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American Indian Rugs & Textiles

The weaving traditions of American Indians have produced some of the most spectacular examples of rug and textiles available on the market today. Perhaps best embodied by the production of the southwestern Navajo tribe, American Indian rugs and textiles tell a story of both loom expertise and personal history.

While Navajo origin stories suggest they gleaned their knowledge of weaving from the mythic Spider Woman, there is also evidence to suggest they trained with weavers of other tribes, such as the Pueblo. Eventually, the Navajo charted their own course in weaving, innovating in the way that they patterned their projects. Abandoning the earlier tradition of neat, uniform line patterns, Navajo weavers instead incorporated rich patterns, including zigzags and other geometric elements alongside vibrant color.

The Navajo weaving tradition created dynamic rugs and textiles that proved highly desirable. These rugs were so popular that following their appearance around the end of the 18th century, Navajo rugs were soon traded with populations across the continent.

Quick Facts

  • Navajo rugs were typically woven by the women of the tribe
  • The Navajo people first capitalized on their weaving skill for the creation of blankets; the transition to rugs and smaller panels occurred once demand from trading posts surged
  • In addition to the stylized zigzags, Navajo rugs also frequently exhibit the feature of diamond patterns, a motif believed to have been derived from contact with Mexican weavers

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