекция Л. и А. Бородулиных Галина Уланова - Самая титулованная балерина за всю историю советского балета. Макс Владимирович Альперт (1899-1980) - советский фотограф и фоторепортёр. Один из родоначальников советской серийной репортажной фотографии. Он много ездил по всему Советскому Союзу, фотографируя знаменательные для всей страны стройки и рабочих, создавая снимки, целью которых было показать жизнь счастливых рабочих Советского Союза. Одновременно Альперт работал в газете «Правда», где снимал портреты практически всех крупных советских и многих зарубежных политиков, военных, писателей, актёров и шахматистов.

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • Max ALPERT (1899 - 1980) - People's building of the Big Fergana Canal. Uzbe
    Jun. 30, 2018

    Max ALPERT (1899 - 1980) - People's building of the Big Fergana Canal. Uzbe

    Est: €1,300 - €1,700

    Max ALPERT (1899 - 1980) - People's building of the Big Fergana Canal. Uzbekistan, 1939 Gelatin silver print stamp "Photo M. Alpert", "Press Agency RIA Novosti" on verso 36 x 26.8 cm. Макс АЛЬПЕРТ (1899 – 1980) Народная стройка Большого Ферганского канала. Узбекистан, 1939 г. серебряно-желатиновый отпечаток на обороте печать « Фото М.Альперт », « Агенство печати РИА новости », 36 х 26,8 см. Макс АЛЬПЕРТ (1899 – 1980) - советский фотограф и фоторепортёр. Один из родоначальников советской серийной репортажной фотографии. Провенанс: Borodulin Collection.

    Hermitage Fine Art
  • NO RESERVE Max Vladimirovitch Alpert (1899-1980) The First Train on the Turkestan-Siberian Railway, 1929; and 3 others
    Mar. 15, 2018

    NO RESERVE Max Vladimirovitch Alpert (1899-1980) The First Train on the Turkestan-Siberian Railway, 1929; and 3 others

    Est: £300 - £400

    Max Vladimirovitch Alpert (1899-1980) The First Train on the Turkestan-Siberian Railway, 1929; and 3 others 4 gelatin silver prints, one with photographer's stamp verso, one monogrammed and annotated in Cyrillic verso, one with typed newspaper caption affixed verso, sizes varying from 6.4 x 9.4cm (2 1/2 x 3 3/4in) to 21.9 x 26.3cm (8 5/8 x 10 3/8in) Titles include Fergana Canal, 1939; Viktor Kalmikov at Magnitogorsk, 1929 and Dr Filatov, 1940. This lot also includes Max Alpert's diploma for the 2nd Exhibition of Photojournalism in 1927.

    Forum Auctions - UK
  • Max Alpert (1899-1990) - Kirghiz Woman, 1950s
    Oct. 20, 2016

    Max Alpert (1899-1990) - Kirghiz Woman, 1950s

    Est: £1,200 - £1,500

    Gelatin silver print with photographer's stamp verso, 28 x 18cm (11 x 7in)

    Dreweatts 1759
  • ALPERT, MAX (1899-1980), Battalion Commander, stamped with the photographer's stamp on the reverse.
    Jun. 08, 2016

    ALPERT, MAX (1899-1980), Battalion Commander, stamped with the photographer's stamp on the reverse.

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    ALPERT, MAX (1899-1980), Battalion Commander, stamped with the photographer's stamp on the reverse, Gelatin silver print, 20.5 by 24 cm. Photographed in 1942 and printed c. 1940s. Provenance: Collection of the photographer. With the Directorate of International Photography Exhibitions (of the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship and Cultural Connections with Foreign Countries), Moscow (stamp on the reverse). Collection of Glafira Alpert, the photographer’s widow. Acquired from the above by the present owner. Borodulin collection, Europe (stamp on the reverse).

  • ALPERT, MAX (1899-1980), Hunting with Golden Eagle, Kazakhstan, stamped with the photographer's stamp on the reverse.
    Jun. 08, 2016

    ALPERT, MAX (1899-1980), Hunting with Golden Eagle, Kazakhstan, stamped with the photographer's stamp on the reverse.

    Est: £700 - £900

    ALPERT, MAX (1899-1980), Hunting with Golden Eagle, Kazakhstan, stamped with the photographer's stamp on the reverse, Gelatin silver print, 23.5 by 30 cm. Photographed c. 1930s and printed c. 1940s. Provenance: Collection of the photographer. Thence by descent. Collection of Glafira Alpert, widow of the above. Acquired from the above by the present owner. Borodulin collection, Europe (stamp on the reverse). Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by Glafira Alpert (inscription on the reverse). Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by Glafira Alpert, the artist’s widow (inscription on the reverse).

  • ALPERT, MAX (1899-1980) The Dnieper Hydroelectric Station
    May. 21, 2016

    ALPERT, MAX (1899-1980) The Dnieper Hydroelectric Station

    Est: £1,000 - £2,000

    ALPERT, MAX (1899-1980) The Dnieper Hydroelectric Station. Gelatin silver print, 39.5 by 29 cm. Photographed in 1937, printed c. 1960s. Provenance: Private collection, Europe. A distinguished Russian photographer, Max Alpert (1899–1980) was one of the pioneers of photo reportage. He studied photography in Odessa and worked before World War II for Rabochaya gazeta in Moscow. During the 1930s, he specialised in creating photographic series from construction sites for the periodical SSSR na stroike (Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, Turkestan-Siberia Railway, Great Fergana Canal). Alpert also worked for the daily Pravda, shooting predominantly photographic portraits of politicians, military leaders, writers and other luminaries. He is mostly known however for his frontline work during World War II as a photo correspondent for the state news agency TASS and the Soviet Information Bureau, when he produced a number of iconic war photographs, such as Combat (1942). He documented military events in Prague and Berlin and the Victory Parade in Moscow in June 1945.

  • ALPERT, MAX (1899-1980) Kyrgyz Girl Leading in a Horse Racing Competition
    May. 21, 2016

    ALPERT, MAX (1899-1980) Kyrgyz Girl Leading in a Horse Racing Competition

    Est: £1,000 - £2,000

    ALPERT, MAX (1899-1980) Kyrgyz Girl Leading in a Horse Racing Competition. Gelatin silver print, 25.5 by 20.5 cm. Photographed and printed c. 1936. Provenance: Private collection, Europe. A distinguished Russian photographer, Max Alpert (1899–1980) was one of the pioneers of photo reportage. He studied photography in Odessa and worked before World War II for Rabochaya gazeta in Moscow. During the 1930s, he specialised in creating photographic series from construction sites for the periodical SSSR na stroike (Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, Turkestan-Siberia Railway, Great Fergana Canal). Alpert also worked for the daily Pravda, shooting predominantly photographic portraits of politicians, military leaders, writers and other luminaries. He is mostly known however for his frontline work during World War II as a photo correspondent for the state news agency TASS and the Soviet Information Bureau, when he produced a number of iconic war photographs, such as Combat (1942). He documented military events in Prague and Berlin and the Victory Parade in Moscow in June 1945.

  • MAX ALPERT (1899–1980)
    Jun. 12, 2015

    MAX ALPERT (1899–1980)

    Est: €2,500 - €3,000

    MAX ALPERT (1899–1980) ‘On the train’ Der erste Zug auf der Strecke der Turksib / The first train on the Turk-Sib route, May 1st 1930 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s/70s

  • MAX ALPERT (1899–1980)
    Jun. 12, 2015

    MAX ALPERT (1899–1980)

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    MAX ALPERT (1899–1980) Artek Pioneer Camp, Gurzuf, Crimea 1930s Maquette, 22 vintage silver prints, mounted on 11 cardboard sheets, bound together with a textile brown spine and a red rope Annotated and titled in an unidentified hand in ink on the front cover, camp anthem: ‘There is a small place in the Crimea, a bevy of Pioneers are rushing for it.’ in an unidentified hand in ink on the first page, traces of the full name of the camp in an unidentified hand in ink on the back cover

  • MAX ALPERT (1899–1980)
    Jun. 12, 2015

    MAX ALPERT (1899–1980)

    Est: €8,000 - €9,000

    MAX ALPERT (1899–1980) Die Ankunft von Maxim Gorki aus Italien / The arrival of Maxim Gorky from Italy, USSR 1928 Vintage silver print Annotated and dated in an unidentified hand in pencil (Cyrillic) on the reverse

  • Max Vladimirovitch ALPERT (1899-1980) Construction du canal de Fergana, Ouzbékistan, 1939
    May. 21, 2015

    Max Vladimirovitch ALPERT (1899-1980) Construction du canal de Fergana, Ouzbékistan, 1939

    Est: €12,000 - €15,000

    Max Vladimirovitch ALPERT (1899-1980) Construction du canal de Fergana, Ouzbékistan, 1939 16 épreuves argentiques d'époque Légendes dactylographiées (sur papier) au dos Max Alpert est considéré comme l'un des pères du photojournalisme soviétique. En 1924, il commence à travailler dans diverses publications, et à partir de 1931, comme photographe pour le magazine "SSSR na stroike" (URSS en construction). Il a notamment couvert la collectivisation de l'agriculture extensive et les grands projets nationaux comme la construction du grand canal de Fergana en 1939. Cette extension de 270km a nécessité le travail de 160 000 ouvriers. Les photographies de Max Alpert offrent une documentation détaillée des travaux de construction, soulignant l'effort humain et l'enthousiasme des travailleurs. Cette série photographique représentative du réalisme socialiste est construite comme une narration mettant en avant un processus de production ; le but étant de diffuser l'image du développement socialiste en URSS et à l'étranger. 15,5 x 23 cm Provenance : collection privée, Paris

  • MAX ALPERT (1899-1980)
    Mar. 21, 2014

    MAX ALPERT (1899-1980)

    Est: €1,400 - €1,600

    MAX ALPERT (1899-1980) The first train of the Turkestan Siberian railway, May 1930 Photographer's stamp, news agency stamps and Borodulin collection stamp on the reverse PROVENANCE Borodulin Collection

  • MAX ALPERT (1899-1980)
    Mar. 21, 2014

    MAX ALPERT (1899-1980)

    Est: €2,000 - €2,400

    MAX ALPERT (1899-1980) Construction site of the Fergana Grand Canal, Uzbekistan 1939 Signed and annotated by the photographer's widow in pencil on the reverse, his stamp and Borodulin collection stamp on the reverse PROVENANCE Borodulin Collection

  • MAX VLADIMIROVITCH ALPERT, Rider from Tadzhikistan
    May. 23, 2012

    MAX VLADIMIROVITCH ALPERT, Rider from Tadzhikistan

    Est: €1,500 - €2,250

    Gelatin silver print, printed later. Copyprint. 28,1 x 21,8 cm. Photographer's and collection stamp, signed by Max Alpert's widow in cyrillic script as well as annotated in an unknown hand in pencil on the verso.Provenance: Lev Borodulin collection, Moscow/Tel AvivLiterature: Bodo von Dewitz (ed.), Politische Bilder. Die Sammlung Daniela Mrázkowá. Sowjetische Fotografien. 1918 - 1941, exhib.cat. Museum Ludwig Cologne, Göttingen 2009, plate 12

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
    May. 19, 2012


    Est: $800 - $1,200

    MAX ALPERT (1899-1980): KOMBAT (THE REGIMENTAL COMMANDER), 1942 Gelatin silver print. Provenance: Miami Art Museum, Personal Visions: Focus on Photography, Dream Collection... part four, Nov. 11, 1998 to May 2, 1999; collection of Jan Cowles. 8 3/4 x 11 3/4 in., 15 x 19 in. (frame).

  • Max Vladimirovitch Alpert (Russian, 1899-1980); Construction Site for Gas Line; Building a Canal; (2)
    Dec. 16, 2007

    Max Vladimirovitch Alpert (Russian, 1899-1980); Construction Site for Gas Line; Building a Canal; (2)

    Est: $800 - $1,000

    Construction Site for Gas Line; Building a Canal , n.d. Two gelatin silver prints, both mounted, one with photographer's name and titled typed on label affixed to mount on verso, in fair condition with surface scratches and rubs, skinning, remains of masking tape, and crayon notations on mount versos and other minor defects, each not framed. (2) 15 5/8 x 11 5/8in each

  • e - Max Vladimirovitch Alpert, 1899-1980 , Victory Parade, 1945
    Jun. 11, 2007

    e - Max Vladimirovitch Alpert, 1899-1980 , Victory Parade, 1945

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    Silver print, bearing the photographer's stamp on the reverse, printed later,

  • e - Max Vladimirovitch Alpert, 1899-1980 , First Automobile Plant in the City of Nizhni-Novgorod, 1929
    Jun. 11, 2007

    e - Max Vladimirovitch Alpert, 1899-1980 , First Automobile Plant in the City of Nizhni-Novgorod, 1929

    Est: £400 - £600

    Silver print, the photographer's blindstamp in Russian on the reverse, printed later,

  • e - Max Vladimirovitch Alpert, 1899-1980 , Parade During construction of the Fergana Canal, 1939
    Jun. 11, 2007

    e - Max Vladimirovitch Alpert, 1899-1980 , Parade During construction of the Fergana Canal, 1939

    Est: £600 - £800

    Silver print, tiled, dated and ascribed in blue ink on the reverse, printed later,

  • e - Max Vladimirovitch Alpert, 1899-1980 , Two views of the Construction of the Fergana Canal, 1939
    Jun. 11, 2007

    e - Max Vladimirovitch Alpert, 1899-1980 , Two views of the Construction of the Fergana Canal, 1939

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    Silver prints, each bearing the photographer's inventory number and stamp on the reverse, printed later, Quantity: 2

  • e - Max Vladimirovitch Alpert, 1899-1980 , Two views of the construction of the Fergana Canal, 1939
    Jun. 11, 2007

    e - Max Vladimirovitch Alpert, 1899-1980 , Two views of the construction of the Fergana Canal, 1939

    Est: £1,500 - £2,000

    Silver prints, each with the photographer's and other stamps on the reverse, printed later, Quantity: 2

  • e - Max Vladimirovitch Alpert, 1899-1980 , Victory Parade, Red Square, 1945
    Jun. 11, 2007

    e - Max Vladimirovitch Alpert, 1899-1980 , Victory Parade, Red Square, 1945

    Est: £400 - £600

    Silver print, ascribed and dated in English on the reverse in pencil, printed later,

  • e - Max Vladimirovitch Alpert, 1899-1980 , S. Katyayama and K. Tsetkin on Red Square, 1925
    Jun. 11, 2007

    e - Max Vladimirovitch Alpert, 1899-1980 , S. Katyayama and K. Tsetkin on Red Square, 1925

    Est: £700 - £900

    Silver print, bearing photographer and agency stamps on the reverse, printed circa 1955,

  • ALPERT, MAX (1899-1980)
    May. 20, 2004

    ALPERT, MAX (1899-1980)

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    "All-Union Physical Culture Parade on Red Square in Moscow on Aug. 12." Silver print, 6 1/2x9 inches (16.5x22.9 cm.), with various hand stamps, a sticker, a typed caption label, and the photographer's credit on verso. 1946

    Swann Auction Galleries
    Jun. 06, 2002


    Est: $1,200 - $1,800

    "Grand Fergana Canal." Silver print, 10 1/2 x14 inches, with the photographer's and Borodulin's Collection hand stamps and a caption and notations, in pencil, on verso. 1939; printed later

    Swann Auction Galleries
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