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Meer Moiseevic Aksel'rod Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Aksel'rod, Meer M - Ulica. (Straße). Gouache auf Karton. Rechts unten in Bl...
    May. 15, 2021

    Aksel'rod, Meer M - Ulica. (Straße). Gouache auf Karton. Rechts unten in Bl...

    Est: €900 -

    Aksel'rod, Meer M Ulica. (Straße). Gouache auf Karton. Rechts unten in Blei signiert. Verso in Blei annotiert (Bezeichnung, Datierung, Maße). 1948. Bildgröße: 32,5 x 41 cm. Mejer (Mark) Moisejewitsch Axelrod (1902-1970) erhielt seine künstlerische Ausbildung in Tambow und ab 1920 im Proletkult-Studio in Smolensk. Folgend studierte er 1921-1927 (gemeinsam mit den späteren Mitgliedern der OST) an den VCHUTEMAS, lehrte dann am VCHUTEIN und dem Textil-Institut. Der Künstler war Mitglied der Gruppe "Die 4 Künste" und der MOSCh und nahm in dieser Zeit an zahlreichen Ausstellungen teil. Mit Beginn der 1930er Jahre arbeitete Axelrod zunehmend für das Theater und als Illustrator sowie während des 2. Weltkriegs für die TASS-Fenster und den Film (S. Eisenstein). Nach Formalismus-Vorwürfen widmete er sich vor allem Gouachen und Illustrationen zu jüdischen Klassikern. Arbeiten von M. Axelrod befinden sich in den bedeutendsten Museen Russlands. - Das vorliegende Blatt stammt aus dem Nachlass des Künstlers und wurde von den Erben in Israel in den 2000er Jahren erworben (dokumentiert). - Ecken mit Nadellöchern und ohne Farbauftrag, linker und rechter Rand mit je einer winzigen Fehlstelle, unten ca. 2 cm eingerissen.

    Nosbüsch & Stucke GmbH
  • Aksel'rod, Meer M - Pastbishche na Severnom Kavkaze. (Weide im Nordkaukasus...
    May. 15, 2021

    Aksel'rod, Meer M - Pastbishche na Severnom Kavkaze. (Weide im Nordkaukasus...

    Est: €1,500 -

    Aksel'rod, Meer M Pastbishche na Severnom Kavkaze. (Weide im Nordkaukasus). Gouache auf Karton. Rechts unten in Blei signiert. Verso in Blei signiert und eigenhändig annotiert (Bezeichnung, Datierung, Maße). 1954. Bildgröße: 37,5 x 58 cm. Mejer (Mark) Moisejewitsch Axelrod (1902-1970) erhielt seine künstlerische Ausbildung in Tambow und ab 1920 im Proletkult-Studio in Smolensk. Folgend studierte er 1921-1927 (gemeinsam mit den späteren Mitgliedern der OST) an den VCHUTEMAS, lehrte dann am VCHUTEIN und dem Textil-Institut. Der Künstler war Mitglied der Gruppe "Die 4 Künste" und der MOSCh und nahm in dieser Zeit an zahlreichen Ausstellungen teil. Mit Beginn der 1930er Jahre arbeitete Axelrod zunehmend für das Theater und als Illustrator sowie während des 2. Weltkriegs für die TASS-Fenster und den Film (S. Eisenstein). Nach Formalismus-Vorwürfen widmete er sich vor allem Gouachen und Illustrationen zu jüdischen Klassikern. Arbeiten von M. Axelrod befinden sich in den bedeutendsten Museen Russlands. - Das vorliegende Blatt stammt aus dem Nachlass des Künstlers und wurde von den Erben in Israel in den 2000er Jahren erworben (dokumentiert). - Ecken mit Nadellöchern und ohne Farbauftrag, Ecken leicht bestoßen, verso mit einer gestempelten Ausfuhrgenehmigung.

    Nosbüsch & Stucke GmbH
  • Aksel'rod, Meer M - Naturshchica. (Weiblicher Akt). Gouache auf Karton. Rec...
    May. 15, 2021

    Aksel'rod, Meer M - Naturshchica. (Weiblicher Akt). Gouache auf Karton. Rec...

    Est: €1,200 -

    Aksel'rod, Meer M Naturshchica. (Weiblicher Akt). Gouache auf Karton. Rechts unten signiert und datiert. Verso annotiert, anteilig in Blei und Tinte (Bezeichnung, Datierung, Maße). 1959. Bildgröße: 52,5 x 73,5 cm. Mejer (Mark) Moisejewitsch Axelrod (1902-1970) erhielt seine künstlerische Ausbildung in Tambow und ab 1920 im Proletkult-Studio in Smolensk. Folgend studierte er 1921-1927 (gemeinsam mit den späteren Mitgliedern der OST) an den VCHUTEMAS, lehrte dann am VCHUTEIN und dem Textil-Institut. Der Künstler war Mitglied der Gruppe "Die 4 Künste" und der MOSCh und nahm in dieser Zeit an zahlreichen Ausstellungen teil. Mit Beginn der 1930er Jahre arbeitete Axelrod zunehmend für das Theater und als Illustrator sowie während des 2. Weltkriegs für die TASS-Fenster und den Film (S. Eisenstein). Nach Formalismus-Vorwürfen widmete er sich vor allem Gouachen und Illustrationen zu jüdischen Klassikern. Arbeiten von M. Axelrod befinden sich in den bedeutendsten Museen Russlands. - Das vorliegende Blatt stammt aus dem Nachlass des Künstlers und wurde von den Erben in Israel in den 2000er Jahren erworben (dokumentiert). - Mehrere Nadellöcher in den Ecken und Rändern mittig, kleine Eckabrisse, rechts unten etwas größer, rechter Rand mittig berieben, Ränder und Ecken teils mit wenig oder ohne Farbauftrag.

    Nosbüsch & Stucke GmbH
    Oct. 18, 2017


    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    AXELROD MYER (MARK) MOISEEVICH (RUSSIAN 1902-1970) Double-sided Watercolor of a Woman and a Landscape, 1930 watercolor on paper 52 x 35 cm (20 1/2 x 13 3/4 in.) signed and dated on verso, inscribed on recto Description Mark Axelrod was a well-known Russian (Soviet) painter, graphic, and theatre artist of Jewish origin. He is best known for his watercolors depicting the lifestyle of Jewish people in the Russian Empire and the USSR. Axelrod was born in Maladzyechna, a small Jewish town in Belarus, where as a child he survived a pogrom and moved to Russia during World War I. In the 1920s Axelrod graduated from VKhUTEMAS and began teaching in VKhUTEIN and the Textile Institute (1928-1932). At this time, he became one of the members of the "4 Arts" group. He was frowned upon in Soviet newspapers for pessimism, sketchiness, deformations, incomplete nature and even his proximity in style to Modigliani, and was thereby forced to shift to book illustrations and theatre work. In particular, he worked for the Belarus State Jewish Theatre and sometimes for Moscow State Jewish Theatre. During World War II, his brother, poet Zelik Axelrod, was executed (1941), and Axelrod himself lived in evacuation in Alma-Ata (1941-43), where he supported Jewish refugees from Poland. While in evacuation, Akselrod was part of Sergei Eisenstein`s crew during the filming of "Ivan the Terrible." Many of Axelrod`s paintings are dedicated to Jewish scenes, for instance the series "Ghetto" (1968-1969) and "In the Steppe" (based on his impressions from the trip to agricultural Jewish commune in Crimea in 1930-1931). The poet Arseniy Tarkovsky valued Axelrod`s work highly, remarking that the artist`s iron will made his artwork beautiful and honest. Axelrod`s works are kept in collections of the Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, and the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. His work was barely known outside the former Soviet Union until his daughter, Elena Axelrod, published her father`s biography and a representative collection of his works in Israel in 1993.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
    Feb. 11, 2017


    Est: $400 - $500

    AXELROD, MARK MOISEEVICH (RUSSIAN 1902-1970), Secret Printing-press, circa 1950s, oil on cardboard, 62 x 37 cm (24 1/2 x 18 1/2 in), authentificated by T. Akselrod on verso. LOT NOTES Axelrod was born in Maladzyechna, a small Jewish town in Belarus. As a child, he survived a pogrom and moved to Russia during World War I. He was a well-known Russian and Soviet painter, graphic and theater artist, Jewish by origin. He is famous for his watercolors depicting the lifestyle of Jewish people in Russian Empire and USSR. He studied in VHUTEMAS-VKHUTEIN. He was frowned upon in Soviet newspapers for pessimism, sketchiness, deformations, incomplete nature and even his proximity in style to Modigliani. He was forced to shift to book illustrations and theatre work. In particular, he worked in Belarus State Jewish Theatre, sometimes in Moscow State Jewish Theatre. His brother Zelik Axelrod was executed in 1941. He lived in evacuation in Alma-Ata in 1941-43 where he supported Jewish refugees from Poland. Many of Axelrod`s paintings are dedicated to Jewish scenes, for instance the series “Ghetto” (1968-1969), series “In the Steppe” - based on the impressions from the trip to agricultural Jewish commune in Crimea in 1930-31. He is the author of the paintings “Recollections of the Old Minsk”. The poet Arseniy Tarkovsky valued highly his art. His artworks are kept in Tretyakov Gallery, Russian Museum, Pushkin Museum of Visual Art. His work was barely known outside the former Soviet Union until his daughter, Elena Akselrod, published her father's biography and a representative collection of his works in Israel in 1993. PROVENANCE INFORMATION The current lot comes from the collection of the esteemed collector and art critic Viktor Kholodkov (1948-2015), who fulfilled his passion for books, avant-garde design and paper memorabilia by devoting his life to collecting and dealing of prominent works of Russian graphic art of the first half of the 20th century. Kholodkov acquired a multitude of books and artworks throughout the decades, meticulously labeling and archiving every single item. Many came directly from the most preeminent artists of the time, as well as from their families and estates. He also possessed a vast number of drawings from the famous collection of another avant-garde enthusiast, Nikolai Khardzhiev. After leaving the USSR in 1989 and settling in California, Viktor continued his work as a Soviet art dealer and critic, actively publishing various articles and contributing to several major Russian avant-garde exhibitions across the U.S., such as the 1991 exhibition Russia Under Fire in the 40s on the West Coast and the 1992 Guggenheim exhibition The Great Utopia: The Russian and Soviet Avant-Garde. Kholodkov also contributed to the archives of the biggest American istitutions. His unique selection of over 2000 Russian sheet music covers was acquired by The Library of Congress, and an extensive amount of material related to VKhUTEMAS is now at the J. Paul Getty Museum.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
    Feb. 11, 2017


    Est: $600 - $800

    AXELROD, MARK MOISEEVICH (RUSSIAN 1902-1970), Farm Scene, 1934, gouache on thin board, 37 x 52 cm (14 5/8 x 20 1/2 in), signed lower right, titled and dated on verso. LOT NOTES Axelrod was born in Maladzyechna, a small Jewish town in Belarus. As a child, he survived a pogrom and moved to Russia during World War I. He was a well-known Russian and Soviet painter, graphic and theater artist, Jewish by origin. He is famous for his watercolors depicting the lifestyle of Jewish people in Russian Empire and USSR. He studied in VHUTEMAS-VKHUTEIN. He was frowned upon in Soviet newspapers for pessimism, sketchiness, deformations, incomplete nature and even his proximity in style to Modigliani. He was forced to shift to book illustrations and theatre work. In particular, he worked in Belarus State Jewish Theatre, sometimes in Moscow State Jewish Theatre. His brother Zelik Axelrod was executed in 1941. He lived in evacuation in Alma-Ata in 1941-43 where he supported Jewish refugees from Poland. Many of Axelrod`s paintings are dedicated to Jewish scenes, for instance the series “Ghetto” (1968-1969), series “In the Steppe” - based on the impressions from the trip to agricultural Jewish commune in Crimea in 1930-31. He is the author of the paintings “Recollections of the Old Minsk”. The poet Arseniy Tarkovsky valued highly his art. His artworks are kept in Tretyakov Gallery, Russian Museum, Pushkin Museum of Visual Art. His work was barely known outside the former Soviet Union until his daughter, Elena Akselrod, published her father's biography and a representative collection of his works in Israel in 1993. PROVENANCE INFORMATION The current lot comes from the collection of the esteemed collector and art critic Viktor Kholodkov (1948-2015), who fulfilled his passion for books, avant-garde design and paper memorabilia by devoting his life to collecting and dealing of prominent works of Russian graphic art of the first half of the 20th century. Kholodkov acquired a multitude of books and artworks throughout the decades, meticulously labeling and archiving every single item. Many came directly from the most preeminent artists of the time, as well as from their families and estates. He also possessed a vast number of drawings from the famous collection of another avant-garde enthusiast, Nikolai Khardzhiev. After leaving the USSR in 1989 and settling in California, Viktor continued his work as a Soviet art dealer and critic, actively publishing various articles and contributing to several major Russian avant-garde exhibitions across the U.S., such as the 1991 exhibition Russia Under Fire in the 40s on the West Coast and the 1992 Guggenheim exhibition The Great Utopia: The Russian and Soviet Avant-Garde. Kholodkov also contributed to the archives of the biggest American istitutions. His unique selection of over 2000 Russian sheet music covers was acquired by The Library of Congress, and an extensive amount of material related to VKhUTEMAS is now at the J. Paul Getty Museum.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
    Feb. 11, 2017


    Est: $500 - $600

    AXELROD, MARK MOISEEVICH (RUSSIAN 1902-1970), Peasant Rebellion, 1933, oil on board, 47 x 63 cm (18 1/2 x 24 3/4 in.). authenticated by T. Akselrod on verso. LOT NOTES Axelrod was born in Maladzyechna, a small Jewish town in Belarus. As a child, he survived a pogrom and moved to Russia during World War I. He was a well-known Russian and Soviet painter, graphic and theater artist, Jewish by origin. He is famous for his watercolors depicting the lifestyle of Jewish people in Russian Empire and USSR. He studied in VHUTEMAS-VKHUTEIN. He was frowned upon in Soviet newspapers for pessimism, sketchiness, deformations, incomplete nature and even his proximity in style to Modigliani. He was forced to shift to book illustrations and theatre work. In particular, he worked in Belarus State Jewish Theatre, sometimes in Moscow State Jewish Theatre. His brother Zelik Axelrod was executed in 1941. He lived in evacuation in Alma-Ata in 1941-43 where he supported Jewish refugees from Poland. Many of Axelrod`s paintings are dedicated to Jewish scenes, for instance the series “Ghetto” (1968-1969), series “In the Steppe” - based on the impressions from the trip to agricultural Jewish commune in Crimea in 1930-31. He is the author of the paintings “Recollections of the Old Minsk”. The poet Arseniy Tarkovsky valued highly his art. His artworks are kept in Tretyakov Gallery, Russian Museum, Pushkin Museum of Visual Art. His work was barely known outside the former Soviet Union until his daughter, Elena Akselrod, published her father's biography and a representative collection of his works in Israel in 1993. PROVENANCE INFORMATION The current lot comes from the collection of the esteemed collector and art critic Viktor Kholodkov (1948-2015), who fulfilled his passion for books, avant-garde design and paper memorabilia by devoting his life to collecting and dealing of prominent works of Russian graphic art of the first half of the 20th century. Kholodkov acquired a multitude of books and artworks throughout the decades, meticulously labeling and archiving every single item. Many came directly from the most preeminent artists of the time, as well as from their families and estates. He also possessed a vast number of drawings from the famous collection of another avant-garde enthusiast, Nikolai Khardzhiev. After leaving the USSR in 1989 and settling in California, Viktor continued his work as a Soviet art dealer and critic, actively publishing various articles and contributing to several major Russian avant-garde exhibitions across the U.S., such as the 1991 exhibition Russia Under Fire in the 40s on the West Coast and the 1992 Guggenheim exhibition The Great Utopia: The Russian and Soviet Avant-Garde. Kholodkov also contributed to the archives of the biggest American istitutions. His unique selection of over 2000 Russian sheet music covers was acquired by The Library of Congress, and an extensive amount of material related to VKhUTEMAS is now at the J. Paul Getty Museum.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
    Feb. 11, 2017


    Est: $400 - $500

    AXELROD, MARK MOISEEVICH (RUSSIAN 1902-1970), Glass Factory Scetch, 1936, gouache on paper, 30 x 37 cm (11 7/8 x 14 5/8 in), signed, titled and dated on verso. LOT NOTES Axelrod was born in Maladzyechna, a small Jewish town in Belarus. As a child, he survived a pogrom and moved to Russia during World War I. He was a well-known Russian and Soviet painter, graphic and theater artist, Jewish by origin. He is famous for his watercolors depicting the lifestyle of Jewish people in Russian Empire and USSR. He studied in VHUTEMAS-VKHUTEIN. He was frowned upon in Soviet newspapers for pessimism, sketchiness, deformations, incomplete nature and even his proximity in style to Modigliani. He was forced to shift to book illustrations and theatre work. In particular, he worked in Belarus State Jewish Theatre, sometimes in Moscow State Jewish Theatre. His brother Zelik Axelrod was executed in 1941. He lived in evacuation in Alma-Ata in 1941-43 where he supported Jewish refugees from Poland. Many of Axelrod`s paintings are dedicated to Jewish scenes, for instance the series “Ghetto” (1968-1969), series “In the Steppe” - based on the impressions from the trip to agricultural Jewish commune in Crimea in 1930-31. He is the author of the paintings “Recollections of the Old Minsk”. The poet Arseniy Tarkovsky valued highly his art. His artworks are kept in Tretyakov Gallery, Russian Museum, Pushkin Museum of Visual Art. His work was barely known outside the former Soviet Union until his daughter, Elena Akselrod, published her father's biography and a representative collection of his works in Israel in 1993. PROVENANCE INFORMATION The current lot comes from the collection of the esteemed collector and art critic Viktor Kholodkov (1948-2015), who fulfilled his passion for books, avant-garde design and paper memorabilia by devoting his life to collecting and dealing of prominent works of Russian graphic art of the first half of the 20th century. Kholodkov acquired a multitude of books and artworks throughout the decades, meticulously labeling and archiving every single item. Many came directly from the most preeminent artists of the time, as well as from their families and estates. He also possessed a vast number of drawings from the famous collection of another avant-garde enthusiast, Nikolai Khardzhiev. After leaving the USSR in 1989 and settling in California, Viktor continued his work as a Soviet art dealer and critic, actively publishing various articles and contributing to several major Russian avant-garde exhibitions across the U.S., such as the 1991 exhibition Russia Under Fire in the 40s on the West Coast and the 1992 Guggenheim exhibition The Great Utopia: The Russian and Soviet Avant-Garde. Kholodkov also contributed to the archives of the biggest American istitutions. His unique selection of over 2000 Russian sheet music covers was acquired by The Library of Congress, and an extensive amount of material related to VKhUTEMAS is now at the J. Paul Getty Museum.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
    Oct. 30, 2016


    Est: $300 - $400

    MARK MOISEEVICH AXELROD (RUSSIAN 1902-1970), Peasant Rebellion, 1933, oil on board, 9 1/2 x 14 in (24 x 36 cm), signed, dated and titled on verso LOT NOTES Axelrod was born in Maladzyechna, a small Jewish town in Belarus. As a child, he survived a pogrom and moved to Russia during World War I. He was a well-known Russian and Soviet painter, graphic and theater artist, Jewish by origin. He is famous for his watercolors depicting the lifestyle of Jewish people in Russian Empire and USSR. He studied in VHUTEMAS-VKHUTEIN. He was frowned upon in Soviet newspapers for pessimism, sketchiness, deformations, incomplete nature and even his proximity in style to Modigliani. He was forced to shift to book illustrations and theatre work. In particular, he worked in Belarus State Jewish Theatre, sometimes in Moscow State Jewish Theatre. His brother Zelik Axelrod was executed in 1941. He lived in evacuation in Alma-Ata in 1941-43 where he supported Jewish refugees from Poland. Many of Axelrod`s paintings are dedicated to Jewish scenes, for instance the series Ghetto (1968-1969), series In the Steppe - based on the impressions from the trip to agricultural Jewish commune in Crimea in 1930-31. He is the author of the paintings Recollections of the Old Minsk. The poet Arseniy Tarkovsky valued highly his art. His artworks are kept in Tretyakov Gallery, Russian Museum, Pushkin Museum of Visual Art. His work was barely known outside the former Soviet Union until his daughter, Elena Akselrod, published her father's biography and a representative collection of his works in Israel in 1993.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
    Oct. 30, 2016


    Est: $400 - $500

    MARK MOISEEVICH AXELROD (RUSSIAN 1902-1970), Commercial Poster Promoting Cod Cans, 1936, watercolor on paper, 28 1/2 x 20 in ( 72 1/2 x 51 cm). LOT NOTES Axelrod was born in Maladzyechna, a small Jewish town in Belarus. As a child, he survived a pogrom and moved to Russia during World War I. He was a well-known Russian and Soviet painter, graphic and theater artist, Jewish by origin. He is famous for his watercolors depicting the lifestyle of Jewish people in Russian Empire and USSR. He studied in VHUTEMAS-VKHUTEIN. He was frowned upon in Soviet newspapers for pessimism, sketchiness, deformations, incomplete nature and even his proximity in style to Modigliani. He was forced to shift to book illustrations and theatre work. In particular, he worked in Belarus State Jewish Theatre, sometimes in Moscow State Jewish Theatre. His brother Zelik Axelrod was executed in 1941. He lived in evacuation in Alma-Ata in 1941-43 where he supported Jewish refugees from Poland. Many of Axelrod`s paintings are dedicated to Jewish scenes, for instance the series Ghetto (1968-1969), series In the Steppe - based on the impressions from the trip to agricultural Jewish commune in Crimea in 1930-31. He is the author of the paintings Recollections of the Old Minsk. The poet Arseniy Tarkovsky valued highly his art. His artworks are kept in Tretyakov Gallery, Russian Museum, Pushkin Museum of Visual Art. His work was barely known outside the former Soviet Union until his daughter, Elena Akselrod, published her father's biography and a representative collection of his works in Israel in 1993.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
    Oct. 30, 2016


    Est: $300 - $400

    MARK MOISEEVICH AXELROD (RUSSIAN 1902-1970), Factory Scene, 1934, watercolor on paper, 17 1/2 x 21 1/2 in ( 44 x 55 cm), dated on verso. LOT NOTES Axelrod was born in Maladzyechna, a small Jewish town in Belarus. As a child, he survived a pogrom and moved to Russia during World War I. He was a well-known Russian and Soviet painter, graphic and theater artist, Jewish by origin. He is famous for his watercolors depicting the lifestyle of Jewish people in Russian Empire and USSR. He studied in VHUTEMAS-VKHUTEIN. He was frowned upon in Soviet newspapers for pessimism, sketchiness, deformations, incomplete nature and even his proximity in style to Modigliani. He was forced to shift to book illustrations and theatre work. In particular, he worked in Belarus State Jewish Theatre, sometimes in Moscow State Jewish Theatre. His brother Zelik Axelrod was executed in 1941. He lived in evacuation in Alma-Ata in 1941-43 where he supported Jewish refugees from Poland. Many of Axelrod`s paintings are dedicated to Jewish scenes, for instance the series Ghetto (1968-1969), series In the Steppe - based on the impressions from the trip to agricultural Jewish commune in Crimea in 1930-31. He is the author of the paintings Recollections of the Old Minsk. The poet Arseniy Tarkovsky valued highly his art. His artworks are kept in Tretyakov Gallery, Russian Museum, Pushkin Museum of Visual Art. His work was barely known outside the former Soviet Union until his daughter, Elena Akselrod, published her father's biography and a representative collection of his works in Israel in 1993.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
    Oct. 30, 2016


    Est: $400 - $600

    MARK MOISEEVICH AXELROD (RUSSIAN 1902-1970), a sketch to a painting Peasant Rebellion, 1933, oil on board, 12 x 20 in (30 x 50 cm), signed, dated and titled on board. LOT NOTES Axelrod was born in Maladzyechna, a small Jewish town in Belarus. As a child, he survived a pogrom and moved to Russia during World War I. He was a well-known Russian and Soviet painter, graphic and theater artist, Jewish by origin. He is famous for his watercolors depicting the lifestyle of Jewish people in Russian Empire and USSR. He studied in VHUTEMAS-VKHUTEIN. He was frowned upon in Soviet newspapers for pessimism, sketchiness, deformations, incomplete nature and even his proximity in style to Modigliani. He was forced to shift to book illustrations and theatre work. In particular, he worked in Belarus State Jewish Theatre, sometimes in Moscow State Jewish Theatre. His brother Zelik Axelrod was executed in 1941. He lived in evacuation in Alma-Ata in 1941-43 where he supported Jewish refugees from Poland. Many of Axelrod`s paintings are dedicated to Jewish scenes, for instance the series Ghetto (1968-1969), series In the Steppe - based on the impressions from the trip to agricultural Jewish commune in Crimea in 1930-31. He is the author of the paintings Recollections of the Old Minsk. The poet Arseniy Tarkovsky valued highly his art. His artworks are kept in Tretyakov Gallery, Russian Museum, Pushkin Museum of Visual Art. His work was barely known outside the former Soviet Union until his daughter, Elena Akselrod, published her father's biography and a representative collection of his works in Israel in 1993.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
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